Month: December 2016
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Going to visit @thethinkmill office so I thought I’d bring @twalve a Christmas present – S…
@pyko @thethinkmill @twalve Snickerdoodles! Twitter cut off the reveal. 😂🍪
@sundress EXCELLENT! To Sydney??
I feel quite disappointed I haven’t managed to ride a Christmas bus yet this year. 2016 just keeps giving.
@twalve @thethinkmill They certainly did – but you missed out! Gahhhh. Sorry.
@lucykbain @pyko Haha, cheat! I used this one:
Happy hour! Oysters and bubbles with @madelgiles!
From oysters & champagne to chili dog & tots. I’m classy like that.
@evanderkoogh I’m going to call my rock band “Epicene Women.”
@lucykbain Moar programming concepts illustrated by Harry Potter, please! (Suggestion: blog post!)
@lucykbain Wait, you DID write a blog post! Thank you! (I didn’t know what differentiated a promise from those other things either.)
So far this morning I’ve spilled coffee twice and then the cat caused a Poopocalypse all over the house. Merry friggin’ Christmas.
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@themaninblue Can’t get it to load on iPhone. HOW WILL I KNOW IF T. SWIFT IS ON THERE?!
@themaninblue Still no go. Seems to get caught in some sort of infinite redirect loop. Checking it out on desktop though…
@themaninblue Hm. No T. Swift. But I will accept Janet Jackson in the top spot. 😂 👏
RT @lissijean: This analogy is perfect. #womenintech
@randomknits ADORABLE!
@davidbanham I think they’re meeting in Surry Hills now. Right, @Meligy?
@TheRealBnut @themaninblue Once you go QA, you can never go back. 😂
Me: “Damn, I am SO PRODUCTIVE working from the cafe! I wonder if it’s the music or the atmosphere… or the three coffees. Whoops.” 😬☕️
RT @mattallen: We are giving away 2 tickets to @rubyconf_au.
We’ll draw names out of a hat on Friday 🎉
@Meligy Interesting, thanks. We’re going to host a YOW Night in St. Leonards in Feb; I’m trying to figure out where to promote.
@200ok Damn. Should’ve stayed in the city and gone. But now I’m all comfy on the couch with my laptop and wine…
Love this @yow_oz pic of @caitie laughing at @cmeik onstage in Brisbane! #yow16
Mate, I don’t mean this to sound surprised, but @DamonOehlman, this @yow_oz photo makes you look COOL. #yow16 @canva
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@essjayeff It was a Ted talk. Mine. In August. 😂
@NatDudley Whereas my cat is glaring at me while I procrastinate as usual. 😀
@NatDudley Indeed. I am now googling for where I can get a pedicure. It’s all about priorities.
Whoever contributed this Kris Kringle gift that @knitterjp ended up with – YOU’RE A BLOODY LEGEND.
Rogue One: an ‘Engineering Ethics’ Story – Another tie to @unclebobmartin’s Scribe’s Oath talk from @yow_oz! #yow16
Household Objects and Appliances Cross-Stitched – WOW! ❤️ 100x better than “graffiti knitting”
This is as festive as I get, people.
On the L23 bus watching a grown-ass woman slurp yogurt out of a squeezy pouch like a toddler. (Insert @i386 #disgusted face here…)
@azadehkhojandi HOW CUTE ARE YOU!!!!!
RT @thomasfuchs: ~15 years trying to make everyone separate HTML, JS & CSS. And then suddenly everything went south and we’re writing code…
@azadehkhojandi MOOMIN COOKIES??! 😍
@annie_parker @rosepowell Meet @lisaaharrison1! She gave an Ignite talk on this very topic last year. 🙂
Best of Bootie 2016 released! AWWW, YES. The happiest time of the year is here!
@phillfarrugia Whaaaaa?!?! Congrats!
Can anyone point me towards tech meetup groups on the *other* side of Sydney Harbour Bridge? North Sydney, Chatswood, etc. #lazyweb
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RT @lucykbain: My notes from #yow16 and Thanks for running it @yow_oz 😀
The funny thing is, every single time I’ve told a guy I’m doing a talk on knitting and computer code, he brings up Jacquard Looms…
Which yeah, I know. But only guys do it. No women have.
@gilmae Ha, all you did was retweet. But it was the 2nd such reply from a guy to that tweet I’d seen today.
@SwiftOnSecurity Well, it’s interesting trivia. But why do they always assume that I wouldn’t already know it? It’s my area of interest!
At least it’s not just me.
@evanderkoogh I responded to that one about 8 hours ago. 😉
Homemade 5-Ingredient Chicken Sandwiches. Like Chick-Fil-A without the homophobia!
@slace ohhhmyyyygodddd so full
@mmastertheone Saw and commented on original tweet this morning. You’re like the 3rd person to send to me now!
@stuartsierra Hahaha, thanks. You’re like the 5th person to send it to me. 😛
DAMN! Knit Like a Viking is already sold out. I had to go on the waitlist. 😞
Ooh, thanks for sharing @glasnt! I just signed up. Git is like crochet for me – I have to relearn it every time. It never *sticks*.
@lucykbain @glasnt Not gonna lie – that’s actually what I thought when I initially clicked on it. 😂
Reminds me of the Scribe’s Oath that @unclebobmartin talked about in @yow_oz keynote!
RT @LadyHawkins: Teen girl telling me about taking AP Computer Science: “I’m the flower on the STEM.”
@mattallen @simonraikallen Really? In my exp they seem pretty happy to give it even when companies publicly announce they aren’t spending it