Month: December 2016

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    @noopkat 😱 I haven’t seen yet!!

    It’s hot here. (@ Brisbane Domestic Terminal – @brisbaneairport in Brisbane Airport, QLD)

    Finally – Fantastic Beasts! (@ South Bank Cineplex in South Bank, QLD)

    I do like a sour. (But I think Sourpuss is better.)… (Blood Orange Berliner Weisse) #photo

    @TheRealBnut Very cute! @knitterjp – you’ll like that. 🙂

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    RT @Australian_Devs: Very interesting. This also why companies should hire for attitude and aptitude over technical skills.…

    Very full house for @ghohpe’s talk on resilience! #yow16

    Robust = T-800 and Colossus. Resilient = T-1000 and Deadpool. Clever analogy! @ghohpe #yow16

    @mark_sabbatical @ghohpe Interestingly, mostly column A but still with a bit of column B!

    RT @Queerty: Pence Trolled By New D.C. Neighbors Who Hung Rainbow Flags All Over Their Yards

    RT @starbuxman: Asynchronous messaging is an “honest” architectural style that acknowledges the reality of the system, says @ghohpe #yow16…

    Really proud to see @canva’s own @DamonOehlman speaking to a full house at #yow16!

    There it is. “Then… @canva” #yow16 @DamonOehlman

    RT @aman_mozilla: @Sonatype raffle drone will be demonstrated in tea break at 3:20pm. Come have an awesome experience #yow16…

    Getting an intro to Closure Compiler features from @DamonOehlman. “Foo’s getting a bit of a workout today…” #yow16

    Now onto TypeScript… “which definitely fits on a screen better.” #yow16 @DamonOehlman

    @MelissaKaulfuss Whoa… That sucks about the jerks, but cool to see your tweet getting shared so widely!!

    Attendee: “When you changed your mind about Closure Compiler, was it real or Stockholm Syndrome?” @DamonOehlman: “Good question!” 😂 #yow16

    DUUUUUUUUDE. So cool! 🤘 Way to go @cathyblabla!

    It’s finally time. Red Lippie of Confidence has been deployed. #yow16

    The view from the lecture before my talk. That’s @unclebobmartin. No pressure. #yow16

    RT @BernHyland: Kudos to the @yow_oz team, volunteers & Dave Thomas, chief defect officer, for a thought provoking conference #yow16 https:…

    @ArcTanSusan You’ll have to ask @unclebobmartin – it was in his keynote. I suspect it was an observation.

    RT @yow_oz: Got FOMO bad? Join us in Brisbane or Sydney for #yow16

    RT @mrowe: Nice to see @web_goddess calling out Charles Petzold’s “Code”. Everyone should read it. Especially software developers. #yow16

    RT @lilapinot: ‘By looking at what you do in a new way, you’ll get better at it’ @web_goddess on knitting & programming, how art meets tech…

    @sufw Thank you for your tweets! I enjoyed following along in all your sessions. 🙂

    @billwscott @DivaDanese Apparently we have a lot in common! 😊

    @billwscott @unclebobmartin No, he was laughing the whole time! Very gratifying for a speaker trying to keep it fun. 🙂

    @DivaDanese I reckon we should make that happen. I suspect between the two of us, we could do it! 🙂

    .@Phoebe_Timmins You were robbed! The best and worst luck, really. If they ever do an All-Stars, my money’s on you. 😉

    RT @chiuki: Elite worship: Are developers who tweet, blog, speak and open source inherently better?

    See, Brisbane? You should come to the weird knitting talk! 😁 #yow16

    Time for this circus to move to the next town! #yow16

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    Learning about n-grams and different probabilistic models for NLP – Named Entity Extraction, Naive Bayes, etc @EvaNahari #Yow16

    “Distributed Representation is so friggin’ powerful because it’s dense and you can extrapolate. Why aren’t you more excited?!“ 😁 #yow16

    @randommood @caitie 😳

    RT @BernHyland: Helpful update on tooling available for #NLP & computational linguistics in era of cheap cloud computing #yow16 https://t.c…

    @nemshilov Check your gmail. 😉

    RT @jstangroome: Awesome! I’m going to @yow_oz Sydney #yow16 thanks to @alt_net. Hope to see you there.

    Learning about Big 5 Personality Traits from @DrBrianRLittle. FANTASTIC keynote! Everyone is thinking and learning about themself #Yow16

    TFW @DrBrianRLittle is DESCRIBING YOUR WHOLE LIFE. 😳 #yow16

    (Secretly suspecting the only ones tweeting during this amazing talk are the extroverts…) #yow16

    RT @MelissaKaulfuss: Truth bomb 💣💥👌 #JSConfAU16

    Heh. Managed to get @DamonOehlman’s duck addiction into his conference intro. Troll complete! @canva 😜 #yow16

    RT @pheasley: Love how family friendly and invested in diversity @yow_oz is. Respect. #yow16

    Congrats to @LareneLg and @Cuff_S for being selected @yow_oz 2016 WiT speaking comp winners! Check website for details on 2017 comp. #yow16

    RT @sufw: “Nothing in this world happens without us programmers”. Preaching to the converted I guess. 🙂 #yow16

    By the mid-90′s, programmers could be villains! Dennis Nedry in Jurassic Park meant we were finally relevant! 😂 #yow16 @unclebobmartin

    Every 5 years the number of programmers in the world roughly doubles. So half the programmers in the world have <5 yrs experience! #yow16

    @yow_oz Ugh. LOOK UP, SELF.

    RT @pheasley: Is programming a young persons game? Where are all the old programmers? They’re all still here, there just weren’t many to be…

    @ryanflorence Gahhhh, that really sucks. 🙁

    @johnbarton Haha, did your #ctosummit talk stress you out? Couldn’t tell from audience!

    RT @simonraikallen: A great Programmers Oath at #Yow16 by @unclebobmartin: