Month: September 2016

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    RT @JedWatson: Nearly ready to kick off @NodeGirlsSydney!

    They’re talking about me. o_O @NodeGirlsSydney

    I let @JedWatson guilt me into doing the more advanced class. Crossing my fingers I’m not out of my depth… @NodeGirlsSydney

    RT @coderfactory: Thanks to our fellow sponsors who make @NodeGirlsSydney possible! #WIT #code #diversity

    Boom. πŸŽ‰ @NodeGirlsSydney

    @JedWatson @NodeGirlsSydney

    Hey @asmallorange – I can’t login to my controlpanel on groot. Any ideas? Just timing out every time.

    Spying on @kakaCharlotte as she masters NodeJS. @NodeGirlsSydney

    @DanSiepen I liked the @coderfactory artwork, but I reckon you should think about adding some plants. πŸ™‚

    RT @swearyanthony: I assume that if Clover gets back, next time they’ll give businesses like 12 votes each

    RT @ButenkoMe: One more amazing @NodeGirlsSydney event took place @coderfactory today

    @DanSiepen Heheh. Check your DMs. πŸ™‚

    @drzax Congratulations!!

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    RT @DanHershfield: Never has it been more clear that this election is The Article vs. The Comments Section.

    Really excited to be hosting this event at @canva!

    RT @drzax: Seriously though, come learn web scraping:

    @chrisgander @DDsD Sometimes you get tired of taking the high road. I didn’t tweet it, but I sure as heck thought it when I saw the article.

    @DDsD @chrisgander Also, objectification and criticism of looks is common to anti-feminist men. So the impulse is to turn it back on them.

    @DDsD @chrisgander But yeah. Totally childish. Two wrongs don’t make a right. But sometimes people lash out. I understand the impulse.

    RT @markdalgleish: If you’re trying to improve the candidate experience in your hiring process, this post is really insightful: https://t.c…

    RT @ksylor: I made a website to explain how to get yourself out of your git messes in plain english

    Telling all the women at #nodegirls how awesome PHP is to freak out @twalve and @JedWatson.

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    Second session today with my mentor. Really loving it so far! Great to get practical advice and encouragement from someone I admire.

    @Jonwestenberg I agonised over it for a couple years. Finally a friend kicked me in the bum and convinced me to just ask. And it worked!

    @Jonwestenberg There’s a small mention in this post: But I’ll write a more in-depth one at some point. πŸ‘

    YEAH, BABY. (Thanks Andy!!)

    RT @laurenfraz: .@ArlanWasHere the Techdel test:
    1. 2 women and/or poc
    2. giving two different talks
    3. about something other than diversit…

    Hey @customICING – I just got 2 emails about orders I placed three years ago. Your new system appears to be somewhat faulty!

    It’s @mobywhale and @msharp kicking off #SydCSS. (Where’s @dp_lewis?! Tsk tsk.)

    @snookca WAIT. You’re in Oz? We must meet. I’m actually married to @the_snook. I feel like you shouldn’t meet. Don’t cross the streams.

    @snookca Awesome. If you spot a tall chick in a jumper with a pear on it in the break, that’s me.

    Ha. @vlh just described cubic-bezier as “number barf.” #SydCSS

    YOU GUYS. I just met THE OTHER SNOOK at #SydCSS. @snookca is here. But @the_snook is home. Maybe they cannot coexist in the same place?!

    Proof: me and @snookca. Who looks enough like @the_snook and @diversionary to be weird.

    @gilmae I’M SO CONFUSED

    Bearded men. A bit of grey. Spectacles. Coders. 😱 @diversionary @snookca @the_snook

    @hal9zillion @diversionary @snookca @the_snook It’s like Vertigo. I’m surrounded by THE SAME MAN.

    @Lackadazy @imdominating The real question is when and where auditions are being held. “RHONDA CHANGED MY LIFE!”

    Ask MeFi: My best manager did this… Ooh. Required reading for anyone in a leadership role.

    Early voting. No queue! (@ St Barnabas Church – @barneysbroadway in Ultimo, New South Wales)

    Judging by the tweets, @lucykbain nailed her talk. Doing the Syd tech women proud!!

    RT @GracieNoLag: Interesting keynote choice, I relate to the stories! I wonder if the conference will be friendlier/more open b/c of this o…

    RT @tveastman: It’s nice to have an opening keynote that presents a picture of the kind of community we want to foster and grow #kiwipycon

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    @gilmae You’re like that dude whose wife won the swimming medal, and they attributed it all to him. πŸ™‚ @randomknits

    @imdominating I haven’t even listened to it yet. πŸ™ I watched video of BET Awards performance though. HOLY SHIT. Watch it NOW if you havn’t.

    Nope, nope, not clicking, not scrolling. NEVER NEVER.

    @glasnt Congratulations! I’m annoyed I’ve yet to see an emoji talk. πŸ™

    This was one of the experiments suggested at the first #equalityhacks meetup. Hoping some Aussie firms try it!

    @gilmae Huh. That’s taking it to extreme – but maybe I’m overestimating how many women actually apply for tech roles. @darthted – thoughts?

    HOLY CRAP BICYCLES + FABRIC SHOPPING. That is so very much my thing. Thanks @ADuckIsMyFiend for the tip!

    Someone just learned to cable! #womenintech #stitchandbitch

    Chicks dig guys with skills. Nunchuck skills, command line skills… (Props to @the_snook for helping me debug an NPM problem!)

    RT @nxdnz: Proud to support the growing global community of @GiTAustralia – kickoff event for a needed revolution in Australia! https://t.c…

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    @servantofchaos @Vibewire I’m looking for a coworking space, but what? You have to be under 28?!

    RT @_neilch: After your settlers and pioneers have got product up and running you need town planners for long term (diff skills) https://t.…

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    @200ok Are you going to re-run it at all? I’d love to do it, but that’s also WordCamp AND SheHacks weekend. πŸ™

    RT @yow_oz: We’re excited to have @qanderson7 speaking at our 1st #YOWData conf on keeping systems up to date

    @200ok Good tip – thanks. Just did it. (Somehow managed to miss that form field when I looked at it!)

    Going out to a special Old Coll’s dinner with a dapper businessman.

    You guys I am basically about to eat dinner at Australian Hogwarts. (@ Wesley College)

    Spotted a familiar name… (last on the list!)

    @gilmae It kinda looked like that!

    In the city for a tech event before 7am. BLEURGH.

    @busbub “Disrupting the Disruptors” breakfast. Not even kidding.

    “Disruptors” brekkie this morning. So many big companies struggling to foster culture of innovation. Startups like @canva have it easier!

    TIL BaaS (Beer as a Service) is an actual real thing. @chrisdoble will be so pleased.