Month: February 2016

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    Eating my first ever Red Skin. This is weird.

    @200ok @iamnotyourbroom @andrew_k @johnallsopp Red Tooth Glue was pretty much my impression from that first one.

    @themaninblue The guy at 7-11 gave me one for free. One. It’s gone. (Sorry.)

    @andrew_k @themaninblue Oh please! I bake one batch of cookies, I’m right back in the good graces.

    RT @skywalkertwink: wHO DID THIS

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    @bevanblackie @teamansarada @canva @200okpublic Thanks – looks good! Just added it to our list. 🙂

    @200okpublic @bevanblackie @teamansarada @canva Great! Thanks so much.

    RT @rgb_alpha: Best use of the camera stabilizer filter ever. #StarTrek

    Based on 4 days of listening to Hamilton soundtrack obsessively, I would’ve learned a lot more from my US History teacher if he’d rapped.

    Woke up to a selfie from my Grandma and stepmom, posing with Arnold Schwarzenegger in LA. Not even kidding. 😳

    @aimee_maree Really truly.

    @imdominating @Justacogitating I assume you guys have seen Veva with Arnold. If not, go to FB NOW.

    The story just keeps getting better and better. My grandma spotted Arnold going into the restaurant and they FOLLOWED HIM IN.

    HAHAHAHAHA, and restaurant was empty otherwise! This will go down as one of the greatest family legends.

    @Lackadazy @imdominating Oh, the actual selfie is WAY better.

    I said, “Did somebody remind Grandma that he’s a REPUBLICAN!?” She laughed. Apparently starstruck > lifelong Democratic membership. 🙂

    @chewxy I have gotten that from a lot of people over the old years – including his old friends and family!

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    @drkknits How odd. I’ve literally never used one. How would the bank know if you had?

    “You are the worst, Burr.” Lafayette KILLS ME. @imdominating @crumpet

    I used to have an ancient Windows screensaver that would draw illustrations like this. I loved that.

    @angelapriestley @NicoleWill100 I have a hard time calling it enviable. I’ve seen the slides and I’m not sure I’d like that environment.

    Web Developers meetup atGoogle with CSS & SVG working groups. (at @GoogleDownunder in Pyrmont, NSW)

    First meetup talk I’ve ever seen that uses hand-drawing in OneNote instead of slides! That’s different.

    RT @leyawn: twitter: do you guys like pop ups
    Everyone in the entire world: no
    twitter: ok we made it so if you click on a tweet it turns i…

    CSS for round displays. This is relevant to my interests.

    @developerjack I double dog dare you.

    @mattallen I had the same thought. They’re VERY similar!

    @randomknits I want a tiny house. I’m just married to someone with a lot of crap. 🙁

    @randomknits Nah. I can totally see people doing that though!

    @mattallen I kept trying to make him spin the other way like that dancer illusion.

    @mattallen It reminds me of my favourite holiday song:

    @rosepowell Is there a word for being a “stormophile”? Or did I just coin it?

    An All-Caps Explosion of Feelings Regarding the Liberal Backlash Against Hillary Clinton THIS TIMES 1000.

    @charbeattie31 @roald_dahl Because I started the @RoaldDahlFans website TWENTY YEARS AGO this year! 🙂

    Hey @teamansarada – any suggestions for @canva’s new book group? I already recommended “Turn the Ship Around.” 🙂 @200okpublic @bevanblackie

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    Officially obsessed with the Hamilton soundtrack. (I realise I’m pretty late jumping on this bandwagon.)

    @keandrews I dunno. The US touring company is just starting up. It’s so very American – not sure how well it would play overseas.

    @keandrews But then again, I thought the same thing about RENT, and that went everywhere. Maybe!

    RT @SophyRidgeSky: Top marks for optimism in @thetimes letters page

    @TheWonkaTonka @imdominating Meanwhile, I’m trying to figure out what very soft yarn works for a Princess Leia chemo cap. #FuckCancer

    @imdominating @TheWonkaTonka HOW ARE YOU POSTING GIFS WHILE DRIVING, FOOL.

    @imdominating My friend @taradefrancisco went a few days ago. Went backstage. Cried a lot. And blogged about it:

    @mobywhale @cathjones0 I’ll see you BOTH there! 😀


    @heathergracious The Snook used to have those sideburns. I miss them.

    @imdominating @Lackadazy M O O N. That spells FUCK CANCER.

    @imdominating Unf. He’s the best.

    @imdominating Such a cliche, but that moment when she tells him she’s having a baby?

    @TheRealBnut @nicwinton @canva Impossible. I’m not there.

  • My family uses Slack. It’s pretty interesting. | Labs

    My family uses Slack. It’s pretty interesting. | Labs – I started off rolling my eyes at this, but by the end I was getting some ideas. The Snook and I have used Google Hangouts for years, which is great because the whole history is searchable. But it doesn’t really have integrations like this… Hmm. Ideas. (Link courtesy of @mpesce).

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    60min yoga class followed by a bracing ride home in a FRICKING FREEZING COLD DOWNPOUR. Gahhhhh.

    RT @LookaheadSearch: ✎ Asking for a pay rise, by @GRobilliard

    Want to get better at responding to CFPs? @WWCSyd and @GGDSydney are putting on a workshop at @canva very soon!

    RT @Salon: Marvel CEO’s $1 million Trump donation is a slap in the face to fans who thought company cared about diversity…

    RT @webdirections: Develop your speaking skills at our workshop in Melb and Syd Feb 20 or 27. It’s free!