Month: December 2016

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    @lucykbain – looks like the official website is down. 🙁

    Yesterday: two ducks from Costco. Today: breasts, stock, sausage, and cracklin’. The Snook…

    Meanwhile, I am a genius in other ways. Stay tuned…

    @rosepowell @walkleys That’s so awesome! Thrilled for you.

    @lightningdb We make a big show of tucking one corner into the other… but still end up mostly wadding them up.

    @phillfarrugia Wait, seriously?!?!

    Weirdly, the moment that made me tear up in Rogue One was “Red Leader, standing by.”

    @Notionalseams I have some similar TARDIS fabric too!

    @TheRealBnut @1opter That’s exactly one of the points I made in my conference talk at @yow_oz 2 weeks ago. 🙂

    This is exactly one of my points from my recent @yow_oz and upcoming @wootconf talk! @linuxconfau @NatDudley

    @TheRealBnut @1opter Appears to be entrelac combined with cables. Kinda cool.

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    Spending a hot sunny Saturday buying ALL THE BULK THINGS. (at @Costco in Lidcombe, NSW)

    RT @peterfinlan: Congrats to @canva on another huge release. What a product. 👌

    Time to finally see a Star War. (@ Dendy Cinemas – @dendysydney in Newtown, NSW)

    Denny Lounge FTW. (Recliners and NO KIDS in cinema!)

    Dude next to me telling his GF this movie will be about “Many Bothans died…” #geekfail

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    Can you keep meerkats as a pet? You know, just hypothetically, not because they’re SUPER CUTE AND I ❤️ THEM SO MUCH

    @virtualwolf They have so many. They’d never miss one. (It’s like “Raising Arizona” but with MEERKATS.)

    Before and after. ☺️☕️🍰 Thanks for the invitation, @lucykbain!

    @lucykbain @rosepowell I was tempted to eat it anyway, bite or no. Me = George Costanza. But I resisted! It’s a Christmas miracle!

    RT @LachGuitar: RT if your first program was essentially:

    20 GOTO 10

    Been waiting 20min so far. Another stellar AusPost experience. (@ Australia Post – Sydney GPO Post Shop – @auspost)

    I don’t understand why I can do 95% of passport renewal online and the have to stand in a queue for 30 minutes. @DTA please disrupt this!

    @DrCris I don’t live in the burbs. 🙁

    RT @auxesis: I’m looking for the next big thing, starting early 2017. Looking for engineering leadership and are remote friendly? Hit me up

    @auxesis I know a few places looking. I’ll put you on their radar…

    Allllll I want for Christmas is youuuuuuuuu!

    Number of times “All I Want for Christmas is You” has been played at this party so far: 6 (counting Bublé cover)

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    I pull the most ridiculous faces when I’m presenting. 😂 #yow16

    Australia Post – merely incompetent, or actively malicious? I honestly can’t tell. Worst customer experience I regularly undergo, by far.

    @DDsD Nope. They’re not in Australia?

    @DDsD Those awards must not include Australian companies, because Australia Post would take it in a landslide.

    @mmastertheone Ha, I did. Yeah, my experience today wasn’t that bad. Just annoying.

    @mmastertheone The problem is that when I do ask questions, the answers I get are incorrect and result in me wasting time/effort. 🙁

    Listening to @owensenior kick things off at #sydtechleaders on a rainy night!

    “Enlightened selfishness” – one reason @stevelikesyou gives back to the community. Same!

    Just-in-time recruiting is shit. Companies should get to know candidates years before they need them. – @stevelikesyou #sydtechleaders

    If you want to give back to the community, starting a new community is absolutely the worst thing to do. *cough* #sydtechleaders

    Rachel from @AdaraGroup speaking about social enterprise and international development. #sydtechleaders

    Easy way for startups to give to charity: use affiliate systems like Folo, @HelloBountye when ordering supplies. @AdaraGroup #sydtechleaders

    @simonraikallen Pattern is free. You can knit, right? 😉

    @Velona @simonraikallen IIRC those took me like 16 hrs. What’s your hourly rate? 😜

    @simonraikallen @Velona Yeah, easy. Nobody knits for economy’s sake anymore. I’d charge $700 minimum for a jumper.

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    RT @sallyannw: It came up in conversation yesterday here’s one companies thoughts on how to strip gender bias from interviewing https://t.c…

    Downside of working from home: telemarketers who ring and ask for “Mrs. Snook.” 🔥 😡

    @that_alison LOLOLOL. THAT IS FRIGGIN’ GENIUS. (Normally I just sputter “There is no Mrs. Snook” but yours is better.)

    @TracyMuSung @lucykbain Hehehe. That is GENIUS. ☕️🍰

    @cazjade That sucks. 🙁

    WHEEEEEEEE! #changeacomin

    @gilmae Weather AU 😁

    How to promote your startup in an awesome way – send personalised Xmas vids. Thanks @wordofmichael! Very cool!!

    @StringStory What just happened? You published like a zillion posts in a row.

    @stevelikesyou @benschwarz Interestingly, pretty much same gift I’m hoping for this year!

    @Lacci There’s a meteor shower on!

    @parisba @The_McJones SO CUTE

    My top songs for 2016: @mitskileaks, Hamilton, @teganandsara, Replacements… Feels about right.

    @Geek_Manager Yeah? Please share your secret so I can have a damn good day too!