Month: September 2016

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    Aww, flowers! What a lovely and unexpected surprise. Thanks @canva. 🌺

    @darthted @200ok I haven’t watched any of it. It was a conscious choice for my own mental health.

    RT @Classlicity: People criticizing Clinton’s preparedness probably also don’t realize Hermione is the only reason Harry Potter survived 7…

    RT @yow_oz: 3 more days to our SYDNEY #YOWNight exclusive with Suz Hinton @noopkat from Kickstarter – Sept 29

    Where do I sign up to join the agriculture team so I can start my matriarchal orgiastic Mars cult? #redmars

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    @AshleaMcKay Wasn’t sure if you meant the hair or the lippie, but they both look FAB!

    This is silly. I knit and sew, and it’s far more expensive to knit and sew than it is to buy.

    I mean, “how to make a simple T-shirt” – are they joking? Do you know what an overlocker costs? Decent jersey fabric? Ridiculous.

    @mmastertheone @Gin_ev_ra Exactly! I mean, I’m a fan of mending, sure. But it’s ridiculous to chastise the young for not sewing t-shirts.


    Okay, I think I’ve read all the internet. Time for chores. #funemployment

    @mark_sabbatical Repairs, definitely. The world needs Maintainers! πŸ˜‰

    @gilmae Exactly! I think self-sufficiency and maintenance are important, but this is the 21st century. Let’s be realistic.

    @MaxAntonovAU @andykelk Just passed that on to @sezshares – you’d be lucky to get her! πŸ™‚

    @jesstelford @ijayessbe @yow_oz has offered childminding the last few years!

    @yow_oz @jesstelford @ijayessbe Whoops- didn’t realise it was so new!

    @tareiking Oh, thank you! Between your response and @glasnt’s, I decided to submit. πŸ™‚

    YAYYY @mssharonfrance is on Twitter! πŸ˜€

    @mssharonfrance And you’re already liking, and replying… You got this. πŸ™‚

    RT @glasnt_ebooks: We can all go home now! Knitting is totally open technology!

    @glasnt_ebooks @glasnt So freaking great.

    RT @themaninblue: If you’re interested in the Sydney Startup scene, you should check out the Spark Festival:

    RT @RHoKSydney: Temperatures are rising and RHoK Sydney is out of hibernation! Team forming 9 Nov, Hackathon 26-27 Nov! RSVP at https://t.c…

    @darkhorse166 @lucykbain Yes, a few! Check out and

    @darkhorse166 @lucykbain I know because I use and it imports from sites that use those (which are most!).

    For #funemployment day two, I’m eating cream puffs for breakfast. Thanks @pyko and @meganwcook!

    @darkhorse166 It’s pretty good. I use bookmarklet to scrape interesting recipes on my desktop, then sync to iPad in the kitchen!

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    @TheDesignWeb My lightning talk this arvo is about knitting. πŸ™‚

    My overseas absentee ballot arrived today!

    @slace I’m funemployed for another week. πŸ˜€

    @aquintex @GovGaryJohnson Sorry. #ImWithHer

    RT @tallandtrue: Kris @web_goddess Howard explains how Granny Was a #Knitting Hacker at #WordsPress #WordCamp #Sydney πŸ™‚ #WCSSyd https://t.…

    @cameronjonesweb Thank you!!

    RT @thewebprincess: . @web_goddess just schooled us on knitting code and how to do a lightning talk. Outstanding!! #WCSyd

    @Brook_McCarthy @thewebprincess Thank you! I’m normally not that nervous when presenting. Took me a while to settle into it. πŸ˜‚

    For more of my wacky knitting + computer ideas, I’ll be speaking at YOW Connected and all 3 YOW Confs. πŸ˜† #WCSyd

    Holy crap. William Gibson retweeted me today. 😳

    And there’s @developerjack showing his lightning talk karaoke skillz. #WCSyd

    Ha! @canva makes an unexpected cameo in the #WCSyd lightning talk karaoke. πŸ˜‚

    @fbz I’m glad you liked that tweet, because I mention KnitYak in the talk. πŸ˜€

    @imdominating Disappointing? The tatt?

