Month: September 2016

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    @TheRealBnut SWEEEET. I knew it was in development but not that the beta was out. I guess I know what I’ll be doing with my week off. 😂

    Sex and sexuality: The Jane Austen game breaking the MMO rules – Clearly, it’s time to get a gaming rig. 😂

    So, Toffee Apple Tim Tams are a thing. #blecccchhhh

    @mattallen I have. I can’t actually compare the two though as I’ve blacked it out for my own sanity.

    Words to live by.

    Is it possible for a single eyebrow to say “Suck on it, JERK”? Because I’m pretty sure mine just did.

    Happy birthday @stripe! Really excited to represent @canva at #stripeinau event.

    To learn a startup’s culture, don’t look at founders. Look at first 20 or 50 hires. @collision @stripe #stripeinau

    @mlle_elle @bkjabour Let me direct your attention to the Lord Gladstone.

    @oz_f @mlle_elle @bkjabour WAIT, what?! *grumble* There’s Cheekyburger at the Chippendale Hotel too.

    @mlle_elle Nah. @the_snook is anti-brioche as well, and he liked it.

    RT @brettporter: Happy 2nd birthday @stripe AU 🎂 Panel of @sw, @web_goddess, John Burke and @gwillis sharing diverse customer stories https…

    @kouky Oh no! You were carrying in your hand luggage?

    @kouky Ugh, that sucks. Those pesky liquid limitations. Next time in the checked bag!

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    @KinokuniyaAust Excellent – thank you!!

    Fun lunchtime outing with these guys today. 😆

    Great turnout for #SydTechLeaders tonight! (@ Hub Sydney in Darlinghurst, NSW)

    @mayvelous @azadehkhojandi I’m actually quite likely to repeat it in Sydney at YOW in December. 🙂

    @kosamari Oh wow! I’m hosting @noopkat at a @yow_oz meetup next week in Sydney. Small world!

  • Rocket Girl

    NASA shoesOh wow. The fashion designer Vivienne Tam took inspiration from NASA for her Spring 2017 Ready-to-Wear Collection. There are NASA logos all over the place! I particularly liked these embellished slip-on sneaks, and if they’re available anywhere, they will be mine.

  • Marimekko book covers

    Vintage Classics UK got a designer from Marimekko to design covers for a new run of Virginia Woolf’s books. They’re gorgeous! (Link courtesy of Girls of a Certain Age.)

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    @gilmae Sure. Your file just says, “Ugh, that guy.” 😂

    @asmallorange Currently getting errors on my site: “Error establishing a database connection”. Also happening via control panel!

    RT @yow_oz: Know how to code & want to help teach the next generation? @CoderDojoBNE are seeking mentors for Term 4

    Interested in knitting + computers? Come see my talk at #YOWConnected in Melbourne 5-6 Oct! Get 10% discount off tix

    Trying out @cloze to manage my ridiculous list of contacts. Anybody use it? Any other personal relationship managers I should try?

    Spotify recommended this to me the other day and now I’m obsessed. #NowPlaying The Great Defector by Bell X1 ♫

    @lucykbain I found some suggestions on this old Reddit thread: A lot of them are dead now though.

    @lucykbain Then I found the key phrase: “personal relationship management”. Cloze ranks highly for that!

    @lucykbain I’m on the two week trial, so I’ll let you know how I go!

    @kouky Oh god no.

    @peterfinlan Congrats and best of luck!

    @KinokuniyaAust Do you have the 2017 Hobonichi Techos in yet? Or do you know when they’ll get in?

    Marimekko designer created covers for Virginia Woolf reissue. Could this concept BE anymore @drkknits? It could not.

    Vivienne Tam used the NASA logo all over her Spring 2017 line! I’m coveting these sneaks.

    @HANSwerThePhone I told you Canva cake leads to problems!

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    RT @themaninblue: Very proud of our team for being a finalist in the Fast Company “Innovation by Design” awards:

    @peterfinlan @aebaranov I think the Dymocks stationery story on George St has a pretty decent range too.

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: Happy Roald Dahl Day! How are you celebrating this 100th anniversary of Dahl’s birth? https://t.…

    @randomknits @ALIASyd Ooh, fancy! Congrats!

    I’m quoted in this article for #RoaldDahlDay! 100 years of Dahl: Revisiting the magic of Matilda via @ABCNews

    @johnallsopp I actually saw someone say recently that “Derp” was ableist. Had never thought of it that way.

    Last night I realised I need a Farley File. Anybody have a great “personal CRM” system?

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    RT @webdirections: We’re hosting this free event for women working in technology, aimed advocating for your professional development

    RT @lucykbain: Many thanks to @humphreybc, @Speaking4Life, @web_goddess, and others for all your help with my talk! Here it is 🙂 https://t…

    @mokagio @iflixletsplay Congrats and best of luck!!

    @lucykbain I am loving the opening. Wow. You nailed it. Everyone would’ve been hanging on that!

    RT @yow_oz: Tickets now available for @gojkoadzic’s workshop ‘Specification by Example’. Sydney only

    @chrisgander Our support team are the Customer Happiness Team! I like it – it’s nicer. 🙂

    RT @adamliaw: Tinder, but for matching me with hot chips.

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    Dream: get super rich Peter Thiel style and then bankroll lawsuits against companies that lay off women returning from mat leave.

    @reactsydney Wait, does that mean @mitchelmore_j is visiting our fair shores?!

    @rosepowell I know far too many it’s happened to & it enrages me. Co’s only do it because they know mums are not in position to fight back.

    @mitchelmore_j Awesome! You should come have lunch at Canva next week or something. 😀

    RT @GGDSydney: (drum roll) SheHacks 2016 registrations are now open!
    Visit for more info

    @mitchelmore_j Probably not – I’m giving two conference talks in the next 3 weeks, so I’m trying to keep extracurriculars to a minimum. 🙁

    RT @delitescere: Come along to, or speak at, the CTO Summit in Melbourne or Sydney.

    Gahhh. I think my @TEDxMelbourne talk is going to be the very last video to go up! (You’re killing me, @jontv. 😛)