Month: November 2016

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    @thisismywww Pretty cool. I preferred it to the full VR headsets I tried.

    Once again, Indiana lets me down. I wonder if they even bothered to count expat votes?

    @thisismywww I was only playing with a demo REA app, which didn’t fill the whole FOV. So not really sure!

    @imdominating You reckon? 538’s called it for Trump

    RT @annetdonahue: What’s even more demoralizing is knowing how hard Hillary’s worked and how qualified she is, and yet… And every woman k…

    Suddenly this task is jumping to the top of the To Do list.

    Had several discussions this week about lack of diversity at CTO level in Australia. Why could it be? What can we do?

    Then we see a qualified woman lose a job to an unmitigated dumpster fire of a man.

    And then I get email from meetup organiser asking if I know any “girls” who’d speak on panel because they need some “femininity” in group.

    I just can’t even. I despair.

    And now my goddamn flight back to Sydney is delayed, so I’m stuck in an airport with my stomach in knots.

    @knotty I’ve seen that many times. No, there are plenty of women CIOs. Age doesn’t explain it.

    @tjbyte Did you contact any women? Did you look outside normal network? I’d be interested in CTO job. Whatever you’re doing it’s not working

    For the record, these were rhetorical questions. I assure you, as a woman I’m pretty sure I know why.

    @Xavier_Ho I was on the 7:30 VA. Now 8:45. 😕

    @Xavier_Ho Meet you at the bar?

    @brenda1971hill UGH SPAMMER

    @evanderkoogh Didn’t work, even with latest flight. But I did catch up with @markdalgleish this morning!

    @evanderkoogh @markdalgleish You come to Sydney ALL THE TIME and don’t meet up with me!!!

    They just announced that the flight delay has been lifted! Maybe today is not 100% The Worst.

    (More like 99%.)

    @kcm74 I can’t even bring myself to check our stocks. Who needs to retire, ever?

    I am on a plane, and the past half hour with @Xavier_Ho has redeemed my faith in humanity a bit. It’ll be okay.

    @kcm74 Dibs on the last can of Diet Coke.

    Contemplating a tattoo this weekend. “Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.” Anybody with me?

    @azadehkhojandi Are you interested? I know someone hiring… 🙂

    @tjbyte Meet @azadehkhojandi. She’s bloody fantastic. You should talk. 🙂

    @msharp @diversionary @mobywhale @dp_lewis I heard that rumour too!

    RT @GamerTeachr: I wrote this letter to my daughters last night. It was the best I could do.

    @carbocommander A scrap of comfort, I guess. Except as an expat, the federal government makes a much bigger difference in my life. 🙁

    RT @mikeleffingwell: Every young Trump supporter looks like the asshole from Dead Poet’s Society.

    Whoops. Running a bit late for #Direction16. Better get over there quick!

    RT @yow_oz: Can government deliver simpler, cleaner, faster public services? @auxesis #yownight

    Trust me – the Panedia VR stand at #Direction16 is the place to be! @msharp @aaronspence

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    Visiting @simonraikallen at the @MYOB mothership. *waves at @developerjack*

    Seriously jealous of the amazing @myob EX team office. I nearly swooned in the Inception room with the 13m whiteboard wall.

    The @MYOB meeting rooms are all named after “literary” AIs. Happy to report I was only stumped on two. #notagibsonfan

    Just passed Phoebe from @Survivor_AU on Collins St. Had to restrain myself from chasing her down to express my admiration for her gameplay!

    @mark_sabbatical Hehe. @MarisaWarren16 and I go way back! Like, a couple months at least. I even gave Elevacao a video testimonial! 😀

    This is the talk where I learned you can do math on encrypted numbers. Very, very cool stuff! @yow_oz

    Sorry… I just seem to have some dust… in my eye…

    @coolbreeeze_ @awkwordly @imdominating @Lackadazy I HAVE READ THIS WHOLE THREAD AND I DONT’ SEE A LINK TO THE PHOTO YOU’RE KILLING ME

    @awkwordly @coolbreeeze_ @imdominating @Lackadazy I… *fans self* I get it now.

