Month: December 2016

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    There are cases where containers are not always the best fit… – @IanDCrosby #yow16

    OH at #yow16: “What’s your Twitter handle?” (That was @apaipi to her HUSBAND @erikcorry. 😂)

    “I mean, who DOESN’T want to invent their own computer language? Fame! Fortune!” @erikcorry #yow16

    RT @richard_lopes: I need to invest, buy share in that company making stickies. Those #Agile freaks are all crazy about them 😁 – #yow16

    Heh. @erikcorry’s compiler – which he is building live in front of us! – got applause for being faster at regexp than grep. 👏 #yow16

    The fabulous @GRobilliard introducing @randommood for her talk on the architectural patterns of distributed systems. #yow16

    RT @stuartsierra: Don’t know any Clojure/Datomic? No problem! Come to my #yow16 talk this afternoon for conceptual overview

    Different strategies to build resilience based on Borrill’s model. – @randommood #yow16

    Trust me, #yow16 attendees, you want to stick around for Dr. Little’s keynote tonight. It’s EXCELLENT.

    So now we know some design patterns for building resilient systems, @caitie is going to show us how to verify their correctness. #yow16

    😍 Thanks @tcampezzi! #yow16

    Love emphasis on academic papers & research from speakers like @caitie and @randommood. As @unclebobmartin said: don’t stop learning! #yow16

    @boyter Where are you, anyway? You should be here!!

    @boyter Gahhhhh. Next time!

    @desplesda @thesecretlab I didn’t know you were carrying Secret Swag!!

    @JedWatson You coming to Josh Duck?? I’m front row

    Frontend at Scale kicking off in Blue room with @joshduck! #yow16

    PHP! This is now my favourite talk of #yow16. Thank you @joshduck 😜

    Facebook had annoying bug where Chat state would get out of sync, show notifications when nothing was new. LIKE LINKEDIN ALLTHETIME. #yow16

    @evanderkoogh You mean NOT moving to US, right?

    Final talk – @jedws introducing @mjpt777′s talk “Engineering You” #yow16

    RT @DrBrianRLittle: The #yow16 event in Sydney is in full buzz mode. Waiting to give
    closing keynote on personalities at work to brilliant…

    Yay, Margaret Hamilton getting another shout-out at #yow16 from @mjpt777!

    Don’t work with assholes. It really does bring you down. – @mjpt777 #truth #yow16

    Watching as @daveathomas introduces @DrBrianRLittle for the third and final time at #yow16! You’re all going to love this. 😁

    @BeeropsMegaMix @stphnwallace In a cab with a contingent of YOW folks. There soon.

    Proud to represent @yow_oz at the #BeeropsMegaMixer! #yow16

    Making sure my #yow16 lanyard is appropriately decorated for Day 2. Don’t forget my talk on KNITTING AS COMPUTER CODE at 4:25 in Green!

    Details of the blinky beanie I wore onstage this morning at #yow16:

    RT @yow_oz: #yow16 don’t forget that @apaipi’s talk will be at 2:10pm and @mtnygard will be at 3:30pm

    The ever-cheerful Renee from @GPN_Sydney introducing @mranney in the Red room! (GPN is awesome. You should check it out.) #yow16

    Listening to some of the problems Uber faces with 2K+ microservices. “We DDoS ourselves all the time!” – @mranney 😂 #yow16

    RT @thepaulrayner: Confirmed! Thanks @yow_oz! EventStorming above Red Room on mezzanine floor starts ~12:30pm. Grab a quick bite & come joi…

    Event-based architecture doesn’t work great for Uber because SLA’s are human-scale. Person hits button & wants response NOW. #yow16 @mranney

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    @u1traq Yep, I was tweeting during his keynote.

    RT @WoodyZuill: I’m packed and ready to head to #yow16 Sydney. Thanks to the organizers, volunteers, speakers, and attendees for a great B…

    @delitescere @conors10 I’ve met him, and I’m not sure either.

