Month: June 2016

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    RT @heyyou_app: SydPHP meetup ongoing! @web_goddess on “Challenges of maintaining a 20 year old website in HTML” #sydphp #HeyYouApp https:/…

    It takes guts to admit it’s your first ever talk. And he NAILED it! @jesse_bryant at #sydphp

    Stand back! @developerjack is going to do live coding. #sydphp

    I don’t have kids, so “You don’t look old enough to have a 20-year-old website!” is pretty much as good as it’s gonna get. #sydphp

    Can’t decide if I’m proud or embarrassed that both me and @jesse_bryant used the Boromir meme in our #sydphp talks.

    Artisan cast iron pans. Once again, I am ahead of the curve. *eyeroll* (Which reminds me – need to reseason mine!)

    For anyone at #sydphp who wants to see my Knitting as Computer Code talk!

    @DarrenNolan_ @ThisIsMakena Hey, I never once mentioned frames! I’m not a total monster. 🙂

    Happy Canada Day to my Northern friends!

    Whither The Webpage by @ThaxRomana // YES! Bring back the independent, goofy, passion-project websites of yore!

    @ThisIsMakena @DarrenNolan_ Never! (Or if I ever did, has thankfully skipped over that repressed memory.)

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    @TheWonkaTonka YAY! I was actually wondering if you’d have them on your birthday. Many happy returns! 🙂

    @TheWonkaTonka @imdominating So much hair!

    @johnallsopp XKCD used to sell a skirt that had a regexp cheat sheet printed upside down around the bottom. Still annoyed I didn’t get it.

    Recommended for productivity: Ambient Electronica on Google Play Music

    @omarsyd It’s possible I’m the only one. A Googler finally wore me down so I’m giving it a free trial. 🙂

    @rosepowell That’s how I feel when I’m busy.

    @heathergracious NICE CATCH – definitely right up my alley. Sending them an email now. 🙂 Thank you!

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    @halfwrittentale The Google Election map actually shows which polling places have cake stalls & sausage sizzles. 🙂

    @MrSimblaa Pours out a 40 in solidarity…

    @chrismessina I got very excited thinking it was a bot that would tell me about @GelatoMessina ice cream.

    RT @ajamesbran: Stats: 1 in every 150,000 Icelandic people have scored against England. 1 in 60,000 are in Sigur Ros. 3 in every million ar…

    Ha! @emd3737 – this is for you.

    I’m giving a talk at Thursday’s @sydphp meetup on the challenges of maintaining & migrating a 20yo website. Join us!

    I’m giving a talk on Thurs @sydphp meetup on the challenges of maintaining & migrating a 20yo website. Join us!

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    @BusesInnerWest Cleveland St Near Beaumont St. Twice this week a scheduled 352 didn’t turn up. 🙁

    RT @HillaryClinton: SCOTUS’s decision is a victory for women in Texas and across America. Safe abortion should be a right—not just on paper…

    RT @JenAshleyWright: Be the Lyanna Mormont you want to see in the world. #GameOfThrones

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    Thanks to @unlikelylibrary for helping me track down a very obscure (and frankly, not that good) Dahl story!

    @Malarkey Sure! kris.howard AT gmail 🙂

    Okay, self. @BusesInnerWest fooled you again. The 9:42 #352 is definitely fictitious.

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    The world may be going to hell in a handbasket, but I did the most satisfyingly PERFECT parallel park today. So there’s that.

    @randomknits We went there on Tuesday! I got mine “naked style”. 🙂

    @gilmae @randomknits Down-n-out burgers, right?

    @gilmae @randomknits Ah, yeah. They use a hunk of iceberg lettuce as the bun!

    @randomknits Haha, the bubbles make it classy! 😛

    The Dahl interview I did recently is live! Only one quote, but he did use a lot of the material I gave him. 🙂

    @gilmae @randomknits *drool* Also, I cannot understand why you both aren’t super fat. 😂

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    My vacation last month would’ve been a whole lot cheaper. *sigh*

    @i386 Well, they let us into Eurovision.

    RT @neilphillips: Dear Remainers.

    There is beer in the fridge.



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    @gilmae Photo forthcoming.

    Portrait of an American sorority girl, according to @i386.

    Yay, well done both of you! @poppiepack @KiahHickson

    @web_goddess @poppiepack @KiahHickson And @DanSiepen, of course. 🙂

    RT @jaysantos89: Brainstorming @canva be like.

    @otterfaseowl Are those caramels? Look more like rock candy!

    @theophani Imposter Syndrome! Power through. You’ll be awesome. 🙂

    @delitescere You could’ve voted for Mathison!

    RT @canva: Enter the Canva Cup for a chance to win some amazing prizes! Rules here: #giveaway #canvacup https://t.c…

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    Realised I missed my one-year Canva-versary two weeks ago! Celebrating by wearing one of o…

    @chrisgander Bah. That whole lawsuit was a massive win for Amazon. They have an ebook monopoly now. They’re not any better.

    @chrisgander I have a Kindle too, and I like it. But their little war with Hachette shows how they can abuse a monopoly.

    @Darlinedppr No. And I’m blocking you, spammer.

    @LeenaVanD I did not know that. Huh!

    Rodd: Why are you dressed as Han Solo?
    Me: Sorority girl. As a joke to amuse @i386.
    Rodd: Ah… You forgot your Pumpkin Spice Latté.

    RT @TUSK81: John Lewis getting pulled off a stool during a sit-in in the 60s. And John Lewis today.