Month: November 2016

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    RT @yow_oz: We’re excited to announce our 1st event in Hong Kong! @mjpt777 Lock free & high-performance concurrent algorithms…

    Voting via email is convenient but anticlimactic. And I had to make my own sticker! #imwit…

    Graphic Festival – Matt Groening on stage! (@ Sydney Opera House – Concert Hall)

    “I don’t know where you magic pixies came from, but I like your pixie drink!”

    Can’t sleep. Santa will eat me. (WTF Coles?!)

    Wow. Meetup hired a woman CTO from a non-trad background who wasn’t hands-on coding anymore, and the world didn’t end. Imagine that!

    @lucykbain I’m an idiot – somehow I totally missed that you were attending! Yay – great writeup – thanks for that. 🙂

    White cat + blood tests = a very sorry-lookin’ creature afterwards! (@ Glebe Vet)

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    Food + extreme organisation + spreadsheets? THIS IS SO IN MY WHEELHOUSE.

    @AllSchuckUp @getlexy Stickers or it didn’t happen. 😆

    @AllSchuckUp A PHOTO of a cake? You’re killing me.

    YES. I can testify how gratifying it is to have male allies call out sexist behaviour! (Raises a glass to @delitescere in particular…)

    @delitescere How do you feel about homebrew? We have a lot of that at my house.

    @delitescere @ShenanigansBrew @samhaldane Hibiscus beer? 😱 And here I thought @the_snook’s Danish Licorice Stout was out there… 🙂

    @johnallsopp …with MACHINE LEARNING.

    @lucykbain @TracyMuSung @mobywhale I’m gonna be in Melbourne. 😢🍦

    @harrietgl Like, full-on no-cheating chin up? BAD ASS.

    Whoa, Melbourne @yow_oz @ctosummit is nearly sold out! Better not delay, folks. 😱

    Another escape room adventure! (@ panIQ Room in Sydney)

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    So excited to hear more of @joannaferrari48’s story. She’s amazing! #ConnectedWomen

    *sniff* @joannaferrari48 just had the entire audience go from laughing to tears in 10 seconds. #ConnectedWomen

    We all build walls to keep from taking the risks that scare us. Inclusivity can’t succeed when we hold our true selves back. #ConnectedWomen

    You don’t find out who you are in good times. You find out when you’re being CHALLENGED. @joannaferrari48 #ConnectedWomen

    Listening to @lorrainemurphy1 tell us about remarkability and not being afraid to stand out. #ConnectedWomen

    First tip for success from @lorrainemurphy1: get seriously f*cking organised. AMEN! 🙏 ✅ #ConnectedWomen

    Practicing gratitude can lead to magic… like Richard Branson reading your book! @lorrainemurphy1 #ConnectedWomen

    “Just” even infects @KnitGuildNSW meetings. “It’s just a cabled hat… It’s just a lace scarf.” GET RID OF JUST. OWN IT. #ConnectedWomen

    Finishing #ConnectedWomen with a panel: @lorrainemurphy1, @karenlawson2025, @sarah_liu, and moderator @reneegamble

    Entrepreneurship is over-romanticised. You don’t have to be an entrepreneur to change the world. @sarah_liu @GEMINI3jobshare #ConnectedWomen

    Networking is not about finding people to help you. It’s about helping them and paying it forward. YES. @karenlawson2025 #ConnectedWomen

    Benefits of working remotely – rushing to leave tech event and get to sports bar before the end of the game. GO CUBS!!

    Watching the Cubs make history with @unlikelylibrary. This place just went OFF at that homer!!

    RT @taradefrancisco: I hate to root against Cleveland, but – oh wait, Chief Wahoo still? Ok.


    @JamesTechRec Oh awesome – I didn’t even get a chance to message you yet! Yes, please. 🙂

    The Snook said yesterday, “It’s not real tragedy if there’s not a ray of hope thrown in there.” So really it’s all his fault. #WorldSeries

    @phillfarrugia WTF IS HAPPENING

    OH: “Well, shit. Should I go back to work now?” #WorldSeries

    RT @ikebarinholtz: NOTHING IS EASY IN LIFE

    RT @amfmpm: hooray cubs! now let’s beat the other racist cartoon

    Jubilation. Partying on the other side of the world!

    Full house enjoying the amazing new @SafetyCultureHQ office for #nodeninjas tonight!

    Heh. @JamesTechRec filling everyone in on @asyncadventures’s secret project. #nodeninjas

    TIL voice readers say “Ja-VAH-script.” 😂 #nodeninjas

    Warning: I tweet a lot.

    @jsscclr Agree! This is one of the best “junior dev” talks I’ve heard. He’s a natural!

    Just heard one of the best “junior dev” talks ever from Brandon (18yo!!) at @SafetyCultureHQ. Well done! #nodeninjas

    Good tips for running Node in Docker from Kris at @SafetyCultureHQ.

