Month: January 2017

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    @sarah_liu They don’t hire juniors at all. I think it’s unethical to rely on the rest of the industry to train the next generation for you.

    Awww, it’s the amazing @trisha_gee!

    @thewebprincess Oh thank you! I’ve actually got plenty now. Maybe my next visit? Got a great WordPress talk. 🙂

    Thank you to @susanshiwashere for inviting me to present at CBA’s Soapbox Club speaking workshop! So much fun. 😁

    Finally! Stickers! And they’re hexagons, @DamonOehlman. 😉

    First Meetup Wrap blog post of 2017 – four meetups, two of which involved me speaking!

    RT @parisba: Saw someone arguing with Woolworths staff about GPL-compliance of self-checkout machines. #lca2017 must be in town.

    @mark_sabbatical I’m in Hobart all next week for LCA. Starting to think the universe is conspiring to keep me from Cocoaheads!

    @mark_sabbatical But thank you for the offer!

    @mark_sabbatical @parisba Yes! I know @chrisjrn will be super busy, but he is top of my To Meet list. I have secret 🐿 things to discuss. 🤐

    Fastest checkup & cleaning yet! Thanks, Fancy New Electric Toothbrush. (@ Pacific Smiles Dental in Sydney, NSW)

    @slace I finally figured out how to get 5 stars on it.

    @slace Given the shittiness of the instruction manual, that may have been faster.

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    @iamcraigclark Excellent, thanks! Looking forward to meeting you. 🙂

    RT @JordanRasko: I say it every year but can we just have Australia day on May 8? May8? M8! maaaaaate

    It’s turned into a gorgeous day for a walk.

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    @drkknits Just started to drool. Thanks.

    Awww, @the_snook made a new friend when he went out to water the garden this morning! (Actually it’s shell leftover from molting.)

    @developerjack Let me know if you get any good suggestions. I’m interested too, but they all look HUGE and CLUNKY on my wrist.

    RT @KenJennings: You (dumb, never been on Jeopardy): I thought he was a germaphobe.
    Me (wise, drinks 200mL of my morning stream every day):…

    RT @Geek_Manager: This thread is awesome – read the whole thing 😻😻😻

    @DeveloperSteve @sir_tilbrook Haha, I’m not up that high yet! (Thanks to my meetup calendar script, no more need to join them all!)

    Just realising I have booked myself for 8 speaking engagements so far in the next two months. 😳

    @lynnlangit Haha, I finish most of mine by spruiking yours!

    @KiahHickson I started out same way! New Year’s 2015 resolution was to get a paid speaking gig. Just stick with it. 😊

    @KiahHickson And you should absolutely enter @yow_conf’s Women in Tech speaking comp this year! Will open soon…

    RT @yow_conf: We’re getting ready to announce our #WIT competition for 2017. Get notified the minute it goes live h…

    The absolute best mango is Forgotten Fridge Mango Unearthed on a Really Hot Day. Bliss…

    @Ducky_Tape I’m hosting drinks for local meetup group folks in Hobart on Thursday next week if you’re interested in joining! DM for details.

    Do you run a local tech meetup group in Hobart? I want to buy you a drink next week! Send me a message and I’ll give you the details. 🙂

    @Xavier_Ho Hehe. I’ve already been chasing @Ducky_Tape all over the Internet!

    @jake_bresnehan @joshgillies @kcidau Ooh, thanks. I think I messaged them both via other means, but good to connect here too!

    It’s nice and cool in @4mationSydney as @Meligy kicks off tonight’s #ngsyd meetup! Nice crowd too.

    Fantastic – Ken’s giving his second ever talk on running unit tests in Angular 2. He’s doing great! #ngsydney

    @developerjack That was a quick impulse buy!

    @kcidau @jake_bresnehan @joshgillies @webdev42 @dnahodil AWS is George – already talked to him!

    @kcidau @jake_bresnehan @joshgillies @webdev42 @dnahodil I’ve got table booked Thurs Jan 19 at 6pm at Brick Factory. Would love to meet up!

    @kcidau @jake_bresnehan Thank you both! Looking forward to meeting all the Tasmanians next week. 😁

    @kcidau Could squeeze in a quick hello on the Friday if you’re back then!

    @dnahodil Haha, nothing too mysterious. Just want to pay a thank you to UG heads on behalf on @yow_conf. We know how hard work it is!

    @kcidau Oh cool! I’ll message you when you’re back then. 🙂

    RT @Meligy: And now the 2nd ng-sydney talk where @web_goddess shows us how knitting and computer coding are so much alike!

    #ngsydney #enco…

    RT @_tonymay: @web_goddess giving and amazing talk on coding and knitting!

    @_tonymay Thank you!! 😁

    @Ducky_Tape @Astarael @maziltov @mtfoilist Excellent! I sent the GGC FB page a message with the details. Hope to see you all next week!

    Knitting at #ngsydney as @Meligy walks us through some hidden Angular features.

