Month: January 2017
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@glasnt Soundtrack’s on Spotify… where I’m headed now that “You’re Welcome” is stuck in my head again. 🙂
Nothing gets the heart racing like a big ol’ Huntsman walking across the living room floor a foot from me. 😳🕷
This is so awesome! Fantastic job, @ewebber. That’s the capper (pun intended) on my #yow16 for sure. ☺
@pelagikat There’s also discussion happening on Ravelry:
The Media’s Favorite ‘Millennial’ Is 55 Years Old via @thedailybeast // This is FASCINATING.
Be right back – just need to knit #Aggretsuko into a jumper and WEAR IT EVERYWHERE.
Sanrio’s new character has an office job, drinks beer, and likes heavy metal via @Verge 😍
Thanks for the reminder, @billyeichner. Just signed and donated again.
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@aimee_maree August 21!
@aimee_maree There’s apparently another one in 2024. If you plan on 2017, best books things right quick!
@jedws @yow_conf Oh bloody hell. That’s just our theme. I’ll add it at the top. 🙂
@jedws @yow_conf Fixed. Cheers. 🙂
@NatDudley Just tagged you (I think) in a Ravelry thread about #lca2017 🙂
@phillfarrugia I would mock you but I’m pretty sure I dreamed I had a pair the other night.
😐 @TheRealBnut
@andykelk @TheRealBnut As and ye shall receive.
@TheRealBnut @andykelk Oh ffs… 🤣
@nicwinton Is that… a mustard bottle?
RT @chrisjrn: · Offer a free-text option on conference badges
· Everyone fills them with emoji
· Learn more about Emoji rendering than I’d…
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RT @yow_conf: Who would you REALLY like to see in 2017? Nominate a speaker!
@starbuxman @nucatus @trisha_gee I would absolutely attend that talk. You’re like the AVENGERS OF LIVE CODING.
@LucindaBurtt @georgiecel @the_patima @cwrightdesign @ijayessbe @MikeRiethmuller Yes – this just made my day! 😊
@the_patima Perfect timing – was going to reach out to you! I’m coming to Perth in a month and looking to meet locals, maybe speaking gigs
@the_patima I’ll drop you an email as soon as I can!
Listening to @sammy_lee12 kick off tonight’s Sydney Testers meetup at @TyroFinTechHub!
Excited to hear the @FriendlyTester’s talk tonight. (That @ministryoftest shirt is pretty damn cool.)
@fendersperth Ooh. So Feb 8? I will likely be there! Let’s connect via email. 😀
@stringy @the_patima @fendersperth Thanks Julie!!
*cough* This has been my experience at times. How about you, @HANSwerThePhone? 😜 @FriendlyTester
Interesting. @FriendlyTester thinks we’re at Peak Automated Test; he reckons a rise in importance of exploratory testing is coming soon.
@damncabbage You should be here to argue with the speaker then! 😉
It’s vital for testers to “shift right” and get involved as early as possible in the development process. @SydneyTesters @FriendlyTester
Testers don’t break software. They hold up an X-ray machine to find where it’s *already broken*. @SydneyTesters @FriendlyTester
Are you a tester in Sydney? @charrett is telling everyone about the upcoming #CASTx17 next month!
@the_patima There are lakes in Perth?! (I’ve spent < 72 hours there to date.)
RT @sarahmei: Moment: ⚡️ “Women & Minorities Don’t Apply!”
@the_patima Cool cool – reached out to you on LI. 🙂
@fendersperth Just reached out to you via LI… I think! 🙂
@owensenior When are we going to catch up for lunch? I want to hear more about your new job. (And yes, @darthted, you’re invited!)
@owensenior @darthted Ooh, cool! Next week is good – can do any day but Tuesday.
Booking hotels and activities for a big vacation to see the solar eclipse in the US in August. Things are booked out already!
I’m speaking at the Angular Sydney meetup next Wednesday. You should come along!
What to expect at your first YOW! Conference – blog post with tips for tech conf newbies! @yow_conf
@troyhunt @slace I got a gamified Bluetooth electric toothbrush for Xmas. Not sure if getting 4 stars for brushing makes me happy or sad.
@frankarr Holy crap. That was also @the_snook’s theory of what’s inside a Tim Tam! He will feel validated.
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@yow_conf You’re the 3rd person to send to me. 😂
@MichelePlayfair @yow_conf Haha, I actually like this one! It’s well done. 🙂
@MichelePlayfair @andykelk You weren’t following ME? 🤔
@trycatchally ❤️ 👏
RT @AST_News: Want to learn about Capacity and Performance Testing? #CASTx17 early bird tickets are ending soon! Don’t miss out! https://t.…
@MelissaKaulfuss Whoa, cool! When is this happening? I’m going to be down there in the middle of Feb…
@trycatchally Do you know where they were printed? We’re looking to get some stickers (finally!) for @yow_oz…
@developerjack @trycatchally That’s what I thought! Cheers. 🙂
MUGicalPHP – I made a thing! It allows you to subscribe to calendars of tech meetup events in Aussie cities.
RT @calroscow: I think we often forget how much of today’s language Shakespeare gave us. Profound.
@diversionary That’s my next project.