    @stphnwallace Looks fun – but geez, I see like 2 women there! We need to work on that. 🙂

    Only a handful of tickets left – don’t miss out on this fun event! #BeeropsMegaMixer Sponsored by @yow_oz

    RT @malgroves: Getting excited for @yow_oz Sydney tomorrow. Best Aus Tech conference of the year, every year.

    @darthted The mark of a good conference!

    Yep, @hadinahari is a deadset legend. #yow16

    Final leg of #yow16 tour… and the one where I get to sleep in my own bed! (@ Gate 43 – @brisbaneairport)

    RT @jenna_payette: Anyone else need to thoroughly soak their brain after the end of yesterdays #yow16?! So many fun, new things to tinker w…

    Still hoping to make it to #ctosummit for @darthted and @mark_sabbatical‘s talks! #comeontaxi #yow16

    Made it in time to catch the second half of @philchan612′s #ctosummit talk on some of his experiences at IBM! #yow16

    Very nice of @mark_sabbatical to start his #ctosummit talk with a Welcome to Country. And yay, women from computing history!

    “Privacy questions are the tobacco questions of the 21st century.” We’ll realise things are BAD soon! @asymco @mark_sabbatical #ctosummit

    There appear to be no free candy bars at this event. *glares at @delitescere* +1 to @simonraikallen #ctosummit

    Last #ctosummit speaker is @darthted, dispelling some of the myths of distributed teams.

    Hidden costs of remote teams: travel, facilities, recruitment, training, comms equipment (critical!), legals, salaries. @darthted #ctosummit

    Haha, @darthted confessing he got his Manifesto idea from @simonraikallen at last year’s #ctosummit! “Well worth every penny…”

    In the end, conventional wisdom is not that wise. Key takeaway from @darthted’s excellent and useful #ctosummit talk!

    And here’s PC member @delitescere capping off the 2016 Sydney #ctosummit and giving #yow16 a lovely testimonial!

    @nunami Go back in time and buy your ticket prior to last week. 🙁 Sorry – I think they’re all gone.

    @caitie @randommood I’m in the lobby!

    Special @yow_oz @WWCSyd crossover event kicking off at Atlassian. Great job @lucykbain and @jedws for pulling it together!

    First speaker is @randommood talking about the Fallacy of Fast. #wwcsyd #yow16

    First mistake companies make trying to move fast is deprioritising tests. – @randommood #wwcsyd #yow16

    Some form of monitoring dashboard should be part of your MVP. Don’t deprioritise insights. @randommood #wwcsyd #yow16

    Deprecate your go-to person. Hero culture of tech actually results in knowledge silos. It’s not good for your organisation. #wwcsyd #yow16

    Next @rebeccaparsons is telling us why we should care about evolutionary architecture. tl;dr Things are moving faster! #wwcsyd #yow16

    You define what’s good for your organisation, and then you design your architecture to fit and support that. @rebeccaparsons #wwcsyd #yow16

    “I’m from Thoughtworks, so I have to mention testing. It’s the law.” 😂 @rebeccaparsons #wwcsyd #yow16

    Last speaker is @caitie talking about distributed systems and eventual consistency. #wwcsyd #yow16

    “[I]t is desirable…to permit users to continue modifying resources…when the networked is partitioned.” Quoth @caitie: “DUH” 😂 #wwcsyd #yow16

    Hey look – @cmeik gets a shoutout in @caitie’s slides! #wwcsyd #yow16

    @eisabai @yow_oz I’m just sorry I missed it! I heard you did really well. 🙂

    @leonardo_borges @yow_oz 👋

    @TheRealBnut The temptation was too great.

    @rosepowell @TheRealBnut Oh bloody hell. He did. Including SWEATERS. 😂

    @rosepowell @TheRealBnut I’d like to point out that I didn’t randomly pick HTML. It was suggested!

    Friends at #yow16: I’ve seen a fair few of the talks now, so DM me if you want advice on which ones are DON’T MISS!

    @james_zaki @rebeccaparsons @yow_oz We do record them, so you can watch in a few weeks if you like. 🙂

    RT @seansonbronson: Shout out to @dius_au for doing a crèche service at #yow16. Good to see that work life balance.