    RT @yow_oz: Don’t miss Suz Hinton @noopkat from Kickstarter on Sept 29 SYDNEY #YOWNight exclusive

    Am I Introverted, or Just Rude? *cough*

    RT @KatieConf: Announcing WOOTCONF 2017: a one-day conf celebrating Women of Open Technology

    This time, it’s really happening. ✨


    @glasnt GAHH. I want to submit a talk for WOOTCONF, but I suspect knitting – even super geeky knitting – won’t go down well as topic. πŸ™

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    Listening to @pwcc persuade us all that it’s easy to contribute to WordPress Core! #WCSyd

    TIL the concept of Yoda conditions. Thanks @pwcc! #WCSyd

    @catehstn I totally read that in the voice of Carrie from Sex and the City. πŸ˜‚

    Hearing about great free resources from fellow Midwesterner @katslump! #WCSyd

    Mid-morning break at #WCSyd? Time to sneak off for a visit to #SheHacks2016!

    It’s all happening at #SheHacks2016 today! Thanks @yow_oz for the snacks!

    RT @darthted: Proud to sponsor #SheHacks2016 @findercomau.

    As usual, I appear to be the only person knitting at the tech conference. #WCSyd

    @kristarella I’m giving a lightning talk tomorrow on knitting as computer code! I hope you can make it. πŸ™‚ #WCSyd

    Chuckling along with the very engaging Sharon France as she relates her WordPress journey! #WCSyd

    If you’re old enough to remember the Web in the 90’s, you’ll enjoy my #WCSyd talk @ 2:05 in Rm 1. (Youths: come if you like horror stories!)

    RT @GGDSydney: Thank you to our awesome mentors this weekend…here we are helping with some rails code! #SheHacks2016…

    RT @DarrenNolan_: Not a horror story. Really awesome. Go see it.

    @keepsmilyn @wordcampsyd A lot of them are down the road at #SheHacks2016 – just bad luck that the events overlapped. πŸ™

    Room 1 is totally where it’s at! #WCSyd @developerjack

    Slides and links for my #WCSyd talk are here!

    RT @developerjack: Love @web_goddess’s talk about her 20 year old website! #WCSyd 1488 pages manually migrated to #WordPress!!! https://t.c…

    All thanks to a suggestion by the ever helpful @johnallsopp. πŸ™‚ #WCSyd

    RT @tallandtrue: Thanks Kris @web_goddess Howard for delightful tale of 20 yo @RoaldDahlFans website! πŸ™‚ #WPSyd

    @fu001123 That’s… not what it is. It’s just a hackathon.

    @lisaaharrison1 Just from the Apple Store! It’s a few years old though. Label says “uncommon”.

    Heh. @developerjack is a very animated speaker. #WCSyd

    @FakeSamRitchie YES! I’m extra dorky because I’m actually giving a talk about knitting at a tech conference. πŸ˜‚

    @FakeSamRitchie I literally do have a multi-threading pun. 😬

    How have I never visited Floyds Knobs, Indiana? πŸ˜‚

    RT @GGDSydney: Thank you to the wonderful Maria who has spent millions of hours coordinating the lead up to #SheHacks2016 ! You did an amaz…

    @LizlingC @GGDSydney @heatherbaden @katrinamarielee OHMYGOD YOU GUYS WON? YAYYYYYY!!!!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU!

    @TarynMusgrave Oh wow. I can definitely relate. πŸ™

    @randomknits πŸ˜‚

    @darthted Awwww! What a nice thing to see first thing in the morning. 😍

    RT @rcarmo: Simply hilarious – bike manufacturer sees huge reduction in delivery damage by printing TV on the box

  • WordCamp Sydney 2016

    I’m giving a talk at WordCamp Sydney today about my Roald Dahl site called “My Website is Old Enough to Vote.” It’s about the evolution of the site over the years; the challenges of dealing with 20-year-old HTML; and how I recently migrated the entire site to WordPress over a period of five months.


