Month: April 2016

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    Oh FFS. (First bedding I bought myself as a grown-up in London had astronauts and planets all over them!)

    @randomknits Ooh, I liked them too!

    RT @mmfa: Wash. Post debunks conservative myth that the gender wage gap is result of women’s choices:…

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    @saucelabs Yep, sent an email this morning! Thanks.

    @stufromoz No togas spotted, but lots of sombreros!

    Decided to check what’s playing in the West End when we hit London next month. Hm. Jon Snow as Dr. Faustus, vs Robb Stark as Romeo….

    @glasnt Eighty quid a ticket is why not both… 🙁

    @randomknits Jealous. Have fun!

    @randomknits WAIT, @gilmae went?! Hahahahaa…. Now I’m really sorry I missed it!

    @gilmae I have now seen you use both “totes” and “bae” in a tweet within the last week. I can’t even respond.

    Conveniently, @the_snook and I are headed there in a month. SAVE SOME FOR US.

    @johnallsopp Well?! How was it?

    RT @sesamestreet: It’s #FriendshipFriday! Join @MeCookieMonster as he sings a song about true friendship! https://t…

    RT @isaach: so good. “A poem about Silicon Valley, assembled from Quora questions about Silicon Valley” https://t.c…

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    @msharp @canvatech @canva Yes indeed. Just tweaking something! Sorry for that. 🙂

    @TheWonkaTonka @imdominating With a sharpie?! BADASS.

    RT @idealogmag: This:

    Lazyweb: anybody know how I can download Safari 8 for Mac to test something?

    @pbrdmn Only goes up to 5.1.1 🙁

    @pbrdmn I tried using @saucelabs, but the VM was so slow I couldn’t even log in during the 10min free trial. *sigh*

    @mattchardy That looked totally wrong to me. I had to double-check you still weren’t incorrect.

    Ain’t no party like a Lookahead party!

    Wait. Confused. Who–?

    What the. Why is every uni student in the Inner West travelling in drunken mobs up Broadway right now?

    @ericdot At one point, a guy came over to Rodd going “Simon! Simon!!” and was very disappointed to learn he was not, in fact, @diversionary.

    @TheRealBnut ikr?!

    @TheRealBnut LOL. Nah, @diversionary is actually 3-D!

    What @msharp said. Thanks @LookaheadSearch, and many happy returns!

    @whalec @diversionary I can’t believe I never noticed the resemblance before tonight!

    The question is – which one is the Evil twin? @diversionary @the_snook

    @steven_noble See, I’ve been to the beach in Melbourne. And it did not live up to that song.

    @rosepowell I’m interested that you read it as dying. I didn’t get that at all.

    @saucelabs I got an email last night about slowness, but it’s still happening. I’m just trying to log into Canva to test on Safari 8.

    @saucelabs And I’m now 7 minutes in still waiting for the form to submit. 🙁

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    @rosepowell Should make tonight’s tech event with them fun. 😱

    @NicoleWill100 @rosepowell

    My heart rate just shot up 20bpm. EEEP!

    Wow, I know a lot of folks at #HelloWorld tonight! And if I don’t know you, please say hello at some point.

    @mootpointer You planned that.

    @frankarr I know YOU.

    I thought bots were the new apps. #HelloWorld

    @JM77 @developerjack You dorks. 😜

    If I learn nothing else from tonight, I now know Guess the 90′s exists. #HelloWorld

    For anyone who thinks I’m an early adopter, know that @tinypang always. gets. there. first.

    She said Tweetdeck. Please don’t kill Tweetdeck. #HelloWorld

    @busbub Boo. Boooooooo!

    @busbub Shhh I’m still bitter they killed off RSS feeds for Twitter streams.

    YOU JUST BLEW MY MIND. #HelloWorld

    @busbub GLARES. Young people these days…

    Talking about “second screens.”
    Flashbacks. #HelloWorld

    @frankarr LOL. Sadly, I was thinking more like 18 months ago.

    How tweets end up on #QandA. Now *this* is relevant to my interests. #HelloWorld


    RT @_patmurray: #QandA can get a tweet to screen in 5 seconds! #HelloWorld @TwitterDev

    Social media comments overlaid on catch up TV. Built this in a hackathon 18 months ago. 😂 #HelloWorld

    Ran into an old friend tonight! @Reidyd @metaeaux

    @catehstn I see your point on all that, but mostly I was excited because @kunaal84 and I have worked together 4x and the streak must go on

    @catehstn And hiring us as a pair makes it a lot simpler. 🙂

    @catehstn A woman? And a brown dude? DIVERSITY BONUS. @kunaal84

    Funnest part of tonight was definitely rage-messaging @daphnechong.

    @techAU Nice to meet you tonight!

    RT @codepo8: Another painful “hiring is broken” article.

    @Chris_Gammell @eevblog @TheAmpHour I did an updated version recently of my Knitting as Computer Code talk. 🙂

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    @shanicegarcia Whaaaaa? And yet no one posted a photo of them in the #cats Slack channel!

    @TheRealBnut We went with HBO Now.

    Watching Silicon Valley S3E1. I’m up to three fist pumps so far.

    @shanicegarcia Yes! You’ll have to join in there tomorrow. @metaeaux and @saberkite and @tinypang and all the other cat-lovers. 🙂

    @cdeagle I’ve had “The have-nots are gonna win this – it’s hard to listen to you with a straight face” running in my head all morning.

    @johnallsopp @mpesce Wait, what did I miss?

    @johnallsopp @mpesce I’m immersed in this though, and I might have to jump out a window after reading.

    This is amazing. Someone is going to write the Microserfs of our generation, and I hope it’s Anna Weiner.

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    @drwitty_knitter We let a couple parsley plants go to seed last year. Now our garden is a parsley farm.

    @nicwinton @TheRealBnut Do you know, I actually just thought those were random keyboard-mashing letters. Today I realised I could read it.

    Afraid to even look at Twitter or FB until we get the GoT subscription sorted out…

    I got sorted into Gryffindor on #pottermore // I had to be sure after that discussion with @nicwinton. PHEW.

    RT @RoseRed_Shoes: @web_goddess was there ever any doubt, Hermione?

    @joshhunt I’m loving the photos. (PS I’ll pay top dollar for any souvenirs you can find from Hamilton.)

  • Life in a very small town

    A writer returns to his hometown — once isolated, now connected — to conduct an experiment and answer the unanswerable

    Source: The Internet Really Has Changed Everything. Here’s the Proof. — Backchannel

    Lovely piece about growing up in a very small town. I related a lot. My school was a little bigger–we did have a newspaper and some AP classes–but everything else was the same. I was in high school before I met my first black person. The only radio stations were country and classic rock. It was a Big Deal when our town got a McDonald’s. We didn’t have the Internet but we did have cable, which was a lifeline for some of us. (I remember staying up late to watch 120 Minutes on MTV and seeing videos by XTC and the Breeders.) I wonder if the lives of high school kids in Lagrange have changed as much as the those in Napoleon…

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    Are you addicted to “yes”? // Ooof. Yeah. Juggling some “yes-stress” right now, in fact.

    Mojo Pork – the first step in making a Cubano sandwich. #longweekend #cooking

    @lightningdb We watched Chef a fortnight ago, and the Cubano sandwich has been an obsession ever since.

    Cubano Sandwich with Buttermilk Slaw. Sooooo good. #longweekend #cooking