Month: November 2016

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    Women are leaving tech at twice the rate of men. Oof. Looking forward to gender parity hacks from @StokesXandra @REA_Group #ctosummit

    Compliment and award women in tech for their role-related skills – not baking or soft skills or emotional labour. @StokesXandra #ctosummit

    “A little encouragement goes a long way.“ Not gonna lie – likes & retweets from @nxdnz @simonraikallen always give me a boost! #ctosummit

    @smithcdau ☺️ Thanks!

    VIC ICT for Women have recently published white paper with year’s worth of research on women in tech: #ctosummit

    If you want to help with safe-to-fail experiments to increase diversity in tech, follow #BOLDmoves (VIC) #Equalityhacks (NSW) #ctosummit

    “I don’t like using terms that don’t have meaning in 2016, like DevOps or Agile or rational bipartisan political discourse.” #ctosummit 😂

    RT @andykelk: “How does on call work? Well you get paid a bit of money for not being drunk all the time.” @johnbarton #ctosummit

    Love the coordinating manicure!! 😍

    RT @nigelfds: New measure of quality and influence. How many, how often do people in the audience stick a phone up to capture your slide.#c…

    Listening to @andykelk’s story and envying his time-lapse selfie gif. #ctosummit

    RT @johnbarton: This impact map technique from @andykelk looks pretty handy #ctosummit

    Pirate metrics! This was something we definitely used at @canva. AARRR… #ctosummit

    @StokesXandra The illustrations were so lovely! Well done @15mindrawings 👌

    The separation of Engineering and Product is getting a lot smaller – and will continue to do so, says @andykelk! #ctosummit

    RT @StokesXandra: @MrPommyGit be careful that your manifesto doesn’t give you an opt out clause #ctosummit needed to shift culture quicker…

    So excited to hear from @rebeccaparsons on what CTOs do and why the role needs to exist. #ctosummit

    @simonraikallen That KitKat saved my life! Energy was flagging…

    Being CTO means communicating and collaborating with everyone in the business… not just the geeks. 🤓 @rebeccaparsons #ctosummit

    @simonraikallen Sometimes a KitKat to the head is worth it.

    In May at #yowwest16, @simonraikallen convinced me I could be CTO. Now @rebeccaparsons says to aim higher & rule the world! #ctosummit

    @carly_io @yow_oz And it was so nice to meet you! Thanks for joining us. 🙂

    @starbuxman Everyone’s gone but me, so y’all don’t be out there too long!!

    TFW the @yow_oz speakers you are chaperoning are all watching fairy penguins on a freezing cold beach and you’re warm in the restaurant.

    @randommood @caitie You guys coming back anytime soon?!

    The room is starting to fill up. The energy is crackling! #yow16

    I told you he was the selfie king! #yow16

    RT @StewGleadow: Just because some people do architecture badly doesn’t mean software architecture isn’t important – @rebeccaparsons #yow16

    RT @edward_c: Spotted on a t-shirt at #yow16: “curl -s”. You’re weird, @REA_Group. Nice work.

    RT @pheasley: Enterprise software cant get away with poor interfaces anymore. Employees expect enterprise software to be as usable as Faceb…

    “There’s nothing evil about being an Enterprise Architect.” 😂 @rebeccaparsons #yow16

    Neat – @EvaNahari is starting her talk on NLP with a famous poem. The words are made up, but we can still process it. #yow16

    There are ~5000 languages in world (not counting dialects), and millions or trillions of words. And languages change! Moving target. #yow16

    RT @yow_oz: Get to know our #yow16 speakers via our Twitter list

    RT @BernHyland: Loving #Yow16 already as @EvaNahari describes most powerful computer on the planet, human brain @yow_oz #womenintech https:…

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    RT @wilpannell: this remarkable observation about inherent bias in @jemolesky @barryoreilly @jezhumble @leanenterprise_ (…

    @TestSheepNZ @lemon_lime Yeah, the Sydney one is a lot less creepy!

