Month: September 2016

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    Absolutely beautiful Spring day at the Opera House. Ready for IDEAS. #FODI

    “Innovation is not something you can conjure up no matter how many times you say ‘Agile’.” YASSSS. @STS_News #FODI

    Realising with pride that having a 20yo website puts me firmly and proudly in the Maintainers camp. #FODI

    Great comment from startup founder that relentless focus on innovation leads to productivity problem. Startups need maintainers too! #FODI

    I’m kind of obsessed with this project.

    Cauliflower Cake from @ottolenghi. It looks like the photo!

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    Conference talk rehearsal with feedback from the peanut (knitting) gallery!

    RT @MattAndersonBBC: Things native English speakers know, but don’t know we know:

    Both personal sites now using HTTPS. About damn time. Thanks @troyhunt for the @CloudFlare tip!

    The Best of The Light Between Oceans’ Bountiful Knitwear Collection HA! Spoilers, of course.

    @andykelk Wow, congrats on the new gig! Coincidentally, looks like I’m going to start travelling to Melbs fairly regularly. 🙂

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    @lemon_lime YES. I saw it this morning and thought it was a typo, and then was disappointed when I found it wasn’t.

    I like dogs, but man. They can be really gross.

    A motif has appeared. #takemetoyourleader👽

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    RT @NitrateDiva: Bette Davis knitting. Because you’ve got to keep your hands busy while figuring out how to rule the world.…

    I’m going to order some of these. Shipping to Oz looks like a flat $7, so the more I order, the better. Who’s in?

    RT @MinaMarkham: I built Hillary Clinton’s design system and wrote a thing about it.

    @SydCSS Oh, thank goodness you tweeted. I put it in my calendar as 10PM rather than AM. Phew!

    @troyhunt That post just gave me the kick up the arse I needed to enable Cloudflare SSL on my personal sites. Thanks. 🙂

    @MichelePlayfair On a bag?

    @randomknits Nah. Done!!

    @KTunravels Her version is amazing.

    @KTunravels Way less bombastic than Houston’s.