    RT @evolvable: If you’re at @yow_oz #yow16 in SYD today, remember to:
    1) have fun
    2) learn heaps
    3) visit the @Tyro stand for a chance to w…

    Sydney – LOVING your energy. I can’t wait for you to see all the amazing talks today! #yow16 😊

    “It’s a wonder that any of us get in cars at all!” – @unclebobmartin #yow16 😂

    RT @azadehkhojandi: Programmers rule the world 🙂 We need to make sure our code meets higher standard to avoid regulation @yow_oz #yow16 @u…

    Highlight of the morning so far was getting to introduce @azadehkhojandi to her coding idol @unclebobmartin! #fangirl #yow16

    RT @desplesda: Sydney’s YOW conference kicks off! #yow16

    Very full in the Blue room for @IanDCrosby’s talk on Going Cloud Native with Docker! #yow16 (cameo by @notsolonecoder)

    Some fun Easter eggs in @IanDCrosby’s demo microservice reference application. 😂 #yow16

    RT @seansonbronson: “Cloud: the worst term that’s been forced upon us” @IanDCrosby #yow16

    Comparing containers to virtual machines. Containers are smaller, faster to initialise, more flexible. – @IanDCrosby #yow16

    Live demo! “It runs really fast because it’s all from cache, because I. don’t. trust. conference. wi-fi.” Wisdom from @IanDCrosby #yow16

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    They let me DING it this morning. Truly an item off the bucket list! 😆 #yow16

    Fantastic intro for @stuartsierra from track host. He turned a staunch Haskeller into a closet Clojure fan! #yow16

    Learning about universal data structures in Clojure. #yow16 @stuartsierra

    I want to be tweeting during @stuartsierra’s talk, but I’m actually learning HEAPS! He’s a very good teacher and explainer of things #yow16

    RT @ghohpe: Maus learning about service dependencies at #yow16

    @desplesda Whoops. I had times wrong tomorrow. Check your email. 🙂

    @desplesda Actually email may not have gone to speakers yet. But departure at 10:30.

    @themaninblue Pretty much. Speakers have had two iterations to improve too!

    Pinterest was growing fast, but wanted to know WHY. So they hired people like @arburbank to figure it out! #yow16

    Build clean data sets. Don’t rely on future people in your company knowing all the complicated contextual filtering rules. @arburbank #yow16

    Building A/B testing framework is key to moving data science insights from correlation to causation end of the spectrum. @arburbank #yow16

    FYI – other sessions at 2:10 are being recorded, so you can watch later. Imagine being able to say you were AT the #yow16 knitting talk! 😜

    @thepaulrayner @DamonOehlman @canva Nailed it.

    Paypal in 2011 was a different place. Changing a word on the site could take 6 weeks! Hearing stories from trenches from @billwscott #yow16

    Naming your open source framework “kraken” is serious genius. #yow16 @billwscott

    @KathyReid BTW – are you going to be at LCA next month?? Knitting circle at @KatieConf!

    The secret to leading engineering teams is to… take a clowning class? Yeah, I’ll buy that. @billwscott #yow16

    RT @ElzbthMcCrthy: Needles clicking in anticipation

    Round two. Red lippie is in place. Let’s do this! #yow16

    RT @lexy_jane: Knitting with @web_goddess at Knit One, Compute One. #yow16

    RT @arburbank: My tl;dr from @web_goddess : knitters are crazy and creative in a really awesome way. Kind of like programmers? #yow16 https…

    RT @ewebber: Live knitting at the knitting talk @web_goddess #yow16

    RT @RMcKergow: Who knew knitting was so much like coding? @web_goddess #yow16

    Live coding from @trisha_gee! “Because Danger is my middle name… No, it’s not. It’s Mary.” 😂 #yow16

    “Adding a comment… TODO: real error handling goes here… It’s just like real life!” @trisha_gee gets a chuckle. #yow16

    @Morendil @AgileSteveSmith It was an observation/hypothesis from @unclebobmartin’s keynote. The point was rapid growth, not specific #‘s

    “Make jar, not war.” Personal life philosophy from the hugely entertaining @starbuxman. #yow16

