Month: August 2016

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    @catehstn I just read it. Interesting. Ties in to a thing that’s been rattling around my brain too. I realised recently that I have a site

    @catehstn that’s been running for 20 years. TWENTY. Nothing I built professionally lasted more than maybe two, tops.

    @catehstn So much of what we build disappears. I like the idea that we can also build things that last and be useful and not a novelty.

    Lovely big photo of @GRobilliard @kouky @toolmantim @stephenlead 😀

    @catehstn Thanks! I’ve been workshopping a talk and submitted it to a few events. It’s still evolving. 🙂

    This is genius. Well done, @webdirections!

    Ooh. New pattern from @TessutiFabric! My sewing mojo is returning… Frankie Top/Dress

    @lemon_lime The trailers look terrible. Also, that song is terrible. And you are terrible.

    @lemon_lime I will admit, however, that as soon as I figured out what movie it was, I went “PASS-A-MA-QUODDY!” And Rodd’s like, WTF.

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    @nconnaughton @i386 You’re an HGTV reality show WAITING TO HAPPEN, DARLING.

    Things 2016 Me has seen that would surprise 1996 Me: seeing @kelleydeal retweet @TanyaDonelly about a new Belly tour. (2016 is pretty cool!)

    Cab Sav pairs nicely with Sharpies and Post-Its! #equalityhacks

    Told #Equalityhacks about the upcoming @NodeGirlsSydney coding bootcamp. Someone googled it. UGH, GOOGLE, NO.

    @gusseting @NodeGirlsSydney Holy shit, REALLY? That’s ridiculous. Yeah, progress I guess.

    I remember when people used to say “You’ll never get fired going with IBM (as a vendor)”. Times have changed! #CensusFail

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    RT @wordcampsyd: Speaker: Kris Howard – My Website is Old Enough to Vote – The Challenges of Maintaining a 20-year-old Website…

    That’s so great! 😊 Well done, @DannielleG99 – and your Mum!! #TEDxMelbourne

    @pwcc @johnallsopp So what happens when I hit the 40’s (next year!!) ? Is that when I become a wizard? 🙂

    RT @NodeGirlsSydney: REGISTRATION IS OPEN for next coding bootcamp for women @coderfactory Sydney. Register here: h…

    @hannahyanfield Haha, I’ve got the @nomnompaleo iPad app and cook from it all the time!

    RT @elaconf: Read about @web_goddess’s path to public speaking🎙 and finding a mentor 🌟

    @elaconf Thanks for sharing! Wow, I wish I could be at your conference. It looks amazing. 🙂

    @lucykbain @elaconf @techspeakdigest Now I want to put one on here. Waiting for Lucy to enable in 3….2….1….

    @lucykbain @mobywhale I did it! Private FB group. Invited you both. 😀

    @FrankCharlton Just wanted to thank you for the awesome tweets. I’m sharing with my testing team right now!

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    Tuesday. Engaging beast mode… #canvaiphone

    @TheRealBnut Haha, nah. Trying to find the root cause of a non-iOS bug…

    RT @YouAreDogNow: .@jtimberlake You Are Dog Now

    @Malarkey @guardian And based on your referral, I just downloaded it. I’m a fan so far.

    Full house at Girl Geeks! (at @Atlassian in Sydney, NSW)

    Listening to @azadehkhojandi teach us about @unclebobmartin’s SOLID principles. Relevant to my interests. #GGDSyd

    “I’d wish you luck, but luck is for the ill-prepared.” Wisdom from Amanda Elliott at #GGDSyd

    In awe of @lucykbain’s badassery – intentionally blank slides. #ggdsyd

    Suddenly thinking about starting a semi-regular meetup group for women working on tech talks in Syd. (Credit to @lucykbain’s #GGDSyd talk!)

    Made @nomnompaleo’s Slow Cooker Korean Short Ribs today. YUM!

    @kouky @TheRealBnut Bleurgh. I’ve tried like 5 times tonight and I’m officially giving up. We’ve got weeks to do it.

    Awwww, I got mentioned in this week’s Technically Speaking newsletter! Thanks @catehstn and @chiuki 🙂

    Average Manager vs. Great Manager — Medium – Excellent. We all deserve great managers!

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    RT @netmag: We’re proud to announce @canva’s @themaninblue has joined the #generateconf Sydney line-up! https://t.c…

    RT @yow_oz: Listen to an inspirational story at our next #yownight is with @DarylWMcB on Flying Robot School – 11 Aug in Sydney https://t.c…

    He actually managed to convince me!

    I just got a push notification from a wine app (@delectable) I haven’t used in months at 8:30 in the morning. Ugh. Delete.