Month: October 2016
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Wisdom: “I can’t handle hair or clothing decisions anymore. I don’t know about capsule living but I think I’m doing it on accident.”
That was from my sis @carbolicious, BTW.
RT @diversionary: After (almost) 2yrs, @ericdot and I are bringing #designingproducts Sydney meetup back for @sparkfestivalau. Join us http…
Anyone have recommendations for a landscaper/gardener in the Inner West?
@sammy_lee12 @noopkat I was at that night! I took lots of notes. He’s got lots of practical advice, esp about displaying code.
@jesse_bryant Congrats, and best of luck at your new role!!
RT @chrisjrn: I would like for more people to buy #lca2017 tickets so that I can stop yelling about early birds. Can you help?…
@stephenlead Thanks! We had it landscaped a few years back; now just need someone to give the monster bougainvillea a haircut. 🙂
@auxesis Wait. A drongo is a REAL ANIMAL?
@auxesis @stibbons
#frocktober day 7: back in Sydney and it feels like summer!
I’m filling out my first expense report. HOW GROWNUP DOES THAT SOUND?!
@ozbluey Well, I’m only doing it because my credit card hasn’t arrived yet. 🙂
@OphelieLechat I literally just started to drool a bit.
@catehstn That sucks. I hope some time away helps you feel better, and filters out the real friends from the users!
@noopkat Ouch! I came home with a tram souvenir too. Slammed my arm into a hand rail!
Brekkie special: corn fritters, poached eggs, bacon, spinach, & hollandaise. #yum
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Excited to hear more about Swift and @iflixletsplay from @mokagio! (*waves at @markbritt and @timparsons*) #yowconnected
RT @zarahjutz: I am beyond thrilled to announce that I am now a part of the @GoogleDevExpert program for #AndroidDev!…
TIL about railway oriented programming. Thanks @mokagio! #yowconnected
RT @jontv: TEDxMelbourneSalon tickets are up! Designing an innovative culture
RT @thatpatrickguy: “You need the fresh ones” – Robert Clarke talking about livers. #yowconnected #thingsyoudidntthinkyoudhearatyow
Time to rant on @LukeSleeman’s Fragment talk: 90 seconds. 😂 #yowconnected
@tonilehelena @BondsAus Just today?! 😱
I literally heard gasps when that slide popped up. “Whoa… no way!” #yowconnected
This guy. @FakeSamRitchie #yowconnected
Actual puns that @FakeSamRitchie suggested for my #yowconnected talk this arvo (which I rejected): “Purl 6” and “knitwise operation”.
Microservices should be small, but not too small. “Think Duplo, not LEGO.” @perrynfowler #yowconnected
T-35 minutes until my #yowconnected “Knit One Compute One” talk. Knitting + computers = laughs, I PROMISE. You don’t want to miss it!
@Xavier_Ho It is! But I’m also doing it again at YOW Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane in December. Or, you know, at a meetup? 😬
@unixbigot YES. In the break! 💯
So @unixbigot thought I needed to look more badass for my talk. #yowconnected
@sir_tilbrook @zarahjutz NOOOO. Damn it. I’ll cab it alone. 🙁
RT @The_McJones: “What’s the biggest lesson the IT community could learn from the knitting community”
“Humility” – @web_goddess #YOWconnec…
RT @unixbigot: To everyone I met at #YOWConnected, every single one of us is brilliant. To those who missed out: go to meet ups, cons or s…
RT @edgranau: Thanks to @web_goddess now I want to take up knitting #YOWConnected
RT @mokagio: A lesson that coders can learn from knitters… it’s ok to undo what you’ve done to fix a mistake. From @web_goddess talk Q&A #y…
Given that it was first public outing for that talk, I’d love feedback. Did anything not work for you? Please let me know! #yowconnected
#frocktober day 6: presenting at #yowconnected!
@RMcKergow @SMRobson @smithcdau I didn’t catch it. ☹️️
@mark_sabbatical I would absolutely love to!