    RT @simonraikallen: My friend @DarylWMcB and I have a jam-packed rip-roarer of a day for you all tomorrow at #CTOSummit #Melbourne. See you…

    Nothing says Melbourne like a ridiculously over-engineered coffee. (It was good though!)

    @nxdnz @REA_Group @daveathomas @google @HoloLens @htcvive @yow_oz He looks cooler than I did when I tried it. 😂

    YES! We’re excited too. 😉 @azadehkhojandi @yow_oz

    RT @pedrogrande: CALLING ALL FUTURE FEMALE #CODERS: There are FOUR #WomenInTech Scholarships up for grabs! https://…

    TFW your lovely night talking with @unclebobmartin, @lady_nerd, and @stuartsierra is only marred by the fear you have rocket in your teeth.

    It’s like a comedy double team act! (The Hyphenates!) 😂 @simonraikallen @DarylWMcB @yow_oz #ctosummit

    WTF is an architect anyway? Scott Shaw from @thoughtworks has everyone laughing already… #ctosummit


    Metaphor of a self-determination account balance. Allowing ppl to make decisions = deposit; telling them what to do = withdrawal #ctosummit

    OF COURSE @simonraikallen brought Kit-Kats to award ppl with questions. High bar has been set, @delitescere… #ctosummit

    Foundational organisation behaviours needed for continuous deployment. So many small companies & startups don’t do these. @veztek #ctosummit

    Wow. @envato’s done 8000 deployments in the last 2 years. “When you do something 8000 times, you get pretty good at it.” @veztek #ctosummit

    RT @mumbrella: The days of the “so called boys club” are over, the boss of Nine just said during this panel

    Tests of org’s leadership hygiene. How do ppl react to problems? Can you give negative feedback? What happens in your absence? #ctosummit

    One of the most powerful things leaders can do is admit mistakes. It’s scary but it builds respect and inspires. @redbubble_tech #ctosummit

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    RT @thoughtworks: #YOW16 kicks off this week. We excited to be gold sponsors and look forward to interacting with lots of amazing technolo…

    Those are potstickers. 😳 #getinmybelly

    @gilmae That place was SO GOOD. It pays to know cheffy people! Go there next time you’re in Melbs.

    RT @yow_oz: Big thanks to our #yow16 Melbourne Gold sponsors @SEEK_Geek, @ANZ_AU, @Aconex, @MYOB, @LibFinancial, @REA_Group and @IAGAust

    RT @yow_oz: We’d like to thank our #yow16 Platinum sponsor @suncorpcareers for supporting us again this year!

    It’s a nice looking office, but not gonna lie, the photos reminded me of 😂

    Brisket. Whoa.

    Hello St. Kilda! (Quote the Snook: “Thanks for the nightmares.”)

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    RT @LozCrowther: Check out “Cloud Native Java” #yow16 via @yow_oz <- looking fwd to this @starbuxman

    RT @LucindaBurtt: Jane Lu (@iloveshowpo) and Gen George (@oneshiftjobs) share a cheeky tipple – fittingly as the founders of @lmbdwine. #fe…

    Always the start of a legendary evening…

    RT @WoodyZuill: I’m in Melbourne for #yow16 and have time to do a #MobProgramming or #NoEstimates presentation for a meetup or gathering. P…

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    My Weekly Meetup Wrap: Sydney Scrum & AI meetups, #shestarts kickoff & mentoring, and @MYOB @StartupDailyANZ panel!

    I ❤️ this! Way to go @juliamyob!!

    RT @evanderkoogh: Hey Melbourne agile people: @WoodyZuill Tuesday/Wednesday have opened up. Get him in your organisation for a workshop on…

    @jesslynnrose @aimee_maree @andypiper @_katwu Film & Theater degree, right here! 😂

    What is the point of using the self-service machine to print your bag tags if you still have to stand in an enormous queue & talk to human?

    Third flight to Melb in as many weeks. Excited for #yowconf!! @yow_oz (@ T2 Multi-User Domestic Terminal)