Month: October 2016

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    Are you a CTO or Engineering Manager? The CFP for @yow_oz CTO Summit in Sydney & Melb is open until Oct 30:

    RT @unfoRETTAble: Do you know what today is?
    It’s the best day of the year so Treat. Yo. Self!

    @pyko How did it go??!

    RT @sauramaia: #HealthHackAu sydney: make anaesthesia fun, not scary, for kids

    RT @sauramaia: #HealthHackAu sydney: gamification of eduction about vaccines

    Best of luck to everyone at #HealthHackAu this weekend. I’ll be judging Sydney on Sunday on behalf of @yow_oz!

    RT @SydTechLeaders: One of our favourite conferences @ctosummit has their CFP for Sydney and Melbourne. Submit your talk proposals: https:/…

    I bought myself some new boots yesterday. #treatyoself

    @200ok @msharp @Malarkey @LucindaBurtt Okay somebody better get there EARLY – like now! – to snag a table! I’ll be there as soon as I can.

    πŸ‘Š YASSSSS Thank you! #formerphpdev

    @LucindaBurtt @Malarkey @200ok @msharp I’ll be closer to 6:30 I reckon. Save me some pretzels!

    @Malarkey @LucindaBurtt @200ok @msharp If you worry you’re going into a dungeon to be killed, you’re in the right place.

    #frocktober day 14: casual Friday.

    @OphelieLechat I gasped. It’s amazing.

    @tashj Awesome! I’m sorry I couldn’t make it tonight. See you there Sunday arvo. πŸ™‚

    @pyko Nice job!

    @glasnt Nah, I don’t have enough time for my own much less commissions. You should do it yourself!!

    @glasnt They actually do!

    @msharp @Malarkey @200ok @LucindaBurtt @diversionary Sorry the sickie had to bail! It was fun. πŸ™‚

    RT @delitescere: Call for Presentations! @yow_oz / @ctosummit #CTO Summit in Sydney and Melbourne

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    @melissa_loh Oh yeah, I’ve made a couple of them! Even the elastic bit that I was worried about ended up being pretty easy.

    @McKenzie_Ben Thanks! I made it for a Christmas party a few years back that had a “Glow” theme. πŸ˜€

    @cocotutch Hi @mokagio! Long time no see. @melbournecocoa

    RT @TheThomason: I hope they give the next Nobel to the Replacements so they can get drunk and throw it in a river.

    RT @alicelizabrenn: “We need digitally savvy leaders and we need female leaders. Code is a feminist issue” – thank you @KathrynParsons

    @boyter Congrats!

    The @KnitGuildNSW are running a “Knit Like a Viking” class in January. I’m pretty excited about this.

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    It’s still #AdaLovelaceDay in US, so one more to mention: my amazing friend @emd3737. Microbiologist, soccer player, and Bowie cosplayer!

    RT @sallyannw: Hour of Code is coming – register your event and get your whole school involved #aussieED #edtechchat

    Re: the amazing career talks at #ggdsyd last night, check out @GamelyMotorsIn’s talk at #yow16! via @yow_oz

    @MichelePlayfair Apparently we’re just waiting on the TED people to approve. I think they have to check copyright permission on all my imgs

    Fun optical illusion below the @grumpysailor_ office. Thanks for the visit!

    @gilmae I would say they do together.

    @gilmae I think an employee should do it, and then discuss with manager.

    RT @yow_oz: It’s still #AdaLovelaceDay in the US, so check out one of our female #yow16 speakers:

    The Sexist, Political History of Pockets YES. This, exactly! “Men’s pockets are functional; women’s decorative.” 😑

    #frocktober day 12: glow-in-the-dark Washi dress, made by me!

    @Malarkey @msharp This discussion is relevant to my interests. Criteria?

    @Malarkey @msharp Ha, no. Just asking what you’re looking for. Craft beers? Lots of space? Lack of besuited wankers?

    @gilmae WTF. <input type=”file”> is, like, unknown to people? This is like the div thing all over again.

    @msharp @Malarkey If you want something local, could go to Archie Rose. Out of CBD a ways though…

    #frocktober day 13: BUSINESS. (Brought to you by @heartofhaute and @welovecolors.)

    RT @yow_oz: Meet our very own @web_goddess at #yow16 in Dec for a talk combining knitting & code

    @onsman @Malarkey @200ok @msharp @LucindaBurtt @trisnadi @mobywhale Nicely done. See you there!