    RT @SydCSS: 😂 from @m4ttbx: “Devs don’t bite… except if you ask them to style select field” #SydCSS

    Curious to learn about ES6 and “Syntactic Sugar” for Node. @ajainvivek #nodeninjas

    Him: “It’s Fancy Friday.” Me: “You look like Hunter S. Thompson on vacation in the Bahamas…

    @DannyWebs I need to find him some glasses with yellow lenses, clearly.

    @mjg59 It left out “big data,” so clearly they’re still iterating on it.

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    Having a trial day at the friendly @WOTSOWorkSpace Pyrmont today. I like it!

    Listening to the Cubs game online. Me: “Did the announcer just say COCO CRISP?” Quick googling. Yep, he did. Huh.

    @nehadk On the plus side, I’ve decided to continue to splurge on Chobani every week instead of cheaper yogurt.

    I’m going! (And hey, @nic_hazell is on the panel!)

    @jonoabroad @yow_oz Hahahaha 😂

    @lisaaharrison1 I agree!!

    @stephenlead @jkottke Thanks! I’ve scraped most of them, but worth checking again. I’ve got lots of info on it:

    @Alegrya The @KnitGuildNSW Camp is coming in June 2017!

    Crap. Just discovered @melbjs is happening Wednesday when I’m meant to be flying back to Syd. Tempted to pay the $80 to change flight…

    Gary from @PolarSeven_com kicking off tonight’s @awscloud meetup at @BlueChilliGroup.

    @evanderkoogh @melbjs You gonna drive me to the airport after? 🙂

    I appear to be one of *two* women at this meetup. 😐

    Are you clear on who the users of your cloud project will be and what they need? – @georgejwatts

    “The main reason cloud projects fail is that people don’t want to use them.” 😂 – @georgejwatts from @awscloud

    It’s happening again. That thing where “cloud” is repeated so often it loses all meaning for me. Cloooouuuuuud. ☁️

    @RedBlueThing I physically winced. I hope you’re happy.

    RT @LukeSleeman: @web_goddess Twitter! What is your timeline algorithm thinking!

    TIL about @awscloud’s Well Architected Framework.

    @mark_sabbatical I sensed you were a kindred spirit. Is it goon?

    Number of ppl who’ve asked if I work at @MYOB on the basis of my t-shirt: 5. @developerjack should be pleased.

    2nd talk! Alan Milligan from Last Bastion talking about business requirements as code.

    @DarrenNolan_ @developerjack I should start charging tech companies to wear their shirts, like a NASCAR driver.

    @mark_sabbatical How long have you been in Australia?! (It comes in a box.)

    @freakboy3742 @developerjack @DarrenNolan_ Clearly, we should band together and form an agency to facilitate this!

    @mark_sabbatical 😜 Regardless, I have been known to drink goon from a plastic cup. I’m classy like that.

    @phillfarrugia I heard you gave YOW a plug. Thank you!! I’m sure you nailed it. 😁

    Chats with bae when you’re old geeks. 😍

    RT @ColeStark: We need a new test, like the bechdel test, for when two or more women in tech are together and don’t talk about being women…

    @developerjack Shut your damn mouth! Best holiday song ever.

    Bucket list achievement: get mentioned in the Women Who Code newsletter! @WWCSyd @GGDSydney [WW]CODE Review :

    RT @dekrazee1: Do I know – or do you know – any frontend Angular devs looking for a gig? Have a contract/full time role for em. Sydney-base…

    Team diversity is only valuable if you also have diversity of voice. Teammates need to feel safe to contribute ideas! #ConnectedWomen

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    @ElzbthMcCrthy Yay, cool! See you there. 🙂

    Kicking off Tuesday Tech Talk at @pivotallabs with Suresh from @corelogicau.

    We are beyond “should we do Agile?” and even “is it working?” – the question now is “where else can we be Agile?” @corelogicau @pivotallabs

    Fascinating to see what aspects of BizScrum worked and didn’t work for @corelogicau.

    Really excited for @auxesis’s upcoming @yow_oz Night Sydney – Nov 17 at @canva (Also Melbs & Brisbane that week!)

    @FakeSamRitchie @mattdelves @mokagio Something PUN-TASTIC.

    Sous vide pork belly buns with homemade pickles! Thanks @seriouseats @kenjilopezalt

    #frocktober is over, but it lives on in an animated gif. You can still donate!!

    Awwww, looks like Twitter cut off the last third of my #frocktober gif! Try this one instead:

    Wait. Dammit. GIPHY cut off my animated gif. 🙁

    How about a #frocktober YouTube slideshow instead?

    RT @codepo8: Redesigning Waxy, 2016 edition on blogs and the death of blogging.

    RT @felicityward: Seriously #Bondi Hipsters response to Nomadic Thinkers male only start up is so precisely excellent. Look: 👀…

    RT @boyter: Incredibly cool news for @teabass and those using @librariesio