    ASCII art is important. 😂 @starbuxman @cloudnativejava @springboot #yow16

    “There are humans walking around right now with organs in their bodies with IP addresses!” @starbuxman is an explosion of trivia. #yow16

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    The final tenet of the Scribe’s Oath: I will never stop learning and improving my craft. Why we’re all here today! #yow16 @unclebobmartin

    Listening to @cmeik and @caitie’s entertaining tag team talk on history and challenges of distributed computing. #yow16

    “So Halo 4 looked really pretty but my life was AWFUL…” @caitie talking about the realities of performance trade-offs. #yow16

    “All of your assumptions start breaking when things increase by orders of magnitude” @caitie on her Finagle & RPC experience @twitter #Yow16

    “There be dragons…” @apaipi on why focus on 100% resource (people) allocation can lead to destroyed teams & lack of time to learn. #yow16

    Business likes MVP because they can make 💰, but value is really in “walking skeleton” to get feedback. @apaipi #yow16

    A lot of giggles and groans as @apaipi walks us through Manifesto for Half-Arsed Software Development. Relevant to many folks’ exp. #yow16

    RT @RMcKergow: Agile transformations are hard & a long journey. Know where the company is at & want to be within the Agile fluency model. @…

    Yes, @apaipi went full hobbit for her #yow16 talk. That’s commitment to a theme!

    Less than 80 tickets left for #BeeropsMegaMixer on Thursday in Sydney Sponsored by @yow_oz – hope to see you there!

    @Cuff_S We get the numbers via the votes at the end. It’s faster! 😀

    @apaipi @jchyip And I just thought it was a metaphor – didn’t realise Walking Skeleton was a Thing!

    That first sticky is the hardest. Best to have unlimited modelling space to encourage freedom & digging in. #yow16

    So many people taking notes in @thepaulrayner’s excellent EventStorming talk! #yow16

    RT @DamianM: Observation about #yow16 so far.. all the micro service focus is now about async and resilience. Suspect lots of people burnt…

    “From a Domain-Driven Design perspective, that makes me a sad panda.” 🐼 @thepaulrayner on devs not using domain-specific terms #yow16

    @Cuff_S @unixbigot We send out a survey link but we don’t get much back. Best feedback is given directly to speaker in a chat!

    Structured, intensive activities like EventStorming and Mob Programming optimise for learning. @thepaulrayner #yow16 @WoodyZuill

    Wow. The AU and US governments make a lot of open data sets available. @BernHyland #yow16

    Just publishing data in a CSV isn’t enough. There’s a lot of missing context. @BernHyland #yow16

    Bailiwick – not a word you hear in a lot of tech talks! #impressed @BernHyland #yow16

    RT @RMcKergow: Great how to session on Event Storming for understand how systems interact and highlight gaps in knowledge. Thanks @thepaulr…

    Knitted viruses! Punch cards! Hacked knitting machines! CANDY! 🍫 Don’t forget my #yow16 talk Tuesday at 2:10 in Green room. Guaranteed fun.

    RT @BernHyland: Congrats @LareneLg @Cuff_S! See you in 2017! Thanks @yow_oz for putting #womenintech & community central to all that you…

    “Hi! I run a company. We’re pretty feral.” 😂 @lady_nerd #yow16

    RT @desplesda: All set. #yow16

    “Back in the day I was a penetration tester, which meant I did bad things to good people for money.” – @lady_nerd #yow16 LOLOL

    “Threat landscape. Horrible word. Sounds very hipster. But the toasters are coming…” @lady_nerd #yow16

    RT @GavinOsborn: #yow16 was also notable for it’s great women-in-tech line-up this year @caitie @randommood @jessitron @rebeccaparsons @ewe…

    “How do you know the difference on StackOverflow between a good person and someone trying to compromise a network? Just a thought…” #yow16

    Don’t be Batman. Be a meerkat! #meepmeepmeep @lady_nerd #yow16

    RT @mjpt777: Awesome intro to security by @lady_nerd. Should seen by all. #yow16

    Once again, @DrBrianRLittle has the crowd rolling at #yow16 with his excellent talk on personality types.

