Month: February 2017

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    Perth has a retro video game console museum, and I only just found out about it on my last day??! šŸ˜­

    Made it to Bankwest for todayā€™s Web Accessibility Camp just in time to hear the end of Nick Leighā€™s talk!

    Sean Gardiner telling us stories about building #a11y into Perthā€™s Busport app. Timing travel times, paper prototyping, etc. #PerthWebCamp17

    It took blind person to discover that Braille on bus signs actually said ā€œbus numberā€ rather than THE ACTUAL BUS NUMBER. šŸ˜µ #PerthWebCamp17

    @mmastertheone Thatā€™s fascinating! Iā€™m sure thereā€™s lots of bad UX we donā€™t even realise.

    Scott Hollier presenting on WCAG 2.1 and Silver. W3C focusing on security, Internet of Things, digital assistants. #PerthWebCamp17

    Having trouble focusing on conference due to @tarynmusgrave’s LIGHT UP SHOES.

    RT @fendersperth: Looking forward to seeing everyone at the Casual Catchup tonight at Dominion League!! šŸ’ššŸ»

    @lynnlangit @daphnechong Can I crash that party? šŸ˜œ

    Non-semantic heading structure makes @TarynMusgrave wince. šŸ˜– #PerthWebCamp17

    MELBOURNE! Last call for @lynnlangit tomorrow night. Don’t miss out!

    RT @yow_conf: Don’t forget our #WiT Competition is back!
    Enter to win training & to speak at a YOW! event in 2017/18!ā€¦

    So excited to see @stringy present a large scale case study on making an airline site accessible! #PerthWebCamp17

    “Good management is worth its weight in gold.” šŸ‘ HEAR HEAR. @stringy at #PerthWebCamp17

    Meetup happening.

    Heading back East. Perth is sad I’m leaving. šŸ˜„

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    RT @thecolourfool: Looking forward to seeing @web_goddess in Perth tonight. I expect to be in stitchesā€¦

    @thecolourfool And here I thought @FakeSamRitchie was the King of the Perth Dad Jokes! šŸ˜‚

    Final call, Perth. You know you want to see my blinky hat in person.

    @saberkite Awww. I’m going to be in Singapore and Hong Kong later in the month – as close as I’m likely to get anytime soon!

    @space3ed Iā€™m at Flux! Is there a front desk person?

    @starbuxman Met up with local Java/JVM UG organiser in Perth this morning. They’d love to host a Spring speaker sometime. *hint hint*

    @starbuxman Hee. Yep. I’ll let him know. šŸ™‚

    Raising up the @canva for @themaninblue. I sense a hackathon project in the making… šŸ™‚

    Sewing pattern inspired laneway art in Perth. YES.

    RT @thecolourfool: . @FakeSamRitchie submits to a code review by @web_goddess.

    RT @FakeSamRitchie: .@web_goddess talking knitting & code at #yownight Perth

    @lyynx Thanks Stephen. Iā€™m about to try to load my saved knitting session state right now. šŸ˜‚

    @jas_quek Thanks Jasmine! Get some cotton for summer knitting. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m using. šŸ™‚

    RT @stringy: My face during the Knit One, Compute One talk by @web_goddess was all šŸ˜ Thanks YOW, WITwa & Bankwest for organising. https://tā€¦

    Honestly had to not look at @stringy or I wouldā€™ve started giggling! šŸ¤£

    I am a dork, so of course I took an audience selfie before my #yownight talk in Perth tonight! @yow_conf

    RT @stringy: Seriously, the mix of craft & code hits all my paradigm-busting, quality workmanship, practical feminism buttons. What’s not tā€¦

    RT @jakesilverstein: Next @NYTmag cover

    RT @dius_au: Find out how we helped @REA_Group build Australiaā€™s first VR property app for Google Daydream, realestate VR.ā€¦

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    RT @DeveloperSteve: Attn Brisbane devs, @yow_conf is coming. Grab Tix now and hear my good friend @lynnlangit share her worldly wisdom! httā€¦

    Hey Perth – where’s a great place for a visitor to work in the city? Anybody free for a coffee today? šŸ˜€ā˜•ļøā˜€ļø

    @space3ed Oh excellent! I’d love to check it out. I’ll be over later this morning. Thanks for the commendation @FakeSamRitchie!

    @MikeRiethmuller Oh god, I’ve been having the exact same thoughts…

    Perth: don’t miss your chance to hear my talk Tues night. Knitted algorithms, encoded data, hardware hacking & more!

    RT @HarbourFrontHK: And if youā€™re not in Sydney this Tuesday come to Harbour Front on Feb 28 in Hong Kong! šŸ˜‰


    @stringy Iā€™m at Gordon St. now. GREAT recommendation! Going to host brekkie here tomorrow at 8 if you want to join.

    @space3ed Morning didnā€™t quite happen. I blame this beautiful sunshine! But Iā€™ll be there soon. šŸ˜

    Very cool cafe, in both senses of the word. (@ Gordon St Garage)

    @stringy Iā€™ll be there on Wednesday too! At least part of the day

    If it looks like a rocket, you know I’m going to investigate.


    @msharp I heard them!!

    @space3ed Thanks! Johnny showed me around. Think I might check out #FLUX tomorrow. Save me a spot on the deck. šŸ™‚

    RT @yow_conf: Tickets are now open for #yowwest! Early bird limited to 50, 2 per purchase until March 31 or sold outā€¦

    RT @scott_kerr: Some wiseguy falconer put a pair of googly eyes on the hood of his Harris hawk…

    @unixbigot Oh no! Is that @sitapati presenting? I’ve only just heard about this project. Sounds great. šŸ™‚

    My longest ever @yow_conf blog covering #lca2017 and 5 recent meetups!

    @desplesda @The_McJones @parisba This is relevant to your interests!

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    YES! Now to count the days for the next five months (and hope the US doesn’t become a totalitarian regime before then)…

    Heading to Perth! (@ Gate 34 (T2 Multi-User Domestic) in Mascot, NSW, NSW)

    Hot and sunny. (@ Perth Airport (PER) in Redcliffe, West Australia)

    @lathiat Iā€™m giving a tech talk Tuesday night at BankWest if youā€™d like to attend! Also hoping to meet local devs.

    @lathiat Got time for a coffee? I donā€™t have anything scheduled tomorrow! Would love to learn about Canonical.

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    @NicoleADonnelly @pycon Iā€™m so sorry Nicole. Iā€™ve pulled out. Theyā€™re removing me from the site. Not travelling to US these days. šŸ™

    @NicoleADonnelly Yes, thatā€™s the version from LinuxConf! I hope you like it.

  • Talk videos!

    I’ve been a bit remiss in sharing some of the talks I’ve been doing lately. Prepare to be bombarded!

    This first one was “My Website Is Old Enough to Vote” from WordCamp Sydney back in September. I spoke about my twenty-year-old website (, the early days of the web, and how I did a complete rebuild ofĀ the site recently on WordPress. (The slides aren’t interspersedĀ in the video so it’s a bit hard to follow, but you can see them separately online here.)

    Next up was “Knit One, Compute One” at 2017 in Hobart last month. This builds upon my “Granny was a Hacker” lightning talk and details the connections between knitting and computing and some of the interesting knitting-related projects happening in Open Source software.

    Last is “Traversing the Org Chart” from last week’s meetup in Sydney. This talk is about the skills you need to go from a hands-on individual contributor to a people manager, as well as the pros/cons of working in a flat, manager-less organisation.