Month: October 2016

  • Lady Skater Dresses

    Lady SkatersFinally blogging these two Lady Skater dresses that I made at the start of Frocktober. This pattern’s been on my wish list for a long time. It’s pretty fast to sew up, especially if you have an overlocker. I made the pink one first, and I used a fine merino jersey that I bought at Tessuti’s on clearance a few years back. It has a subtle texture through it, I think created by elastane that has been woven in narrow stripes. It was a pain to work with though, because it was nowhere near square and it curled like crazy. Still, I made that first one in about a day. I could tell while I was sewing it that the waist was going to be too low, but I shrugged, told myself it was a wearable muslin, and kept going. (The fabric had been really cheap as it had a hole at the end that I had to cut around.) The end result doesn’t look too bad in the photo, but it’s practically a drop-waist on me. That waist seam is supposed to be at my natural waist (ie the skinniest point), which is a fair bit higher.

    So for the black one, I shortened the bodice by about two inches. (You can see the difference in the photograph.) Better, but I still reckon I could go a bit higher next time. The fabric I used is really, really weird. I bought it at a remnant sale a long time ago, and I have no idea what it is. It feels quite heavy, almost like a rayon, with elastic shot through it. I feel like you easily could use it for leggings or even a bathing suit! But I made a dress out if it, because WHY NOT. It’s actually pretty comfortable to wear.

    The pattern itself is clear and easy to follow. I did have a hell of a time with the clear elastic though. It sticks onto my machine and refuses to feed through, so I came up with the idea of putting some wax paper over it. That helped, but it was still annoying and fiddly. Applying the neck and sleeve bands wasn’t too hard, but I haven’t quite mastered getting the joins to line up nicely with the seams. I still find the overlocker very satisfying though! I just need to remember the Cardinal Rule – when it starts misbehaving, check that it hasn’t been threaded wrong. (Every damn time…)

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    Lunch: sausage & chard hash with poached egg. #yum

    #frocktober day 23: “Lucky Cherries” Parfait dress by @colettepatterns, made by me!

    Quick #frocktober check: 9/23 handmade frocks so far! Just finished another one, which should put me over the top. 👗☺️

    RT @yow_oz: #yowbubs will be back at #yow16! If you know of someone who needs help with a little one to attend the conf, tell’em to stay tu…

    @LizlingC Patterns. I’m not nearly good enough to draft my own!

    Some notes on those Lady Skater Dresses I sewed at the start of #frocktober…

    @mmastertheone Wow, 5m of fabric?! That’s epic!

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    @rosepowell Atonement. (Have tissues handy.)

    #frocktober day 22: Vintage pattern, made by me.

    @mark_sabbatical @JedWatson Thanks! Not one of my faves, but It’s a crowd pleaser. 🙂

    Sleeves are joined and vee neck is happening!

    Best part of #HamildocPBS – AND PEGGY! right at the very end. Bwahahaha…

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    @RMcKergow @unixbigot 💥 That’s awesome! I’d definitely fly up to help kick it off too.

    My first Weekly Meetup Wrap! @cloudfoundry @syddevops @elevacao_org @MarisaWarren16 @sydjs

    Boom. Ordered.

    Another microaggression: dev telling me he was mainly doing ETL stuff when another interjected, “That’s Big Data.” Me: “Yeah. I KNOW.” 🙄

    @CathyEdwards86 Normally it’s not that bad. This week I just had a run of ’em. But yes to coffee/beer/whatever. 🙂

    Shhh! Don’t tell @canvavibe I’m lurking in the kitchen, eating their foodz.

    #frocktober day 21: Mississippi Ave. dress by @sewhouse7, made by me!

    There’s more to #frocktober than just selfies and dresses! Please donate to the Ovarian Cancer Research Fund.

    @canva Beer Club, kicking off!