<? accio(‘espresso’); ?>
@diversionary Exactly. I have long suspected Steve Jobs would tell me my ears are shaped incorrectly.
@darthted @conniecodes I made chocolate chip and bacon cookies once. They were Not Good.
@blakkat @sezshares
@noopkat I stress-KonMari’d my dresser last year. Amazingly, it stuck! My t-short drawer now brings me joy.
@chaitanyakuber @darthted @conniecodes They came out very, very greasy. I blame Australian bacon.
@simonswiss Nice job (and post)! And well done @mobywhale for pushing you. She’s like that. 😁
RT @kosamari: If you want to hold fluffy yarn and knitting needles & sit in circle while we talk tech, I’m all down for that (for every ge…
This is why I still have my own content on my own domain. Own your stuff. Don’t always rush to the new sexy startup cloud thing.
@kennychuaio I noticed that yesterday too. They got temporarily taken down but they’ll be back hopefully soon.
@kennychuaio Dr. Little’s talk should be back up now!
I made a thing!
As part of my job at YOW, I attend a lot of meetups. One problem I’ve had over the past few months is in finding what user groups are available and when their meetings are.
For better or worse, Meetup has become the centralised point for discovery so I figured I’d start there. And they do have a convenient “Export to…” link that with a Google calendar option. (It actually gives you a link to an iCalendar data file you can subscribe to.) That’s great! But here’s the thing – it’s only meetups that you’re attending. So you not only have to be in each group; you have to already know about the event… which rather defeats the purpose for me.
Another option is the Meetup home page, which displays a feed of upcoming events. However, the options aren’t super helpful. “All Meetups” displays every single meetup in the location selected, which is only useful if you’re bored and don’t care what type of event you go to. “My Meetups” shows every meetup for groups you belong to, regardless of location. “I’m going” just shows the ones you’re going to. The only one that’s actually useful to me is “My Meetups & suggestions,” which does show events that I might want to attend… but it has two drawbacks. First, it’s not limited by location. That may not be a problem for the average person, but I go to meetups around Australia. The only workaround there is to have separate accounts per city. And second, there’s no RSS feed or iCal feed of this information. The only way to see it is to actually go to the Meetup site and scroll through it.
HOWEVER – Meetup has an API. So I concluded that in order to get the exact information I wanted, I was going to have to build a thing to extract it myself. So I did! I called it “MUGicalPHP” and it’s up on Github now.
How it works: My script first pulls down a list of all the meetup groups in a city within a range of selected technical topics. Then for each of those, it pulls down a list of upcoming meetups and arranges it into iCal format. A cron job kicks off the script, generates the feed for the city, and uploads it to my webhost once a day. So far I’m supporting Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, and Hobart. You can then paste those URLs into Google Calendar and subscribe to individual calendars.
I’m still fine-tuning the format for each event, but so far it’s working great. Yeah, yeah, I could make it more flexible (like supporting arbitrary locations). But that would be more work, and frankly this is doing everything I need right now. If I need more cities or topics, I can easily add them. My next goal is to start incorporating some of the user groups that aren’t on Meetup (like Girl Geek Sydney, SydJS, etc.) Please let me know if you find it useful or if you have any suggestions for improvements!
Thanks to @gilmae, @lucykbain, and of course, the Snook for all their help and encouragement. 🙂
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@mmastertheone Don’t suppose you’re swinging by any stationery stores? I’m about to order a journal online from Japan… 😉
@hannahcancode 👏 Way to go!
RT @yow_oz: Is speaking one of your New Year resolutions? Make a submission to #yowwest17 & join us in May 2017 htt…
@hannahcancode @pyko I was gonna guess hydroponics. 😀
RT @KathyReid: Great to see some places specifically for women at #lca2017 #openhardware #Miniconf #IoT #diversity
Just went through the #lca2017 schedule noting the sessions I want to see. Who else is going? (My @wootconf talk is Monday at 1:20pm!)
@developerjack @kattekrab And of course, you still haven’t seen my fabulous knitting talk! 😛
@mmastertheone Are you going to Tokyo Disneyland?!?!
@MeetupAPI Except it also seems to use IP address, because same call (with same key) works from laptop but not web host.
@TheRealBnut Somebody else sent it to me yesterday. You gotta be quick on the yarn-related links, buddy.
@TheRealBnut I use a similar example in my talk – Sky Scarf where every row is colour of the sky on the day knitted
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@imdominating Ever?
Annual “Clean Out the Fridge” day. Found a 7-year-old jar of Branston Pickle. What the hell?! We’re animals.
@kimreed I know, right? How could Past Me have let this happen?! (I’m guessing I marked it for the bin and the Snook put it back.)
@that_alison @kimreed I can’t explain it. Maybe I missed a shelf? Over and over?
First sewing project of 2017: Georgie Top by @tessutifabrics. (Yes, I cut the damn sleeves…
Opening at back. Fabric is vintage poly (I think) remnant.
@mmastertheone Eek, yes, would love it if you don’t want it for yourself!!
@mmastertheone I’ve got a Sky Scarf in my talk, where every row is the colour of the sky. This one’s pretty good though! Thanks
RT @RReverser: Two days ago someone registered a British company called `; DROP TABLE “COMPANIES”;– LTD`. Oh well……