    RT @NewYorker: The life-changing magic of decluttering in a post-apocalyptic world:

    @maziltov @gsat_technology Hehe. Already been talking to him – he was the first RSVP! Thank you though. 🙂

    Thanks to @unlikelylibrary’s mad skillz, I’ve found exact shoes Emma Stone wears in La La Land! (2nd row, 3rd down)

    I absolutely loved this. I know it’s an ad, but that sentiment? That’s the Australia I want to live in.

    @MichelePlayfair That part really does! 😆

    @sarah_liu I have so many issues with the valorisation of their hiring model in the industry. 😕

    @JennaPrice Rodd and I were in the Tunick photo too! I found it very empowering.

    @JennaPrice We’re in the middle somewhere, right before the steps. Never managed to spot us in the photo though!

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    Some of my geekier knitting projects, a few of which are in my upcoming @wootconf #lca2017 #ohc2017 #ng-syd talks!

    @johnbarton Everybody loves the socks. I’ve worn a hole in the foot; might need to bust out the darning needle this week so I can bring ’em.

    I love the smell of old books. There are worse places to work on a hot day.

    Self: if you hit Random in Spotify, you have to accept that you’ll get the occasional Whitlams SADNESS BOMB. “You can’t afford it now…” 😭

    RT @yow_conf: Our first 2017 #yownight is now live. Join us with @lynnlangit in Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane next month…

    @Ducky_Tape Oh sweet, you’re going to be there! I was just about to message you to see if we could meet up when I’m in town next week. 🙂

    @Ducky_Tape I’m looking to set up drinks with local UG heads maybe on Thursday night. You run Django Girls, yeah??

    @Ducky_Tape Actually – I suspect I may have just messaged you on LinkedIn. 🤣

    Any Melbourne tech meetups looking for a speaker Feb 14-18? I’m going to be in town!

    @frankarr That would be GREAT – would love that!!

    @andykelk @rosepowell @frankarr You all are making me blush. Thank you! ☺

    @evanderkoogh Of course. 😐

    @evanderkoogh I will also be there briefly on the 9th for our YOW Night though!

    Ian kicking off tonight’s #SydMobNet Xamarin meetup at @readify. Thanks sponsors!

    I couldn’t resist doing some @yow_conf graffiti on the giant Surface in @readify’s office! #SydMobNet

    First talk is @simonwaight talking about architecting hyper scale solutions with Azure. #SydMobNet

    More meetups should have a crackling fire in the corner. It’s very calming. #SydMobNet

    Lightning talk from @matthewrdev on his latest release of @mfractor. #SydMobNet

    Great slideless preso from @thenickrandolph on Azure Active Directory. (His pink Surface earned some giggles, but I’m a fan!) #SydMobNet

    @alanburchill @AdrianJSClark I’ve got a booking at a fancy restaurant in Melbs, so I can’t make it. But I’ll let you know when I’m in Briso!

    @CathyEdwards86 @thenickrandolph I think he said it’s a cover!

    @neil_killick Absolutely! I’ll make a note and we’ll find a time closer to the day. 🙂

    @alanburchill @AdrianJSClark You’re killing me! Can I suggest my colleague @smithcdau?

    @dlutzy Ooh, cool, thanks! I’ll connect on LI and message you the talks I’ve got currently. 🙂

    @drwitty_knitter @simonwaight @gilmae It’s a term used as tech industry jargon. Back down, Academic. 🙂

    @drwitty_knitter @simonwaight @gilmae We have a role and discipline called Technical Architecture. It’s shorthand for what they actually do.

    @drwitty_knitter @simonwaight @gilmae No, in tech “design” often means something entirely different.

    @drwitty_knitter @simonwaight @gilmae It was a very technical presentation delivered to a specific audience, not general.

    Pretty sure @drwitty_knitter just turned me into a language descriptivist. 😛

    @drwitty_knitter @simonwaight @gilmae I can’t believe I’m doing this, but…

    @RMcKergow @elabor8 Sure! Lunch / Brown Bag type things are very welcome too. 🙂

    @evanderkoogh You got plans tomorrow night? I’m going to a Fintech meetup…

    @evanderkoogh Hm. There’s no venue or topic set yet. Maybe it’s a phantom meetup:

    @imdominating I was gonna ask why you get an annual when you’re younger than me. Then I remembered. Duh. @Justacogitating

    LOL. Getting in before everyone in the world tweets it at me:

    Melbourne – anyone looking to make a move into DevRel/Evangelism? @yow_conf is hiring! Message me if you know someone suitable.

    RT @diversionary: In Sydney, make digital products and free next Wednesday night? We’re talking onboarding and firstrun:…

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    It’s finally happened. @canva finally deleted my email account. 😢

    @verbaliza @canva It was bound to happen sooner or later. End of an era!

    @gilmae It was their Google Apps account. They had the right. Most places delete the day you leave. 🙂

    @gilmae Or I need to drink another coffee. DOH.

    @aussielunix Whoa! That’s some big life moves right there.

