Month: August 2016

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    @servantofchaos That’s me, except with fabric and knitting wool.

    RT @servantofchaos: J&J Australia runs a ‘HaTCHathon’ to tap tech talent for better health #hackathon

    Way to go @Astarael!!

    @drkknits I’ve met people who thought that “Shut up” was rude. My stepdad used to have a problem with it. (My siblings say it all the time.)

    @drkknits So may be less to do with academia, and just really, really polite people.

    RT @JSConfAU: We’re still on the look for sponsors who can help magic happen 🔮

    Get in touch: sponsors at

    @DarrenNolan_ @JSConfAU I know that @twalve is definitely involved… 🙂

    @DarrenNolan_ Incidentally, @GGDSydney are also looking for a few more sponsors for SheHacks in a few weeks! Talk to @shvedma 😀

    @laimelde YOU’VE NEVER READ IT?!

    RT @troyhunt: Just blogged: The Dropbox hack is real

    Public Speaking Workshop courtesy of @wwcsyd and @Speaking4Life (@ Web Directions HQ)

    Once again, the main feedback is I talk too damn fast. I think SLOW DOWN is going to be my pre-talk mantra. @Speaking4Life @WWCSyd

    The Snook’s away in the Blue Mountains, so this is pretty much my house right now. #juiceboxlyf

    @Jonwestenberg @Speaking4Life @WWCSyd Pause more. Pause pause pause. Maybe I’ll write SLOW DOWN on all my notes. 😀

    @JoshuaBretag Dude. You are ruining my Canva team list.

    @Malarkey Excellent news!

    @Malarkey Absolutely! Is the missus coming with you? She was fun. 😀

    @ButenkoMe @nkbtnk @erinrwhite I was spruiking SheHacks last night and ran into this same feedback. Competition puts some women off.

  • musicForProgramming(task);

    Just discovered musicForProgramming(“task“); – “a collaborative series of mixes designed for listening while programming (compatible with other activities)”. OOH, this is excellent. I am bookmarking this one.

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    Lazyweb: in NSW, what’s the material difference between being a permanent employee and a contractor?

    @nconnaughton Haha, that was my impression too. 😀

    @liamvhogan @heathergracious @nconnaughton @andrew_k Thanks folks. 🙂

    @hellomista WHOA, SO SHINY!!

    Minimalist Photos of Vintage Computers Restored to Their Original Glory This is so my thing.

    @MelissaKaulfuss If you visit Silicon Valley, highly recommend the Computer History Museum. I loved it.

    @MelissaKaulfuss OHGOD you just gave me the idea to knit them into a fairisle jumper.

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    RT @RoaldDahlFans: Goodbye, Gene Wilder. You brought Wonka to life for generations and you’ll be sorely missed. htt…

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    @pwcc I argued with someone once about their criteria to only hire developers with “passion,” who “live, eat, sleep only to write code.”

    @pwcc Which adds “doesn’t have to take care of anyone else” to your list – the trifecta.

    Casting on my first new knitting project in ages. #hopespringsanew @4colorcowboy

    RT @chiuki: AMAZING post on Livetweeting Tech Conferences by @bridgetkromhout

    This gif of Mary Berry being like WTF as Paul dunks a Jaffa Cake in tea is my everything.

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    Hey @asmallorange – I like you guys, but this is 2nd time I’ve had to resort to Twitter when a support ticket stays open for 2+ weeks. 🙁

    RT @cmclymer: That moment when @DrNeilTyson shuts down your sexist joke about women in science.


    How to: Cotton Candy / Fairy Floss Costume. One of our best costumes ever!

    @gilmae Stupid Sydney weather wouldn’t cooperate, so I sacrificed some brain cells. Worth it.

    @simonraikallen Jealous! I had a chance to pick up tickets to see him in Sydney tomorrow but they were gone before I could pounce. 🙁

  • How to: Cotton Candy / Fairy Floss Costume

    Cotton Candy CostumeYesterday was Canva’s third birthday, and the plan was to have a “Carnival” themed party to celebrate. As you all know, the Snook and I don’t mess around when it comes to costumes. We wanted to do something original and fun. (No “sexy ringmaster” for us, thank you!) I searched Pinterest for ideas, and I even looked through a gallery of freak show performers.

    Me: I had a hilarious image of you as a bearded lady
    but that might be offensive
    The Snook: well, I’m offended 😛

    In the end we decided to play it a bit safer. The original plan was to be sideshow performers – either plate spinners or bottle balancers – until I stumbled across this: DIY Cotton Candy Costume. We both laughed at the idea and decided to go for it. I documented the entire process and figured I’d share it here.


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    RT @canva: Big thanks to @blackbirdvc for sending us these lovely donuts for our third birthday!

    @johnallsopp Haha, the newsletter links today are kind of depressing!

    Canva Carnival birthday party!

    The most huggable people in ALL THE WORLD!

    Who’s hungry?!

    I got sprinkles in mah fluff.