@FakeSamRitchie @tomjadams @perrynfowler You used puns; I used a ridiculous spinning clipart of my own head. Hardly a fair fight. 🙂
RT @yow_oz: Thank you to all our speakers, sponsors & attendees for making #YOWConnected possible!
How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016 THIS THIS THIS. Exactly. (@johnallsopp – what’s your take??)
@johnallsopp Great! I can’t wait. (I was super heartened by ppl on Reddit & HN saying they agreed, it made them feel dumb too.)
@mattdelves Not a problem. It was lovely to meet you!
Home. (at @SydneyAirport in Mascot, NSW)
@zarahjutz @LukeSleeman @sir_tilbrook I may end up doing it at a CocoaHeads in the near future! Stay tuned.
RT @Bobbi_Mahlab: The women making ‘walking mentoring’ a thing. Mentor Walks launching Oct 28 in Syd. via @WomensAg…
@FakeSamRitchie @FarshadNayeri @mattdelves I loved that thing! I wonder if there’s an emulator available…
@Malarkey *Australia cheers and rushes around vacuuming and tidying up*
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Standing room only for @filip_zalio’s talk on implementing reliable IoT devices with mobile connectivity! #YOWConnected
LOL. Firmware reliability basically comes down to “when in doubt, reboot!” #YOWconnected
You guys. @smithcdau needs just three more followers to be 1337! 😳 #yowconnected #easilyamused
They’re here! I feel so official. 🤗
Types aren’t a restraint; they’re a design tool. @TacticalGrace is very passionate about this topic! #yowconnected
RT @DevDiner: Chris has done a bunch of cool IoT stuff beyond Slack at #yowconnected! Check out our blog all about his adventures! https://…
The best part of any @FakeSamRitchie talk: his epic puns and Dad jokes. Truly, an artist working at his prime! #yowconnected
I want to sit in the corner with a snare drum and cymbal to punctuate all @FakeSamRitchie’s jokes. #yowconnected
@thatpatrickguy @FakeSamRitchie I actually saw that talk back in May. Are the puns going to be FRESH? I have standards.
Did not expect @Ephox to sneak in a Roald Dahl reference in a tech talk! #yowconnected @RoaldDahlFans
Last week I grabbed the wrong clicker when presenting. Not going to happen again!
Really excited about @robelkin’s talk about building the @AltConference community. People stuff is HARD, yo. #yowconnected
Putting $20K on a credit card to book a venue with no sponsors is really backing yourself! #yowconnected
Community events are powerful and important. We need people to make them happen. 💯 @robelkin #YOWconnected
@Xavier_Ho Thank you!!
Did anyone lose a hotel room key? Found in red room. I’ll leave it at #yowconnected reception!
Hey @TheRealBnut and @nicwinton!! 👋 #yowconnected @desplesda
Honestly, how is it possible that meeting amazing people like this is my job now?! #yowcon…
#frocktober day 5: vintage dress, black tights, and a beer.
Reminder: This #frocktober business isn’t just about wearing awesome dresses. Please donate to a great cause!
@Xavier_Ho Just realised you run a meetup, my friend. I am going to be coming to Melbs like every month. Can I join you sometime??
Whaaaa. Holy crap. @pwcc’s donation just pushed me over my #frocktober fundraising goal… on day 5. YOU ARE AMAZING, THANK YOU!!
@annie_parker @joannejacobs I’d like to point out that when I met you, you were wearing thongs. You should feel VERY Aussie. 😀
@Xavier_Ho Haha, absolutely! What do you want me to talk about??
@mark_sabbatical @robelkin @noopkat I’d sign up for that conference. #altyow? 😆
@nomiddlename You’re lucky I didn’t see that tweet before your intro.
@unixbigot @yow_oz Same. #yowconnected #zombie
The delightful @noopkat talking about her Meow Shoes. This is relevant to my interests. 😻 #yowconnected
Note to self: play with avrgirl next week. #yowconnected