Month: July 2016

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @sebastianparis Thanks Seb!!

    RT @leadingatwork: Demand for ‘creative’ qualifications expected to soar via @smh #ACOLAinnovation…

    @4colorcowboy Why do those remind me of Popsicles? They give me a strong sense of Popsicle nostalgia…

    @4colorcowboy I think it’s because of this:

    FWIW, I thought the Rockpool Reuben was way better than the burger. #controversy @boundvariable @nikyoudale

    The real BFG inspiration was Roald Dahl’s friend via @MailOnline // I met Wally in 2000!

    Many thanks to @laurarawlings for our lovely chat tonight! Can’t wait to hear her show.

    @randomknits Ugh, so cute. Meanwhile, Dr. Amy barfed up her dinner all over the kitchen.

    @codepo8 Are you sure you’re not actually being punished for something?

    @codepo8 Maybe you’re actually in Hell.

    @ChiefDisrupter You’ve met via email; now say hello to #EqualityHacks’s @knitterjp on Twitter. I’ve already warned her about you. 😂

    Of course you did! Some happy, familiar faces there. Congrats @bilue_voice! @ericdot

    My BBC radio interview about Roald Dahl is online! (It’s at 1:26:00.) Thanks @bbcrb @laurarawlings @buschenfeld. 🙂

  • Shared today on Twitter

    RT @themaninblue: Some of the best gifs shared today as part of the #canvaiphone launch

    About time. Thanks Twitter!

    RT @TheWonkaTonka: regram @imdominating
    Today was a good day. #fuckcancer

    Got invitation from @thebeastoz to check out @Eddieperfect’s new play! Reading synopsis… suddenly worried it’s a set up. #foodiewanker 😂

    @boundvariable Well, I’m totally going to have 80’s theme music playing in my head now every day when I see you. So you kinda do.

    Embarrassment of riches today. Two speaking invitations – including TEDx Melbourne!!!! – and I’m doing a BBC Radio interview tomorrow night!

    @mobywhale Thank you! Turning into a really awesome week. And tomorrow I get to have dinner with @hannahyanfield, THE FAMOUS TWEETER. 😛

    @hannahyanfield @mobywhale With emoji and everything! The student has become the master.

    @lisaaharrison1 Thank you!! It’s turning into a very good week. I’m putting good vibes out there for everybody else in return!

    @evanderkoogh One of the speaking invitations was courtesy of @daphnechong! SEE, SHE HELPED ME OUT. THAT’S WHAT FRIENDS DO.

    @Geek_Manager Congratulations!! Really thrilled for you. 🙂

    The BBC Radio interview, I should note, is actually about Roald Dahl. It’s a big year for @RoaldDahlFans.

    Sleepphones! Thanks for the suggestion, @amylovestea_

    Letters of Note: You are the best author in human history // AWW! I love this cuddly, not-at-all prickly Alan Moore.

    @LizlingC Yes! I got some from Amazon. Looking forward to using them on my next trip. 🙂

    RT @TechCrunch: Canva brings professional design to anyone with its new iPhone app

    @LizlingC I think they had a Bluetooth version too! I just went with the wired one.