Month: February 2017
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@slace @DamonOehlman @markdalgleish I tried very hard not to swoon.
Thanks to the @buildkite team for introducing me to the wonders of @belleshotchicken! #sof…
@lachlanhardy Just heard you’re home and might be looking for a job? 😉
@lachlanhardy Cool. I’ll let you know if I hear of anything. Or DM me if you’re willing to consider something outside that. 🙂
Hi @meggadsbey @sarahcoffey! From me and @theswatchmaker. 😁
PO/BA Meetup kicking off at @Aconex!
I can’t even escape He Who Must Not Be Named at a tech meetup. #sprintplanning #evilisland
It pains me to admit I have hit some magical time-spent-in-Melbourne threshold… and I now acknowledge that Melbourne is cooler than Sydney.
@malcolmsheridan I didn’t say I preferred it. I’m not a cool person. 😂 @philiplaureano @tcn33
@StewGleadow You can come to my lunchtime talk tomorrow at Elabor8 if you like. 😀
RT @chromosundrift: Go @lucykbain talking about at SydJS #javascript at @Atlassian
Hey #sydjs – I wasn’t there to remind you in person, but you should totally submit a talk for YOW! West!
There is a very loud concert happening near Queen Vic markets. I hope it stops so I can sleep, or I’ll take back my compliments, Melbourne!
@MelissaKaulfuss I hope so!
@malcolmsheridan Okay, that’s really weird… it may have stopped. WHAT POWER DO YOU HAVE?
@mseckington I’d say YES PLEASE but you’re already giving at talk at @yow_conf! 🙂
RT @KeetPotato: 90% of being married is just shouting “what” from other rooms
Brekkie with 9 of the folks who keep Melbourne’s tech community going!
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Back again, jiggity-jig. (@ T3 (Domestic – Virgin Australia & Regional Express) Terminal in Tullamarine, VIC)
Speakers – you should do this. It’s hard, but SUCH A RUSH!
@agentdero @Quinnae_Moon I’ve already turned one down, and I expect others will be doing the same. 🙁
@darthted Hmm. @stephenlead?
RT @GGDSydney: There are still tickets for tomorrow’s GGD at Atlassian. Grab your tickets!! #ggdsyd
Sitting in big fancy office building, about to give talk to room full of fancy business folks… I needed that confidence boost. ❤ @lady_nerd
RT @lilapinot: Awesome to hear @web_goddess speak @ANZ_AU today about her exp as a mgr, sharing valuable advice & breaking down what they a…
RT @malcolmsheridan: Listening to @web_goddess talk about making the move to management. Pretty good so far.
@malcolmsheridan Thanks, I’m really glad you enjoyed it! Always a hard topic to make engaging and interesting. 🙂
RT @yow_conf: Did you miss our #yownight Feb 2017 Martin Odersky – From DOT to Dotty? Watch it here & share!
TIL that “poutineries” are a thing, and they sound AMAAAAAZING.
Your organization has matured. Has your org chart? — @LenM_Ops // YES, THIS. Very much what I talked about today!
@HANSwerThePhone My fancy address book app says it’s been too long since I talked to you. 😢
@stevelikesyou @mobywhale @JonoYeong I made Kool-Aid pickles once. No regrets.
LOL. Calorie burn is the part of speaking no one talks about. 😛
Brisbane – less than a week left to get your tickets to @lynnlangit’s YOW! Night talk on Google Cloud Platform.
@Malarkey BOOOOOO!
When I see ⬇️ it makes me feel like 💃 . NICE ONE, @the_patima!
@HANSwerThePhone I’m going to be in Hong Kong in two weeks – meet you there? 😛
@corduroy The Sydney one? There are a handful still left. If you can find someone to take it, just tell them to claim your name sticker 🙂
@corduroy Unfortunately I can’t be at that one either. I’m in Melbourne! But it’ll be recorded at least so you can see what you miss.
@Meligy Your Yarn is not like my Yarn. 😂
@hannahcancode Months from now – June IIRC. (Just because trainer isn’t available until later in the year.)
@the_patima You’re a better person than me. My approach to contests I want to win is to keep quiet to increase my odds. 😈
@hannahcancode I reckon we can convince @lucykbain to organise another conference talk brainstorming session… 😉
I do enjoy a Melbourne tram.
Spotted in Melbourne this morning. IT’S A TRAP!!
@slace @DamonOehlman @markdalgleish Hesitated, thinking is this sexist? Would it be if it was women? And then hit FOLLOW anyway.
@slace @DamonOehlman Hilariously, I just stepped into a lift at SEEK and ran into @markdalgleish like 10min after tweeting that. 🤣
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RT @elabor8: Is holacracy the silver bullet for growing companies? RSVP for our #lunchandlearn on Thurs to hear from @web_goddess https://t…
RT @yow_conf: #yownight Sydney with @lynnlangit Feb 15. Not many tickets left!
📷 @web_goddess…
RT @NodeGirlsSydney: We need MENTORS for NodeGirls Sydney! No experience? That’s ok! Make an impact in our community and sign-up today: htt…
@ButenkoMe On it. 🙂
RT @yow_conf: First #yownight Brisbane for 2017 happening Feb 20 with @lynnlangit on Data Pipelines in #googlecloud. Be there!…
RT @tomcoates: Quick piece of anecdotal insight into how some Silicon Valley tech people are feeling about the atmosphere in the US at the…
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Watching Riverdale, and I literally GASPED when I saw Archie’s dad. 😳
Makers of Singapore – I’m giving a talk on Feb 20! TECH BOLEH TAHAN: Knit One, Compute One via @Peatix
Playing Yarn Chicken. I fear I’m going to lose.
BOOM. You come at the Queen, you best not miss.
@MichelePlayfair @knitterjp I would make and happily wear that!
@gilmae It’s an interesting show. Not as good as Veronica Mars or as over the top as the OC, but very reminiscent of early Dawsons Creek.
@gilmae Actually Rodd’s verdict was that it was made for middle-aged women with fond memories of those shows who like to perv on young men
@gilmae Archie is completely objectified. He gets his shirt off like 4 times in the first episode.
We’ve had this tall papaya tree in our garden for 8 years but never got fruit until today! (They always fell over the fence.)