Month: July 2016

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    RT @RoaldDahlFans: Quentin Blake is great, but there are lots of beautiful Dahl covers from other artists too! http…

    He wanted a New York Cheesecake for his birthday. (Damn oven has a hot spot!)

    @evanderkoogh I know! For NDC. You coming along to Pubconf on Friday to see my awesome talk? 🙂

    @evanderkoogh Oh wait. You meant for the cheesecake. Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. That sucker is like a third gone already.

    Are @Citymapper’s bus times for Sydney live? It said 3 min for a bus that was literally pulling up. Orange “live” symbol was showing too. ☹️

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    @c_kroc Hiya! Are you the person who knitted the binary Ravelry scarf? I’ve been trying to track you down. 🙂

    Celebrating my best friend’s birthday with smoked brisket.

    How a 40-year-old carnivore celebrates his birthday. (Apologies to the vegos.)

    …And after. It smells amazing.

    @ijayessbe @developerjack Whoa. Must be a new laptop.

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    I’d ask who wore it better, but I think it’s clear @damien_singh wins this round.

    Listening to @paprikaxu introduce herself to her new @canva colleagues!

    @OphelieLechat Recruiter?

    RT @MissDahlELama: It’s so interesting to see how many of us remember Chelsea being ripped apart. The impression that had on girls our age…

    @SerriLaw I can’t think of a more worthy recipient!! @justasitsounds (What was the project?)

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    Just standing at the bus stop, practicing my @TEDxMelbourne and @PubConf speech out loud like a maniac…

    RT @timkaine: We all have to decide whether to be right or do right. If you want to do right, be an optimist.

    RT @DamonOehlman: I’ve just released an additional 5 tickets for @NodeBotsAU day in Sydney this Saturday: 🔥🔥🔥

    Always amused when growth hackers email me via my blog asking me to review their Canva competitor. Uh, DO BETTER RESEARCH SPAMMERS.

    Me: “I think I might be depressed.”
    @the_snook: “Uh oh!”

    My husband, folks.

    RT @ShannonDowney: Worthy of a rapid stitch. @BarackObama #potus #DemsInPhilly

    RT @teamansarada: #ndcsydney are running free youth coding workshops next Tuesday.

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    @jdub Thank you. That’s suddenly become a massive pet peeve of mine, and I heard it ALL THE TIME. Even from people who should know better.

    RT @jaredskolnick: Hillary should walk onstage dressed as a Ghostbuster just to rub it in

    Excited to see @thebeastoz! I probably should’ve eaten more. (@ Drama Theatre, Sydney Opera House in Sydney, NSW)

    Oh, DAMN. As a former stage manager, I winced (through my laughter). That’s gonna be one busy intermission. 😂 @thebeastoz

    @that_alison +1000.

    @that_alison LOL

    Flashback to the start of the evening…

    Him: “@Eddieperfect’s pretty much satirising us, you know.” Me: “Yeah, but I satirise my own lifestyle quite regularly.” @thebeastoz

    @kosamari Ha! I’d love to see your thoughts on a knitting curriculum.