Month: October 2016
So Twitter is shutting down Vine. And to be honest, I’d never really explored Vine at all. It just wasn’t a thing I ever had time for. But then I found the Metafilter thread about it, and people were sharing their favourite Vines… and these ones made me laugh out loud SO HARD. We’re talking…
SLAwrites: TFW when your pantsuit matches your surprise birthday cake. HapaxLegoman: they're called "livejournals" joolzfashion: Was approached 4 a radio interview 2 discuss claims that designing for the plus size market is 'glorifying obesity' mattallen: @paul_bennetts @njm jerky-as-a-service. Take my money. (in reply to paul_bennetts) __debo: The passion and the knowledge that…
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nhqe: Employer: we don't trust that you'll be productive if we let you work from home so we have an open plan office with dogs and snacks instead fvrmvn: tfw bae invites u over 4 netflix n chill but its such an affront 2 freedom that u could not be party to its use und⦅
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danielradosh: tfw your kid's school makes you sign a permission slip so he can read Fahrenheit 451 π π₯ glasnt: Hey! Hey you! Are you in Sydney and want to see my "β‘οΈπβ¨" talk? I'm at @sydphp this week, hosted by @heyyou_app!
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adriancolyer: "What's wrong with Git? A conceptual design analysis" – De Rossi & Jackson 2013. #themorningpaper ht @glynnormington
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