Month: January 2017

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    Excited to hear from Michael Leung about faster, better storage and how it makes computation faster. @DellEMCDSSD @pivotallabs

    Wow. @DellEMCDSSD were able to reduce time for a particular cancer care process from 11 days to 6 hours. Literally life-saving tech.

    .@lgarulli starts his talk with a stark warning: 60% of Big Data projects will fail in 2017. @OrientDB @pivotallabs

    Big Data projects fail for lots of reasons. The big ones are complexity and budget. @lgarulli @OrientDB

    I definitely spot some familiar local names using @OrientDB… @sonatype @FOXSportsAUS

    @Malarkey My Dad is going to be very scornful of that news. It’s Clint or nothing.

    RT @GuardianAus: We broke the Panama Papers story. Our next mission: Donald Trump

    @Malarkey I’m fairly certain “right turn, Clyde” was the first sentence he taught me to say.

    @The_McJones Boooo. Pickles are THE BEST. I have a jar from Costco the size of a small child in my fridge.

    RT @BuzzFeedOz: 22 Women Who Have Somehow Led Fulfilling Lives Without Children via @tahls

    RT @yow_conf: Learn about Google Cloud Data pipeline architecture patterns & meet @lynnlangit in Sydney Wed Feb 15…

    @glasnt @pycon My knitting talk got accepted too! I’m still kind of in shock. 🙂

    @incunabulista @glasnt I have a feeling it might be the final time for this talk. I’ll have given it a lot by then!

    @mmastertheone The rest of the world is catching on! Knitters love puns. 🙂

    I could sit in this converted old wool store all day.

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    RT @yow_conf: Are you working on your #ylj17 submission?

    Whoa! My talk was one of @jase_thomas’s favourites. 😊

    @jase_thomas I think I did the very short lightning talk version for that one. I’m glad you liked it! 🙂

    @TheRealBnut I carry two of ’em when I go to speak anywhere just in case they don’t have them. But I have very rarely had to use them.

    @pelagikat I’ve been there before! Beautiful place. Looks like a great day for it too.

    RT @TawarRazaghi: It Took Exactly 15 Minutes For This Female Politician To Be Asked Why She’s Childless via @workma…

    @HANSwerThePhone Those haven’t quite been unveiled yet. I think they were literally behind a curtain. 🙂

    @fendersperth I’m coming to Perth! Just RSVPed for the meetup on the 8th. 💃

    @chiuki @CallbackWomen @techspeakdigest D’OH! Of course. Thank you. 🙂

    @venks79 YES! Me and Hermione, fighting evil in our awesome red lippie. 🙂 💄

    @zarahjutz @aectann OMG we had some of those at Canva and they were soooooo good. #jealous

    RT @SydneyPyLadies: We are starting a weekly study group for learning python! Starting Monday 06/02

    @awkwordly @imdominating I could watch that all day. 💥

    @gilmae @randomknits I haven’t had alcohol or sugar (beyond fruit) ALL MONTH, SO YOU CAN BOTH SUCK IT. (Sorry. Detox rage.)

    @gilmae @randomknits You about you eat an apple instead of a doughnut and see how you like it? #hangry

    @LinkedInHelp I can’t seem to login. Keep getting error that email is not recognised, but reset password form works fine.

    @LinkedInHelp …and suddenly it’s back. Must’ve been a glitch in the matrix. 🙂

    @ewebber That is some chunky wool! Never gets cold enough to need it here. Looks great!!

    If they add Jean-Ralphio, I’m buying it. // London Toy Fair Reveals: Parks and Recreation! | Funko

    RT @mcflydesign: We’re hiring a digi designer at Canva – hit me up if you’re interested 🙂

    RT @adblanche: +1000 to the @shestarts preview trailer! Excited to see 10 amazing #entrepreneurs build the future of Aussie tech! https://t…

    RT @mediaperuana: This 140 character limit is rough sometimes.

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    RT @HamillHimself: I know where she stood. You know where she stood. Such an honor to see her standing with you today. Bigly. #Resistance #…

    This has become my mantra.

    Technically this awesome shirt is about ovarian cancer, but it works on multiple levels. (…

    Unconditional love. (I swear he spends 50% of his waking hours on Rodd’s lap.)

    Congrats to @canva on the opening of their awesome new ground floor event space! (I covet that arcade machine…)

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    Oh FFS. At least you’ll be able to compare them, @Justacogitating. 😉

    @eladbar Thanks!

    RT @airawyn: “I came here to KNIT HATS and PUNCH NAZIS and I’m all outta yarn.” #protestsigns

    RT @marcprecipice: The knitting needle is mightier than the sword.

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    @boundvariable @TheRealBnut That comes up out of the ocean? I suspect the producers of Star Trek might take issue with that. 😛

    Getting stuff done at the excellent @enterprizetas Hobart coworking space. Thanks @iamcraigclark for the invitation!

    RT @hannahcancode: Yes! Don’t make computer science “relevant for women”. Though pink is nice. @GracieNoLag at #lca2017…

    The Wool and Craft BOF is happening! #lca2017

    If you’re going to be selling an idea to business people, you have to speak their language. – @vmbrasseur YES! 👏💯 #lca2017

    We all know groups who need a venue. Host them! In-kind contributions are great! (Glaring at companies that don’t do this.) #lca2017

    @hannahcancode @r0ml Do people still differentiate using “free as in speech” and “free as in beer”? #oldperson

    RT @johndalton: “Have a No Asshole Rule. Have zero tolerance for bad behaviour. Don’t associate your company with a toxic environment!” @vm…

    @themaninblue @johndalton @vmbrasseur Don’t pierce my bubble today Cam. I’m in deep, deep denial.