    Melbourne on a sunny day is pretty damn good.

    @WillPettersson Yes! This town is growing on me. 😁 ☀️

    Excited for my first CTO School Melbourne! Thanks @envato for hosting. 😁

    Nigel Fernandes from @seekjobs giving a very entertaining talk at #ctoschool. Heckling is welcome. 😂

    @frostickle @OKFNau Unfortunately I’m flying back tomorrow night. But I’ll be back frequently!!

    “Functional programming is not disruptive tech, despite what the kids cooler than me are saying.” 😂 #ctoschool

    “Respect for the big ball of mud architectures. They’ve made a lot more money than microservices!” #ctoschool

    @unixbigot Pretty much!! 😉

    @unixbigot I mean, I mostly did it before anyway. Now I’m just getting paid for it.

    TIL about the Second System Effect. (Self: time to finally read the Mythical Man Month.) #ctoschool

    Ha. “Overengineering just means ‘more than I would do.’ Pragmatic means ‘what I would do.’ It’s just name-calling.” #ctoschool

    @damncabbage Heh. I had similar feelings when I finally read the Cluetrain Manifesto. “Wow. We really thought Intranets were important.”

    @lifeasdaddy @JohnConstableRA Nice! My fave knitting art is Grace Cossington Smith’s Sock Knitter.

    @gamesevolving Good grief I pull faces when I talk… 😂 blew me away! Thanks @nxdnz for the tour. 😁 @rea_group

    @lifeasdaddy I believe it’s at the Art Gallery of NSW! I saw it in person once. 🙂

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    Nice! I’m sorry I’m going to miss it, @joshhunt. 🙁

    @simonraikallen I wish. I’m tired.

    I just got added to this group the other day! Not gonna lie – I’m tempted to buy a pantsuit. #pantsuitNation

    Having office envy at @redbubble.

    @gilmae @redbubble Yep! 100+ people in lovely office on Collins St in Melbourne.

    YOU GUYS. Look what I found in the @redbubble swag box! IT’S A SIGN.

    Brad from @redbubble talking about how RB uses experimentation and data to validate their product ideas! #pythoncharmers

    Data science doesn’t have value by itself. It requires cross-functional collaboration. #pythoncharmers

    Ben Finney walking us through many common errors you can make in Python. #pythoncharmers

    GAH. Spent 60min trying to fix issue in Keynote where keys wouldn’t work when presenting. Turns out slides still had auto-advance on. DOH.

    TIL what Hungarian Notation is, and why it’s a bad idea in Python. #pythoncharmers

    Tip: Never use the phrase “Has anyone here not heard of this?” in a tech talk. It makes beginners feel bad and afraid to ask questions.

    Heh. @robertlayton starting us off with a pet peeve. “Please stop doing this.” 😂 #pythoncharmers

    In his real talk, @robertlayton is telling us what’s new in Pandas v0.19. #pythoncharmers day

    RT @jase_thomas: TIL – cryptic messages and algorithms can be encoded into knitted wearables! Great talk @web_goddess…

    It took me a few seconds.

    @robertlayton I was leaving that as an exercise for the Reader! 😜

    RT @WomensAgenda: Visuals matters: Almost 25% of 14-17yo girls say Clinton’s presence makes them more likely to seek leadership https://t.c…

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    Birthday party sewing project is progressing nicely. Should be done in plenty of time! (Pa…

    @deejaygraham Which one would you like? Some of the ones in my talk belong to other people.

    @deejaygraham Well, if a series of steps count, why not a simple knitting pattern as example?

    @deejaygraham If you want to make up your own examples, @kosamari’s site is a fun visualiser.

    FIVE tech events in one week! That’s a new record… Weekly Meetup Wrap – Nov 4, 2016

  • Weekly Meetup Wrap

    We’re hosting YOW! Nights in Melbourne, Brisbane, and Sydney  from Nov 15-17. Lindsay Holmwood from the DTO is speaking, and you should definitely attend…

    This week I made it to FIVE different events – a new record! The first one was the Central Sydney WordPress Meetup held at Fishburners. The topic of the evening was monetising WordPress, and @DeveloperWil walked the audience through all the different ways you can build an online business. I gave a lightning talk about a site I built twenty years ago that is still running today. In my experience, the best way to make money from a website is by using it to learn and practice tech skills that you then use in a great job!

