Month: October 2016
Laughing… tears…
So Twitter is shutting down Vine. And to be honest, I’d never really explored Vine at all. It just wasn’t a thing I ever had time for. But then I found the Metafilter thread about it, and people were sharing their favourite Vines… and these ones made me laugh out loud SO HARD. We’re talking tears. (Make sure you have sound on!)
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@gilmae @thisismywww *groan* Dad jokes.
@pwcc π³
@gilmae Cross the Rubicon and never look back. You’ll be happier for it.
RT @BishoyDemian: Submitted my API-as-a-Product talk to @yow_oz #ctosummit . Fingers crossed!
@BishoyDemian Exciting! My fingers are crossed for you too. I’d like to hear that talk. π
#frocktober day 27: retro dress, made by me! On location in @thethinkmill lift. π
Wearing a circle skirt on a windy day may have been a mistake. π¨ππ³
HA! Just saw my meetup blog post featured in the @yow_oz newsletter. That’s fun. π
Heh @developerjack is making @glasnt crack up before her talk. #sydphp
Oh dear god. @glasnt just suggested getting the Party Parrot recognised as an official emoji. Somewhere @TheRealBnut is smiling. #sydphp
@transprogrammer @developerjack @glasnt @sydphp Well spotted!!
@miss_jwo @__debo @humanmadeltd Thanks – I know @pwcc well! Will possibly reach out tomorrow. π
@TheRealBnut @desplesda @The_McJones so will it be Dr_The_McJones?
RT @SydTechLeaders: Only two more days to submit a talk proposal for YOW! CTO Summit.
I bought one! #imwithher
@randomknits Nice! I was tempted but went the blue instead.
RT @TheFoodLab: I’ve been testing the @ChefSteps Joule for months. Here’s what I think of the world’s smallest sous vide circulator. https:β¦
How great is this? View Source is how I learned web development. // welcome.js
GifCities – The GeoCities Animated Gif Search Engine. Worth it for this search alone…
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@deepfresh Damn, jealous! Let me know if/when you’re in Sydney – would love to check it out. π
@randomknits Somehow I’d become numb to your relentless progress, but I was just like, WTF 71 DAYS OF MAKING QUILT BLOCKS THAT’S CRAAAZY.
This was a brilliant talk, and you can probably hear me guffawing through it from the front row.
Aussie women – got an idea for a startup? Don’t delay – #SheStarts applications close soon! CHANGE THE WORLD, LADIES.
It’s the Knitting + Computers talk, of course! (Seriously, programmers: learning to view your craft in a new way makes you better at it.)
RT @LukeSleeman: @web_goddess Talk at #YowConnected was awesome, hilarious and thought provoking. Definitely worth seeing!β¦
@mark_sabbatical That’s actually knitted!! π Love that scene…
@mark_sabbatical Well, most of the other pictures on the blog are crochet – the granny squares. So I’ll still give half credit. π
#frocktober day 26: Myrtle dress from @colettepatterns, made by me!
Listening to @diversionary and @ericdot kick off the 2nd ever #designingproducts meetup!
Me: “Your hashtag is too long.”
@diversionary: “Post pictures, not words.”
Lauren Bedford from Expert 360 telling us that startups do, in fact, have tech debt! #designingproducts
@michaelneale @diversionary It’s like a beautiful comet, zooming past once in our brief lifetimes.
“This talk may be quite negative, but that’s just because I’m British.” @buzzusborne gets a chuckle at #designingproducts
Designers share same frustrations even in bigger startups: no team is perfect; never enough time or budget. #designingproducts @buzzusborne
“As a designer, it’s your job to make customers feel AWESOME.” – @buzzusborne #designingproducts
@auxesis Oh damn. Even more sympathy for the past week then…
@auxesis …assuming that it was personal experience driving the project!
Canva selfie! Just can’t escape these folks. π
@mark_sabbatical @WID_AUS Wow, nope! Too many great events happening to keep track of them all. π
@jeremybrown @phillfarrugia Sadly, due to social media I am eminently stalkable.
Actually, this one’s crochet @mark_sabbatical π
@phillfarrugia Sure, go for it!
Kicking off this morning’s XXinTech breakfast at the beautiful Gravity coworking space. #sparkfest @sparkfestivalau @kjr_au @SquizGlobal
Damn. She’s making me want to take up actual boxing. #sparkfest
“The things we work hard for – we should celebrate those victories.” YES. #sparkfest #WomeninTech
@drwitty_knitter I know. But there’s something that appeals at a primal level about going toe-to-toe with an opponent. The physicality.
@drwitty_knitter Maybe I’m just hormonal and irritated. π
I literally just uttered the phrase “women in tech fight club” unironically. #WomeninTech #sparkfest
RT @LucindaBurtt: Back yourself, don’t change yourself. Good #personalbrand is a match between your and others perception of you, says @Lisβ¦
@gilmae Heroes of Australian legend Halloween costumes? Been there, done that.
@gilmae *sigh* Me. I stand by that poster. It was really good. Way better than the actual movie.
@thisismywww @gilmae Andy? You lost me.
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@mobywhale @SydPWA Sorry I’m missing it. Had planned to be there; just not feeling well. π
@darthted WOW!
@webdirections IT WAS @themaninblue ALL ALONG??! D’OH!
#frocktober day 25: another Mississippi Ave dress, made by me last weekend!
RT @yow_oz: #yowbubs registration is now open in all #yow16 cities! Check our website for registration and further info
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#frocktober day 24: sleeveless Laurel from @colettepatterns, made by me!
RT @yow_oz: We need help to support #yowbubs in Brisbane. Know of an organisation who’d like to support young families in tech with a sponsβ¦
@Malarkey π³ Was that an official conference event??
@yow_oz @azadehkhojandi I guess the door is wide open for YOW! Cats in the future though. π
@webdirections I was gonna guess @Malarkey – I know he’s been back a few times
@jesslynnrose Oh, hadn’t heard about the new job! Congrats. π
Got fed up with the wifi at the library today so now I’m lurking in the wonderful @thethinkmill office!
Second #equalityhacks kicking off. We’re coming up with safe-to-fail experiments to increase diversity in tech!
Experiments that particularly resonated with me at #equalityhacks
@SeanDunn10 Apparently a white paper is being published soon! @kakaCharlotte – how can non-Syd folks register interest / get notified?
@mootpointer @mark_sabbatical We need you guys! Only one man there tonight. Kind of disheartening. π
@evanderkoogh @thethinkmill Ha! They’re not a co-working space, moocher. (Says a moocher…)
@TacticalGrace YES, thank you! That’s exactly it. That’s helped me articulate why I think it’s important, even if it seems silly.
@RMcKergow Yup. A few folks have offered a hot desk, and I’ll probably resort to paying for one soon enough. But I’m a nomad now!
RT @SheStartsAU: Questions about your #SheStarts application? We’re hosting a Facebook live AMA (Ask Me Anything) with @ceibner & @bigyahuβ¦
@mark_sabbatical @mootpointer I don’t think they have a definite calendar yet. @kakaCharlotte @knitterjp ?
RT @adriancolyer: “What’s wrong with Git? A conceptual design analysis” – De Rossi & Jackson 2013. #themorningpaperβ¦
@rabbieburns Hey! Was just talking about you yesterday with James Ang. π We should catch up soon so I can tell you about my new job…
One of the #HealthHackAu Syd projects was visualiser/explorer for medical research. Looks like it may be obsolete already!
RT @glasnt: Hey!
Hey you!
Are you in Sydney and want to see my “β‘οΈπ⨔ talk?
I’m at @sydphp this week, hosted by @heyyou_app!