Month: March 2016

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    @that_alison Nah, this isn’t the “night terrors” one. I went for the pricey but less side effects option. 🙂

    Deadpool just finished. Now I’m impressing @TheRealBnut and @Astarael with my excyclopedic knowledge of Salt-n-Pepa lyrics.

    No, I haven’t packed yet. But I did find the mythical “aqua shoes.”

    @TheRealBnut I tipped off Elaine via Slack. She’s running to Broadway now!!

    @TheRealBnut I think the Kmart/Target advice was the problem.

    @saberkite Did you say MANGOES???

    @saberkite OOOHHH, nice. Mango season is pretty much over here.

    @indefensible We moved away from them recently. Just in time, it seems…

    Packed 12 hours before the taxi arrives? That’s unpossible.

    @stufromoz Nah, Philippines!

    @stufromoz Work and fun. 🙂

    @gilmae Don’t even, with that. I made all sorts of lists. I AM SORTED.

    @TheWonkaTonka Incidentally, we’re working out dates for a US visit. I’m hoping to be able to swing through Michigan in mid-June maybe?

    @TheWonkaTonka …with an amount of Tim Tams for you that will definitely attract the attention of Customs.

    @TheWonkaTonka BAH. They’re not right. We’ve got like 10 different varieties here. Piña colada, FTR, is pretty gross. Peanut butter = GOOD.

    Holy crap! Just discovered that Medibank accepts claims for my anti-malarial, and I just got half the cost back. EXCELLENT.

    @sebastiangrail Is that all you’re taking?!! (Oh god. Did I overpack?)

    @sebastiangrail Oh PHEW.

  • Ear Buds

    Seriously, These are the Best Affordable Ear Bud Headphones You Can Buy | Man Made DIY – Note to self: buy these ear buds (Panasonic RPTCM125K) next time you need some.

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    Show entries dropped off with time to spare! (@ The Dome in Sydney Olympic Park, NSW)

    Messina on a hot day. Cameo by the Harbour Bridge

    @randomknits Same! Need to get my mojo back.

    @gilmae I hadn’t seen that particular link, but I’ve been a fan of @kosamari’s knitting + code talks and adventures for some time now! 🙂

    @gilmae @kosamari Nah, I only found out about her stuff before CampJS last year. I’m not into the machine stuff myself (yet)…

    @gilmae @kosamari She did a great knitting talk at JS Conf though that I’ve since seen referenced a zillion times!

    Very fun to run into @clepetit today, even though I totally didn’t know he was in the country and thus nearly snubbed him as a random.

    RT @boundvariable: Only at @canva do you paint an angry koala when you launch a feature.

    @stevelikesyou @diversionary *groans*

    @stufromoz @clepetit Ha! I’m not sure exactly – we met at some tech event. For a while he was kicking my ass on Fitbit, IIRC.

    @diversionary @stevelikesyou I LITERALLY ROLLED MY EYES.

    @mobywhale Oh, I met a friend of yours tonight at @i386’s birthday drinks. Jared? He said you said hello. 🙂

    RT @glamourmag: Watch the women of @HamiltonMusical sing and rap feminist quotes for #WomensHistoryMonth:

    RT @Real_CSS_Tricks:

    @karenmcgrane answers questions of an 8th grader interested in web design, then turns the tab…

    Just took my first anti-malarial pill. Wheeee!

    @TheRealBnut Malarone

    @TheRealBnut Mine suggested it. The others are cheaper but you have to take for longer and they have some nasty side effects, it seems.

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    I’ll be chiming in on this live chat in half an hour if you want to listen in!

    So frustrating that my video isn’t working for the @mediascope_ chat! Sorry everyone. 🙁

    Hey @blab – I’ve got a fast connection, but I’m unable to use video in the chat. Any ideas?

    @blab Yep, latest version of Chrome!

    @blab Audio is working, and I can see the video from the other two participants.

    @blab Hm. I thought I had, but I only see the microphone listed. How can I force it to re-ask?

    Well, if I accomplished nothing else in that web chat this morning, I gave @GEMINI3jobshare some shout outs! @madelgiles

    RT @RailsGirls_SYD: The next Rails Girls in Sydney will be on April 1-2 2016! Please apply to join us and share with your friends 🙂

    @rosepowell I liked it, but the reveal wasn’t super central to that. It prompted me to do a lot of reading about animal consciousness.

    Had to leave the @canva 10 Million Users celebration to finish my Easter Show Knitting. (Ugh. Down to the wire every damn year…)

    Nailed it! Baby’s First Cricket Vest.

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    @TheWonkaTonka FURIOSA LIVES.

    @brodrigu Ha! Okay, off-the-grid gets you some hipster bonus points, definitely.

    @rosepowell Didn’t you read “We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves”?? No on the chimp.

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    Somewhere @gilmae’s pumpkin-pie-sense is tingling…

    Video chats on sick days mean the @canva Manila team get to see my spiffy Princess Leia jammies. 🙂

    @saberkite Not today… but sometimes. 😀

    RT @msharp: Just backed Oi on Kickstarter. Useful for those riding in NSW, with the latest aggressive policing of cyclists.…

    RT @idriselba: .@McConaughey you have one new follower. #DarkTowerMovie

    Idris Elba is going to be playing Roland of Gilead? I’m dead. Where do I get tickets? For all, like, dozen movies?

    RT @GGDSydney: New event now live: Data Centre Bootcamp with AWS!

    @canva @chrisgander @tiphereth YOU GUYS ARE MAKING ME BLUSH!

    RT @arnettwill: I’ve made a huge mistake

    I know some women product managers in Sydney. Get on this! @GGDSydney

    @canva Not today, but I’ve been known to rock it old school in the past. 🙂

    @lemon_lime @canva Alas, it was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…

    @themaninblue Something that didn’t SPARK JOY?

    Congratulations, mate!

    GAHH. I forgot the first rule of working from home: never answer the phone. Only spammers and telemarketers call during business hours.

    @gilmae Tell me about it. @the_snook has some crazy justification for keeping it.

    Hipster poll: how many different ways could you make coffee in your house right now? We have four. (Instant doesn’t count. You lose.)

    Actually it’s 5! @johnallsopp reminded me of Aeropress. That, espresso, slow drip, French press, and Moka pot.

    Points for arguing semantics, but EW. No instant and no Frankenstein coffee analogues either! @MikeRiethmuller

    Whoa. @chewxy definitely wins!

    @TheRealBnut Nice one!

  • When are we gonna get those shields up?

    Behold, HAMILTREK. This is relevant to my interests.