    Hey #lca2017 folks – I’m a newbie. What should I put on my badge? What’s useful/fun information? I don’t want to look BORING.

    @FakeSamRitchie The new place?! How’s it looking?

    @FakeSamRitchie Or rather, the same place 2.0. 🙂

    Whoa! This is huge. 😳

    I’m speaking at two #lca2017 miniconfs! A full talk at @wootconf on Monday, then a lightning talk at #ohc2017 on Tuesday. Can’t wait.

  • Sewing notes: Georgie Tops

    It’s time to get serious about my sewing, so I’ve made a resolution this year to not buy any new clothes (excluding undergarments, which are in the Too Hard basket for now). Towards that end, I’ve sewn two more new shirts so far in 2017 from Tessuti’s Georgie Top pattern.

    Georgie #1: The first was this short-sleeved version in a vintage fabric remnant I had. (We did a burn test on it and it melts so I reckon it’s probably either nylon or polyester.) I cut the largest size and did an FBA – more on that in a sec – and finished with exposed bindings. For the bindings, since I had limited fabric I didn’t bother cutting them with the provided pattern pieces but instead used a square to make continuous binding via the Colette method. I really like the Tessuti method for doing the back neck keyhole opening. I don’t get their insistence on using tearaway Vilene to stabilise the neck though – it seems like stay-stitching would work just as well? Overall I’m really happy with the finish on this one. All this practice is really paying off! The only outright mistake I made on this project was cutting the sleeves upside-down, so the motif (which looks a little like an insect!) goes the wrong direction. It’s small enough though that (the Snook claims) you only notice when I point it out. 🙂

    Okay, so the FBA. Based on my experience with other Tessuti patterns, I decided to do a Full Bust Adjustment on this one before I started. The problem is that I trusted the first result that Google gave me: this Craftsy tutorial. People, this tutorial is WRONG! But I didn’t realise it at the time. So I followed the instructions, not realising that step 7 had a massive error. Then when I went to sew up the side seams, guess what? The front was massively longer than the back. Which makes sense, as that stupid tutorial has you draw the new dart in such a way that you’re adding material to the side. I ended up having to rejig my bodice front on-the-fly and try to make it work, and I still ended up having to cut material off the bottom. So though I’m pleased with the finish on this one, I feel like the fit is slightly weird. The neckline is a little high for me (not really the fault of the FBA though), and there’s excess material on my upper chest. It’s wearable, but not exactly great.

    Georgie #2: The second Georgie is this sleeveless version in a vintage cotton remnant. (It’s got little medals all over it!) I was inspired by Gertie’s keyhole blouse to try for a keyhole neckline detail on the front. The first thing I did was print a new bodice front, lower the neckline, and then do a proper FBA. Then I free-handed a U-shape at the center of the bodice front piece and cut it out of my fabric. Rather than using Vilene, I simply stay-stitched the neckline, keyhole, and sleeve openings before I started. I again made my own continuous bias tape via the Colette method. Binding the keyhole was tricky but doable, and I’m really pleased with how flat it turned out! When I bound the neckline, I initially left a gap of about an inch across the keyhole (so it was more of a U-shape than a teardrop). Then I tried it on, and I again had the problem of excess fabric in the upper chest. When I pinched the top of the U-together though (simulating a tuck), it magically disappeared. Huh! So I unpicked half the neckline binding and then redid it, joining the top of the U together into the teardrop. Very happy with that outcome! (If I make this again without a keyhole, I’ll adjust the bodice front to remove that wedge.) As for the sleeves, I did actually cut them and I intended to use them, but when I tried it on for my neckline alterations, I realised I liked it better sleeveless. I debated whether I needed to adjust the sleeve openings – I know that sleeveless garments tend to have larger armholes – but they looked fine. So I simply added an exposed bias binding to each armhole. So far I’m really happy with it!

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    Finally watching Stranger Things, and WHOA. A little disappointed @imdominating never told me about Chief Hopper. 😍

    Another sewn shirt! Sleeveless Georgie top with improvised keyhole neckline. @tessutifabri…

    Close-up of fabric and neckline. It’s got little medals all over it!

    @mark_sabbatical I have a goal of not buying any clothing this year. Making it skirts the restriction!

    @charrett YES! Okay, if I’m at all around that week, must arrange a catch up with @lady_nerd. 😀

    @stibbons Just realised we’re on the same flight back from #lca2017!

    @developerjack Which flights are you on??

    Sewing notes: Georgie Tops – some notes on my most recent projects & warning against trusting random web tutorials.

    @aimee_maree A colleague with a crush on me turned very toxic when I didn’t reciprocate and he got jealous of my friendships with other men

    @aimee_maree It actually got raised during my next performance review as “communications issues” with my team.

    @aimee_maree Albeit with a chuckle “we know it’s not really your fault” – but I still resented that it was even mentioned.

    @aimee_maree Yeah. I left that job. He had no repercussions. I still pass him occasionally on the street. Still makes my blood boil.