    Plugins that I mentioned:

    Other plugins I use but didn’t mention:

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    Excited to tell the story of my 20yo website at #wcsyd tomorrow! Brace yourselves for screenshots from the dawn of the web. #comicsans #eek

    The importance of telling visual stories about your data from @dsteinfairhurst at #YOWData. Dare I suggest ? 😎

    RT @cameronjonesweb: On my way to #WCSyd! Can’t wait for the awesome weekend to kcik off #WordPress #Sydney #WordCamp

    @lisaaharrison1 @darthted @LizlingC Yay! My legacy lives on. Looks like @MarisaWarren16 did me proud!

    RT @darthted: And @web_goddess gets shout out at sheHacks without even having to show up. Has that dev community bit down pat.

    RT @MarisaWarren16: Hey @web_goddess used your awesome Hackathon Plan slide – great way to describe how to attack a Hackathon!…

    RT @GGDSydney: Everyone hacking away! #SheHacks2016

    Dropped by #SheHacks2016 and was thrilled to see everyone hacking away! Way to go, women! Sorry I can’t be there. πŸ™‚

    @decamino YAAAAASSSSSS

    @developerjack @dionbeetson @DeveloperWil @pwcc Sorry, Party People. I just got into bed. 😴 #WCSyd

    Proof for @saberkite that he finally delivered the hug! πŸ€—

    WordCamp Sydney! #WCSyd (@ UTS Building 6 – @utsengage in Ultimo, NSW)

    Keynote for #WCSyd kicking off! @noeltock

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    This was very cool. I didn’t know you could do this! #YOWData

    @TarynMusgrave Thanks Taryn! Yes – excited to spend more time in Perth. You’ll have to show me around. πŸ™‚

    @mootpointer Indeed. πŸ™‚

    RT @yow_oz: Congrats to @web_goddess Kris Howard for being appointed YOW!’s new Director Developer Relations. Welcome on board Kris!

    Well played, @data61news. #geekcred (at @NICTA Building in Eveleigh, NSW)

    @TarynMusgrave Oh wow, @ghc. Jealous! You better tweet lots so we can follow along. πŸ˜‰

    For the ABC, user behaviour prediction is more accurate looking at referrer rather than device type. Interesting! @sb0lt1 #YOWData

    @sb0lt1 Great talk! Really enjoyed that. πŸ™‚

    @delitescere That’s, like, a technical term? 😜

    RT @canva: “This Company Wants You to Stop Making Terrible Charts in Excel.”πŸ˜€ Thank you @buzzfeed!…

    @kouky @simonraikallen Thanks guys!!

    @mark_sabbatical Thanks Mark! Absolutely – maybe we can get @kouky to give a talk. πŸ™‚

    RT @agiledigital: @ccrolf nails the essence of the #BigData economy. #YOWData #MicDrop

    Fascinating look at the Harbour Bridge and how much maintenance work is involved. Data to the rescue! #YOWData @sandyataylor @benwbarnes

    @sebeckmas Think this through – it’s an honour!! πŸ˜‚

    RT @delitescere: #yowdata JSON is big in the Big Data world, because when one has Big Data, there’s no reason to not make it bigger – @mark…

    Rushing from one dev event to another. This is now reality. (And I haven’t even officially started yet!) #devrellyf

    @MelissaKaulfuss Ah, you missed it!!

    Amazing lineup for #ilooklikeadeveloper tonight! @MarisaWarren16 @cathjones0 @Gemma_Stiles @alxswan @Charlie__Gerard

    The 20 Second Guide to How the Internet Works by @Charlie__Gerard! #ilooklikeadeveloper

    RT @yow_oz: And before @daveathomas starts his #YOWData Day 2 talk, he introduces our newest team member @web_goddess to the Sydney communi…