    RT @BernHyland: Behind the scenes, @web_goddess chats with @lady_nerd on the golden age of computing #yow16 @yow_oz #womenintech https://t.…

    RT @unixbigot: Inspiring closing keynote from @DrBrianRLittle. You had to be there. #yow16

    @KatanSAPDevelop @ghohpe @lady_nerd More awesome ladies tomorrow too! 😉 #yow16

    RT @BernHyland: Great to make new friends at #yow16, thanks @yow_oz!
    More than ever the global tech community needs to collaborate! https:/…

    See, Brisbane? I told ya! 2:10pm today in the Green room. 😁 #yow16

    @MichelePlayfair YAYYYYY

    @lexy_jane YESS! Please knit through my talk – I’d ❤️ that!!

    @KathyReid Seriously? That’s so cool!!

    @KathyReid @DigitalGeelong @creativegeelong Let me know if it happens. I’ll put my hand up now to spruik, speak, judge – whatever you need!

    “Architecture is whatever your org thinks is hard. Whatever they find difficult to change.” Some definitions from @rebeccaparsons #yow16

    @rosepowell WOW, congratulations! Recommendation: Code – The Hidden Language of Computers by Charles Petzold. Taught me lots!

    RT @PeterSellars: Evolutionary Architecture is contextual to your system, find out what is most important to your system @rebeccaparsons @t…

    Architectural fitness functions must be specific and testable. “The system must be maintainable” doesn’t work. @rebeccaparsons #yow16

    I love the fact that #yow16 speakers see many talks on tour, and then they start referencing each other and tying themes together!

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    Muttaburrasaurus… we meet at last.

    Muttaburrasaurus decided to come home with us.

    RT @yow_oz: Ready for #yow16 tomorrow, Brisbane?

    Sailing on a catamaran and swimming in Moreton Bay. So amazing. #nofilter

    @mcflydesign Nice. @chrisdoble, doin’ God’s work.

    @evanderkoogh It’s a grind, let me tell you.

    @bazscott @haruki_zaemon I can ask the team for their perspective!

    @DamonOehlman Large group walking to Brisbane Brewing Co

    @DamonOehlman See which you can get a table for 8 for 🙂

    @DamonOehlman Mark said beers at BBC were better

    RT @desplesda: Pre-Brisbane speaker snacks! #yow16

    @Cuff_S Yay! Excited to meet you. 😁

    Lovely! – Drinking a Raspberry Saison by Brouhaha Brewery at @brisbrewingco —

    “It makes me feel LIKE A GIANT.” – @IanDCrosby at @BrisBrewingCo #yow16

    @jessitron And I told three old ladies in Melbourne how nice they looked. ONE WOMAN FRIENDLINESS TSUNAMI.

    @chrisdoble DAYUMMMMM

    @haruki_zaemon @bazscott Hm. I don’t think it’d be a good proxy. Topics don’t get retired because we’ve solved them.

    @haruki_zaemon @bazscott Rather they follow the main trends in the industry… with some evergreen stuff in there too.

    @haruki_zaemon @bazscott That’s my perception as someone new to the organising part of it, anyway. It’s not explicit.

    @jstangroome @yow_oz @confui Thanks Jason. It’s being retired and replaced in the coming weeks!

    That moment when @apaipi got everyone at #yow16 Brisbane to sing Happy Birthday to @unclebobmartin!

    There are about 100M lines of code in the modern car (not a Tesla)… and that should scare you. You know what that code looks like! #yow16 😂

    Nice to see @unclebobmartin giving Ada Lovelace a shout out in his #yow16 keynote!

    And now Admiral Grace Hopper! @unclebobmartin making sure the women are represented today. ☺️ #yow16

    RT @unixbigot: The first generation of programmers had other real business experience before coding. What can we learn from that? #yow16

    @anton21 BCECLINK works for me without password!

    @anton21 If there is, they didn’t tell me. 😂

    RT @arburbank: The problem with Obamacare per Bob Martin: “a law was passed that mandated a date when a software system had to be ready.” H…