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    RT @dylanwiliam: Sometimes, a graph is so eloquent that commentary is superfluous:

    Check out @noopkat’s blog if you are interested in IoT, 3D printing, nice people, and cats. πŸ™‚ #AdaLovelaceDay

    Keen to finally meet @apaipi of in person when she speaks at YOW in Dec.! #AdaLovelaceDay

    Why Ada Lovelace Day matters from @soozaphone via @guardian #AdaLovelaceDay

    @LukeSleeman He has truly captured your essence. πŸ™‚

    Some amazing Sydney women: @zarahjutz, @GRobilliard, @hannahyanfield, and me! #AdaLovelaceDay

    @LukeSleeman Honestly, if you turned these 3 into an animated gif, it’s your talk in a nutshell. πŸ˜‚

    Another amazing woman in tech: @maxine. I know of at least two who wouldn’t have speaking careers if she hadn’t encouraged! #AdaLovelaceDay

    New shoes. Silver is the trend of the summer, you watch. #metallicsareneutrals

    Heading to @GGDSydney to hear from some local women in tech. Raise a glass, ladies! #AdaLovelaceDay

    RT @FindingAda: Happy Ada Lovelace Day everyone! Hope you’ve all got fun events to go to, and are celebrating women in STEM in style! https…

    Wow – full house tonight for #GGDSyd! @GGDSydney #AdaLovelaceDay

    The amazing @shvedma is doing a stellar job standing in for the absent @pyko tonight! #GGDSyd

    RT @annascothern: On #AdaLovelaceDay check out the Worlds first Computer Programmer πŸ‘‡

    Everyone is rapt as @georgiecel tells us a story we can all relate to. #GGDSyd

    @frankarr @AmanAlam @yow_oz Indeed! Nice to meet you. πŸ™‚

    “Have self-compassion. Treat yourself like you’d treat a friend.” Advice from @georgiecel on learning to face failure without fear. #GGDSyd

    🀘🎀 @sezshares is rocking the Madonna mic. LOVE IT. #GGDSyd

    @mark_sabbatical You know, you’re always welcome to come to one of these! We need more awesome men here. πŸ™‚

    .@mark_sabbatical YES! Men are always welcome at @GGDSydney events. You just need a woman to bring you as her +1. πŸ˜‰

    RT @yow_oz: #AdaLovelaceDay Today we celebrate #WIT!

    I have literally never heard anyone get as excited about a mind map. πŸ˜‚ @sezshares @knitterjp #GGDSyd

    “So I’m ready now to Jerry Maguire the shit out of it.” LOLOLOL @sezshares at #GGDSyd

    She’s vlogging her talk. I’m going to give her some shit about that. #GGDSyd

    It’s a shame we’re not running a career coaching business, @knitterjp. @sezshares is selling the hell out of us.

    #frocktober day 11: posing at #ggdsyd with fellow frocker Charissa!

    Leanne giving us all permission to complain, even when you’re following your passion in your dream job. #GGDSyd

    Okay, how am I the ONLY one who laughed out loud at “ethics in escape room journalism”?! #GGDSyd

    @ImaMiri11 I lost you! I’m sorry. πŸ™

    @ImaMiri11 Heh. It’s @knitterjp! I think she’s going to have a lot of requests for a workshop after tonight. πŸ™‚

    #frocktober tally: 11 different πŸ‘— with 5 made by me! Don’t forget to donate – I’m sailing past my goal! #ggdsyd

    @eisabai Wait, how did we not talk to each other?! I was right there! Bahhhhh

    @snaxolotl Super cute!

    Her job title was literally “computer.” So inspiring!! #AdaLovelaceday

    @ImaMiri11 @eisabai HA! In my defence, my stupid cold had me feeling a little out of it. πŸ™‚

    @WillPettersson Now I’m trying to figure out which Pony @developerjack would be…

    RT @Kuwaddo: “Tabs or spaces?”
    “Hot dogs.”

    @mobywhale @knitterjp @sezshares @lucykbain @gilmae Was not fishing for business! πŸ˜‚

    RT @kosamari: Hey I made a ✨compiler✨ & wrote about the process in human language and drawings as alwaysπŸ’
    Hope it helps someoneπŸ™


    Running a startup? @vibewire are hosting #StartupSundays through Oct. They have some great mentors lined up too…