Women are leaving tech at twice the rate of men. Oof. Looking forward to gender parity hacks from @StokesXandra @REA_Group #ctosummit https://t.co/WDDj56rJQq
Compliment and award women in tech for their role-related skills – not baking or soft skills or emotional labour. @StokesXandra #ctosummit https://t.co/P5XMpLY5LR
“A little encouragement goes a long way.“ Not gonna lie – likes & retweets from @nxdnz @simonraikallen always give me a boost! #ctosummit https://t.co/xQRzblJMrW
@smithcdau ☺️ Thanks!
VIC ICT for Women have recently published white paper with year’s worth of research on women in tech: https://t.co/cCH1joVR2t #ctosummit
If you want to help with safe-to-fail experiments to increase diversity in tech, follow #BOLDmoves (VIC) #Equalityhacks (NSW) #ctosummit
“I don’t like using terms that don’t have meaning in 2016, like DevOps or Agile or rational bipartisan political discourse.” #ctosummit 😂
RT @andykelk: “How does on call work? Well you get paid a bit of money for not being drunk all the time.” @johnbarton #ctosummit
Love the coordinating manicure!! 😍 https://t.co/nJ8PNpNi4T
RT @nigelfds: New measure of quality and influence. How many, how often do people in the audience stick a phone up to capture your slide.#c…
Listening to @andykelk’s story and envying his time-lapse selfie gif. #ctosummit https://t.co/A7gK1bhhGZ
RT @johnbarton: This impact map technique from @andykelk looks pretty handy #ctosummit https://t.co/W8GPEDDzrZ
Pirate metrics! This was something we definitely used at @canva. AARRR… #ctosummit https://t.co/gMUOxdZ7oL
@StokesXandra The illustrations were so lovely! Well done @15mindrawings 👌
The separation of Engineering and Product is getting a lot smaller – and will continue to do so, says @andykelk! #ctosummit
RT @StokesXandra: @MrPommyGit be careful that your manifesto doesn’t give you an opt out clause #ctosummit needed to shift culture quicker…
So excited to hear from @rebeccaparsons on what CTOs do and why the role needs to exist. #ctosummit https://t.co/USzDtiLWc1
@simonraikallen That KitKat saved my life! Energy was flagging…
Being CTO means communicating and collaborating with everyone in the business… not just the geeks. 🤓 @rebeccaparsons #ctosummit
@simonraikallen Sometimes a KitKat to the head is worth it.
In May at #yowwest16, @simonraikallen convinced me I could be CTO. Now @rebeccaparsons says to aim higher & rule the world! #ctosummit https://t.co/l5JLX0irhX
@carly_io @yow_oz And it was so nice to meet you! Thanks for joining us. 🙂
@starbuxman Everyone’s gone but me, so y’all don’t be out there too long!!
TFW the @yow_oz speakers you are chaperoning are all watching fairy penguins on a freezing cold beach and you’re warm in the restaurant.
@randommood @caitie You guys coming back anytime soon?!
The room is starting to fill up. The energy is crackling! #yow16 https://t.co/eaoohnlPKs
I told you he was the selfie king! #yow16 https://t.co/VqSwuTGTs7
RT @StewGleadow: Just because some people do architecture badly doesn’t mean software architecture isn’t important – @rebeccaparsons #yow16
RT @edward_c: Spotted on a t-shirt at #yow16: “curl -s https://t.co/IUBkRfRmyA”. You’re weird, @REA_Group. Nice work.
RT @pheasley: Enterprise software cant get away with poor interfaces anymore. Employees expect enterprise software to be as usable as Faceb…
“There’s nothing evil about being an Enterprise Architect.” 😂 @rebeccaparsons #yow16 https://t.co/tjKXhnRyfZ
Neat – @EvaNahari is starting her talk on NLP with a famous poem. The words are made up, but we can still process it. #yow16 https://t.co/b2cWFaDFC7
There are ~5000 languages in world (not counting dialects), and millions or trillions of words. And languages change! Moving target. #yow16
RT @yow_oz: Get to know our #yow16 speakers via our Twitter list https://t.co/jikxVulLVO
RT @BernHyland: Loving #Yow16 already as @EvaNahari describes most powerful computer on the planet, human brain @yow_oz #womenintech https:…