    How to get a community manager job? Talk to me. I’m looking for another Dev Rel person for @yow_conf! 😁 #lca2017

    I am here for @caseywest’s talk, shirt, and hashtag. ❤🇺🇸 #makeamericakindagain #maka #lca2017

    @Ducky_Tape @yow_conf Ooh, Ducky. Let’s talk. 🙂

    RT @caitie: The first @papers_we_love SF of 2017 is getting started and streaming live!!!

    “…in the cloud.” New fortune cookie game. 😂 #lca2017

    Going faster can be good for security. A moving target is harder to hit. @caseywest #lca2017

    @CallbackWomen @techspeakdigest Can you please amplify? Travel assistance is available!

    @CallbackWomen @techspeakdigest And another one for the functional programmers!

    “I’m old school; I’ve been doing serverless for 20 years. It’s called Perl cgi’s.“ 😂 @caseywest #lca2017

    Three R’s of security: Rotate, Repave, and Repair. #lca2017

    @aussielunix Best of luck in the future!

    RT @QEDunham: “The longer we wait to deploy a change, the more changes build up, and the more likely it’ll break.

    Make everything a hotfix…

    Track hosting LIKE A BOSS. @unixbigot #lca2017

    @ericscheid Not today, thankfully.

    RT @yow_conf: Thought about volunteering at our events & wondered what it’s like? @dosatross shares his experience

    @zarahjutz @WomenTechmakers Nice! Crossing fingers for you. (And happy to help if needed.)

    RT @neiltyson: Let’s Make America Smart Again.

    Yay, @GGDSydney’s own @notsolonecoder presenting a ⚡️ talk on NCSS. #lca2017

    @TheRealBnut I am piking on dinner. Too much socialisation, even for me! See you probably Monday morning. 😀

    @stibbons Ah, I’ve already got the airport shuttle booked! 🙁

    @chrisjrn @yow_conf You would’ve been PERFECT!

    It’s been over 8 years since I wrote PHP professionally, but I still get spammy recruiters hitting me up for developer jobs. 😐

    @Ducky_Tape DM me your email when you get a chance and I’ll send you the details.

    ?! 😳 I’m honoured to have been any sort of inspiration! Can’t wait to see the video!

    RT @KatieConf: The amazing team at @nextdayvideo now have the full #WOOTConf talk list online!

    Thanks again to all…

  • Shared today on Twitter – helpful matrix of Rust support in various editors 🤣 #lca2017

    Loved this talk! @BR3NDA was charming, smart, and hilarious.

    I am in love with Ferris the Rustacean. More languages should have ADORABLE MASCOTS. #lca2017

    @unixbigot If you’re free next session, a chair opened up next to me in the Rust workshop!

    @unixbigot Too late! It’s gone. 🙁

    RT @yow_conf: Melbourne, join our 1st 2017 event #yownight Thu Feb 9 on Google Cloud Data Pipeline Patterns with @lynnlangit…

    Fantastic Rust tutorial from @QEDunham. I knew she was a great teacher at the Open Hardware miniconf, but she blew me away today! #lca2017

    RT @yow_conf: Sydney, our 1st 2017 #yownight Wed Feb 15 on Google Cloud Data Pipeline Patterns with @lynnlangit

    RT @WholesomeMeme:

    Learning about DITA (and craving sugar) from @Loquacities. #lca2017

    Good question on whether video training materials will supplant text. @Loquacities says no – video is too annoying now. AGREE +1000 #lca2017

    So looking forward to @kattekrab’s talk, esp after struggling with some of the OS prereqs for the hardware workshops this week. #lca2017

    @voltagex @kattekrab Real question – Is ugly/non-intuitive UI a bug?

    @voltagex @kattekrab As a non-power user, I worry those complaints won’t be taken seriously.

    Who’s heard Dumb User stories? Everybody. #lca2017

    RT @scalzi: It reads like shade but is merely a recitation of fact.


    @parisba Digging @desplesda’s kickass winged eyeliner.

    One of my favourite mottoes: Perfect is the enemy of good. #lca2017

    @yow_conf @parisba Oh he’s already gone there. Check his tweets from last night. #nightmarefuel

    @yow_conf Already on my laptop. 😉

    RT @KathyReid: @kattekrab – “How many people have we pushed away that we don’t know about?” Our attitudes harm contribution #lca2017

    Should something fail a code review if usability sucks? YES. 👏💯 @kattekrab #lca2017

    @thisismywww Nah. The talk was focusing more on considering users than in process

    @tveastman I liked the composition. Suitably dramatic. 😁

    @teknetia That’s one reason I stopped food tracking. It’s all oriented around pre-prepared, like nobody cooks from scratch anymore. 😕

    @gsat_technology Does Ankit have Twitter? Going to tag you guys in photo…

    I had a fantastic time tonight meeting some of Hobart’s user group organisers. Thanks @gsat_technology, @iamcraigclark, @dnahodil and Ankit!


    Or more relevantly for me: Lloyd Henreid from “The Stand.” He was fantastic in that.

    Now that @aurynn has taught me the term “contempt culture,” my Twitter feed is that much more depressing.

    @aurynn Not your fault. It was always there making me feel bad; I just didn’t have the words for it.

    RT @testobsessed: Spotted on a whiteboard at @pivotal: you can branch if you want to…

    RT @6Gems: THIS. Because the view from the top matters. I’ll say it. Guess who? 🤔