    On Tuesday I attended the weekly lunchtime Tech Talk at Pivotal Labs. The speaker was Suresh Dhanushkoti from CoreLogic RP Data. Suresh explained that Agile ways of working are now accepted across most IT departments. As he put it, we are beyond “Should we do Agile?” and even “Is it working?” – the question now is “Where else can we be Agile?” CoreLogic wanted to explore using Agile principles across their entire business, so they developed and implemented a system called BizScrum. He walked us through how they got buy-in at the executive level and the lessons they learned along the way.

    On Wednesday evening I went to the AWS Sydney User Group meetup at BlueChilli. The first speaker was George Watts from AWS, who started off with some cautionary tales of large enterprise transformation projects that failed spectacularly. “The main reason cloud projects fail,” George said, “is that people don’t want to use them.” 😂 Gary said that communication is key, and that you need to invest time up front to actually talk to the end users and find out what their concerns are. His other tip for successful projects was to use Amazon’s Well-Architected Framework, a set of core strategies and best practices for architecting systems in the cloud.

    The second speaker of the night was Alan Milligan from the Last Bastion Network. Alan eschewed slides completely in favour of a live demonstration using the Jupyter Notebook platform to integrate the AWS Marketplace Product Support Connection onboarding programme – which had conveniently been released just that same day!

    Thursday morning I attended the 2nd ever Connected Women ANZ event held at Google’s office in Sydney. This group is for professional women across the Technology and Digital industries, and there were representatives from over twenty different companies (including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn). Jason Pelligrino welcomed everyone and set the tone of the day, talking about what diversity and inclusivity means to him.

    The first speaker was JoAnna Ferrari from Visions ‘n’ Goals, telling us her amazing personal story. I met JoAnna back in August when we both spoke at TEDxMelbourne, and I was so thrilled to get to see her onstage again. Her story of her journey from John to JoAnna took us from laughter to tears and back again. I especially loved how she boiled it down to lessons that are applicable to everyone, and she inspired us all to think about the things that were holding us back.

    The second speaker was Lorraine Murphy from The Remarkables Group. Lorraine talked about gratitude and owning your victories, and she also gave us her tips for remarkable success – the first of which was my favourite!

    Lorraine then joined a panel discussion with two other women: Sarah Liu from Gemini3 and Karen Lawson from Slingshot. The moderator was Renee Gamble from Google. My favourite takeaways from the panel:

    • Entrepreneurship is over-romanticised. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur to change the world.
    • Networking is not about finding people to help you. It’s about helping them and paying it forward.

    I’ll also give a shout-out to Denise Shrivell from MediaScope (and the creator of Peggy’s List). Denise was at the event and was tweeting even more than I was!

    My last event of the week was Thursday evening’s Sydney Node.ninjas meetup, held on the brand new level at SafetyCulture. (They were seriously finishing the renovations that day, but it was gorgeous!)

    I can’t actually talk about the first talk of the night. It was TOP SECRET. I’m not even kidding! They asked us not to tweet or record it at all. Two developers from a large Australian tech company demoed a project that they were working on. It involved live coding, mobile phones, and Javascript… and that’s all I’m gonna say about that!

    Then we had two lightning talks. The first was by Brandon Cook, an 18yo (seriously!) developer at SafetyCulture. Brandon told us what the first few months of his first ever full-time coding role had been like. He did a great job with it, and he’s clearly got a really bright future ahead of him. 🙂

    The second lightning talk was by Kris Croaker, also from SafetyCulture. He ran us through a number of tips for running Node in Docker.

    And the long talk for the evening was by Ajain Vivek from LoanFlare. Ajain explained how we can use new EcmaScript 2015 (ES6) features in NodeJS development. He had really clear examples showing the “before” and “after” for each feature, which made it easy to understand the benefits of this syntactic sugar. (I especially liked learning more about iterators and generators!)

    Next week… Melbourne!