Month: March 2016

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    Sadly, it’ll be without me and my beanie this year. #traipsingaroundeurope @gusseting

    @gusseting @loisivethe Unfortunately Paris isn’t on the itinerary :(. Someday!

    I know that really it’s a good thing, but man, the fact that there are a zillion ways of doing the same thing in Git is confusing for newbs.

    @antonemdin I can see it.

    RT @cameron_rogers: “I can’t stand people who say things like, ‘That’s not really Agile.’ Of…” — @writebeard https:…

    Too wiped out to cook. Thai it is!

    @elegantpoem It was merging and squashing and rebasing and fast-forwarding and… TRAUMA. Let’s discuss no more.

    Ancient Greek sculptures dressed up in hipster clothing. I LOVE THIS.

    @mmastertheone Fascinating!

    RT @brtrx: My initial review of one of MIcrosoft’s new Cognitive Services.

    @chrisgander Elope. Much cheaper, and I can recommend a great Elvis. 🙂

    RT @nzkoz: Code comments

    Relaced my sneaks today. Thanks @skinsau! #knotme #rainbowlaces

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    Brightly coloured patterned fabric LOVE: Uniqlo’s Liberty collect ( and IKEA’s Giltig (

    @chrisgander Don’t blame the baby – you worked a second job like 6 years ago way before you ever had kids! (I remember the water heaters.)

    Totally available for celebrity endorsements. 😛 @OphelieLechat @getvero

    @chrisgander I remember you churning out articles on random topics like water heaters for some content marketing spam house. 🙂

    @randomknits Wow. Mine won’t go near vegetables. They only like Costco Whiskas food. They’re weirdoes.

    @lemon_lime It’s kind of a rip-off of this one, which has been around for years!

    RT @joeyellis: Got a handlebar clip for my phone. I feel like Batman. Like if Batman rode a bike and purchased a $30 phone clip on sale fro…

    RT @RealGDT: @RealGDT It’s important for little girls to know not every story has to be a fucking love story.

    @lemon_lime It’s a much thicker wool too, which is why the “resolution” isn’t as good. Probably faster to knit though.

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    @rosepowell The fonts are different? But if it’s responsive, it doesn’t respond to different browser widths. That’s weird.

    @johnallsopp I’ve never understood why there’s such a prejudice against “lifestyle businesses.” Seems like the dream to me!

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    I think I confused Dr Chin by referring to “maxing out my Hep B stats.” #vax 💉 (@ Broadway General Practice)

    @chrisgander Series 1? I’m on like ep 5. You mean the one in the hallway? IT’S SO GOOD.

    RT @Feministfists: how fucking perfect is this family I mean

    @chrisgander WOW. Okay, something to look forward to! (I’ve been consciously NOT bingeing it.)

    @johnallsopp @jmmastey And what do those of us with dodgy knees and the puny arms of a T.rex do? Do you “belay” at indoor climbing? 🙂

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    @diversionary I actually thought to myself when I got up, Hey, I should go for a bike ride! HA. Lucky for me, I am not a morning person.

    Is there a Kickstarter for this? Because I will fund.

    TIL Irving Berlin wrote a song called Snookey Ookums. Obvs I need this as my ringtone for the Snook NOW.

    Simpsons lunch at the Lord Gladstone. We sadly passed on the Flaming Moes. @ The Lord Gladstone

    Simpsons lunch at the Lord Gladstone. We sadly passed on the Flaming Moes.

    RT @jennijenni: Interesting insights about chores and relationships. I think I’ll get a cleaner.

  • “Snookey Ookums”

    Today I learned that Irving Berlin wrote a song called “Snookey Ookums.” And don’t think that I’m not memorising the lyrics RIGHT NOW.

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    RT @shanselman: This is AMAZING. An Alexander Hamilton + Batman Parody?!? And The Joker here is the one we deserve.

    Geeks at Glebe Markets. He bought me a necklace.

    Country Bumpkins vs City Slickers Craft Beer Challenge!