Month: February 2017

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    Yay, I’m so glad it finally got to you! 🙂

    @TheWonkaTonka I have a giant head so I blocked the hell out of the beret. If it’s too big, give it a gentle hand wash and lay flat to dry

    @TheWonkaTonka It’ll snap back into shape 🙂

    Not all my knitting lately has been pink! Sent this to my lovely cousin @justacogitating.

    Cables cables cables. Pattern is Flavia and wool is from @atelier_yarn!

    @johnallsopp @SydTechLeaders I’m reading this now. Seems relevant.

    @mark_sabbatical @Justacogitating Not if I wanted to pay myself a living wage. 😂 But thank you.

    TFW your friend gives you a @MoominOfficial gift. (Thank you @azadehkhojandi!!)

    @snookca Let me intro you to @ButenkoMe and @NodeGirlsSydney, as well as @GPN_Sydney!

    RT @REATechBlog: BREAKING: We have some discounted tickets to next week’s React training to support minorities and disadvantaged groups. DM…

    Futility – a short film starring a very stupid cat.

    And I am absolutely happy to do the same for anyone looking to migrate Down Under!

    RT @WordPressTV: My Website Is Old Enough To Vote @wordcampsyd #WCSYD @WordCamp @web_goddess

    Hm. The slides aren’t interspersed, which makes it hard to follow. You can see them here if you like!

    @johnallsopp Incidentally, you get namechecked about 15 minutes into this. 🙂

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    @aussielunix @willb_photos Given that I grew up in Amish country (my Mom actually runs a quilt shop!), I am uniquely qualified to assist. 🙂

    @evanderkoogh Not really a PA, but I’ve been using Cloze to manage contacts and I’m pretty happy so far.

    @evanderkoogh True. I haven’t connected to Slack or telephony, just email and social.

    @Gemma_Stiles I am working from your desk today! 😂 @darthted took pity on a poor office-less Kris.

    @WasianFactor @SheSharp_NZ @yow_conf Doesn’t necessarily have to be technical! My entry that was selected was on leadership & management.

    @WasianFactor @SheSharp_NZ @yow_conf If you look through past YOW conf schedules on the site, that will give you an idea of topics covered

    @Gemma_Stiles @darthted Hehe. Sadly no. I am actually doing work! … Well, except for this.

    @Gemma_Stiles @darthted PS I ❤️ your Dr. Who Funkos.

    RT @yow_conf: Learnt from a mistake? Turn it into a 🎤 talk for #yowwest and submit it!

    @darthted @owensenior @SydTechLeaders This is the tweet thread I was telling you about!

    RT @karanj: . @latikambourke and @GrogsGamut timing couldn’t be more perfect

    RT @SydTechLeaders: We are considering a future meetup around this topic (or very close to it). Anyone w/ strong opinions; wants to talk in…

    RT @yow_conf: Grab your tix & meet @web_goddess in Perth Feb 7. Knitting is encouraged! (even better if it’s based on code)…

    Fancy digs at @CommBank for #SydCSS!

    A good design system depends at least 50% on the developer experience. – @wilkowskidom #SydCSS

    @miko_a @conniecodes There’s a table full at the back of the room. I seeded it with quite a few! 😁 #SydCSS

    @conniecodes @miko_a That’s what I seeded it with! (Though I kept the *really* good ones…)

    “Who here does testing? YOU SHOULD ALL PUT YOUR HANDS UP. YOU SHOULD ALL TEST YOUR CODE.” Excellent intro rant from @sammy_lee12! 😂 #SydCSS

    Damn. @sammy_lee12 is KILLING IT tonight! Doing @GGDSydney and @WWCSyd very proud! #SydCSS

    RT @HarbourFrontHK: Have you RSVP’ed to our meet-up with @web_goddess yet?

    Want an awesome @yow_conf shirt like @sammy_lee12? Submit a talk for YOW! West and join us in Perth! #sydcss

    Unintended lesson from #sydcss: throwing shade at other meetup groups is the best way to get a crowd reaction. (Sorry @twalve!)

    @liedra gorgeous!

    @msharp @Malarkey @mobywhale Honestly, this exchange has been one of the bright points of 2017 to date! #happynews #everythingsnotawful

    @SydTechLeaders Hey @johnallsopp – I reckon you’ll have opinions. 🙂

    @johnallsopp You mean for internal use? Or have you found a good local channel?

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    In one day, 75% of the tickets are gone! Don’t delay if you want to hear from the creator of Scala @odersky.

    The world may be collapsing, so I figured I might as well try a Turmeric & Ginger Almond Latte. (Surprisingly good!) #selfhatinghipster

    @yow_conf @KenScambler On the plus side, it’s being recorded! We also have @lynnlangit Night next week too in Melb:

    @gilmae Is it sexist of me to suspect that the explainers are mostly of the same gender?

    @ScalaSyd @yow_conf Don’t forget it’s being recorded though! 😀

    The @yow_conf Women in Tech speaking comp 2017 is now open for entries! Win a day of speaker training. 😊

    @tedneward Haha, if you ever make it over to Sydney, I’ll take you for a beer to make up for missing out. 🙂

    Really thrilled for @GirlGeekAcademy, but @GGDSydney has had #SheHacks events in Syd for 3yr. Going to be confusing?

    @chaitanyakuber I did! It was actually recorded and is already on YouTube. 😂

    Anybody at @pivotallabs? Crowd in lobby trying to get up to Elixir meetup.

    Really friendly group for my first #elixirsyd meetup tonight!

    Learning about supervision, robustness, links, Erlang, Elixir and more from Nick Gunn. #elixirsyd

    “Don’t ever call unlink, unless for fun, because bad things will happen and you won’t know about it.” 😂 #elixirsyd

    I love it when a tech talk cites an academic paper! #elixirsyd @randommood

    “I’m not really a web developer… Well, I wrote a web app once. In 2001.” – @ausimian #elixirsyd 😂

    @stevelikesyou @mark_sabbatical So good, right? Makes me want to know your score. 😜

    @stevelikesyou @mark_sabbatical Was that ambivert?

    @stevelikesyou @mark_sabbatical I was in the 70′s I think.

    Valiant effort from @robinhilliard to describe his drone project demo to us in spite of projector fail! #elixirsyd

    Neat. Using Dialyzer to do a sort of type checking on units of measure. Critical in aviation! @robinhilliard #elixirsyd

    Pro tip from @robinhilliard: use git aliases for prev and next to step through your demo repo. Brilliant! #elixirsyd

    @tammybutow @GirlGeekAcademy @GGDSydney @GeorgiCodes I know – I was there! Just didn’t realise the event was changing this year.

    @tammybutow @GirlGeekAcademy @GGDSydney @GeorgiCodes So presumably we have to call ours something else now?

    @tammybutow I already had someone email me the news link going hey, is this your group @GGDSydney? So there will be confusion. 😕

    @tammybutow @GGDSydney I could change it or keep it; I’m not bothered. Just need to make sure people know they’re different!

    @aussielunix And set up some sort of benevolent dictator city-state? I could get behind that, El Presidenté!

    @SeanDMackNYC @yow_conf Thanks for sharing!

    Holy cow. @Meetup – do I really have to go into every single group I’m in to turn off email notifications? There’s not a blanket option?!