Month: March 2017

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    We’ve been Viking-mad lately. Read @neilhimself’s book, now booked @mjolnersydney for dinner tomorrow! #shieldmaiden

    @darthted @mjolnersydney Yes! Been binge-watching the show too. Lagertha is my new Life Inspiration.

    @gilmae @randomknits Sadly, sometimes Hermiones also have Imposter Syndrome. (She is still definitely a Hermione though!)

    RT @windupanna: Only woman in college math class.
    Only woman in shared office in grad school.
    Only woman in startup.
    Only woman in count…

    @lucykbain @trello With, no less!!

    @gilmae Jeeeezus, just create a SCHMOOPIE list and be done with it already? πŸ˜›

    @mattallen Congrats again!!

    @mattallen Are you going to the AWS Summit next week?

    @mattallen Whaaaa-? Us plebs only see Day 1 and 2, I guess. πŸ˜›

    “Huh. This is STRONG gin!” We only just noticed, 600ml through the bottle. πŸ˜‚

    @mattallen OH! Hee. I’ll look for you there! πŸ™‚

    @HANSwerThePhone Riverday??

    @stephenlead One would hope not. Mrs. Bixby is a lying adulterer!

    RT @localhostAU: Next Wed is a popular night! Along with #LocalhostPER, there’ll also be a @yow_conf night! Tix & info avail here: https://…

    @HANSwerThePhone OHHH, RIVERDALE!!! HAHAHAHA, I thought it was a Skype call. Had to zoom in to see my boy Jughead!!!! @tinypang

    Trying to book multi-stop trip in US, and flashing to @fgeorge52’s explanation of Cynefin framework. This is a fuzzy, COMPLEX problem. 😭

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    The Buffy reunion stuff is great, but where’s the love for Faith? Everybody’s bemoaning the lack of Giles but not my fave Slayer…

    @candeira Ha, see, I preferred Faith-in-Buffy’s body! Some of SMG’s finest work.

    @candeira Yes! Haha, with her tiny coke bottle necklace. πŸ˜‚

    I am ridiculously excited about this. #spacegeek πŸ€“πŸš€

    Chopped. πŸ’‡

    There’s always a Scary Phase. 🀑

    @MelissaKaulfuss The looming onset of Winter always gives me the urge to change my hair colour!

    The day may be grey but my hair is not! πŸ”₯

    I friggin’ hate debugging CSS.

    @charis I have inherited a nightmare of a WordPress install with about 17 conflicting stylesheets and loads of inline gunk…

    @charis I’m pretty much at the “burn it down and salt the earth” stage.

    @msharp Technically this is a Lob. πŸ˜›

    @gilmae Whoa. That thing is still pretty damn huge.

    @themaninblue Not gonna lie – when she was blowdrying it, I felt like Ginger. πŸ™‚

    @pappanyn EXACTLY.

    @TheRealBnut @tinypang @rosepowell

    @Malarkey You’re all busy with leadership malarkey! I’m not gonna distract you with CSS. 😜

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    Why be yourself, when you can secretly be a gruff Canadian superhero?! #lootwear

    RT @HarbourFrontHK: πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•πŸ•
    Pizza alarm: come join us tomorrow evening for pizza, drinks and a talk by @nictinworth…

    Heading to Melbourne… again! (@ Gate 13 (T3 Qantas Domestic) in Mascot, NSW, NSW)

    @KathyReid @developerjack @linuxconfau Wool packs for those wishing to knit their own? πŸ˜‰

    Based on research conducted in my bedroom at 4:30am today, this study is UTTER CRAP.

    RT @yow_conf: Working on your #yc17 or #yowdata CFP submission? @FakeSamRitchie On Speaking at YOW!

    Back in Melbourne and on my way to @yow_conf #yownight with @fgeorge52. Still time to grab a last minute ticket!!

    Nice. @fgeorge52 is rocking a vintage @yow_conf 2014 t-shirt for tonight’s #yownight!

    There are a lot of companies vying to be the IoT hub in your home. Openness tends to win out! #yownight @fgeorge52

    @samnewman I filed my expenses, like an Employee. πŸ˜‚

    If only the US President understood the Cynefin Framework! πŸ˜‚ #yownight

    RT @yow_conf: Perth, we have a #yownight with @fgeorge52 this time next week. There’re still tickets

    If you judge audience engagement by how many people are photographing slides and taking notes, @fgeorge52 is killing it! #yownight #rapt

    Oh. Good thing I didn’t need toothpaste; the airport bathroom toiletries dispenser appears to be doing a firmware update. πŸ˜‚

    Once again, I fly home from Melbourne. It’s becoming my thing. (@ T1 (Domestic – Qantas & Jetstar) Terminal)

    @darthted Awesome, congrats! I’m stoked too – that the new system I came up with for the speaker pages is working. πŸ˜€

    @randomknits Oh good. I’m not the only one feeling like I’m out of the loop on, like, everything. πŸ™

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    MeFi: Thank You For Noticing – Reading about #ThanksForTyping. @drwitty_knitter @drkknits

    Tuesdays at Canva. Never change. ❀🐢

    @FakeSamRitchie I actually collect daggy 80’s picture knitting books. They are my FAVOURITES. 😍

    β€œThe best part of giving talks about IoT is that I can deduct the cost of my devices from my taxes.” πŸ˜‚ @fgeorge52 at #yownight @canva

    We are entering the Age of Agents – and the really interesting thing is how you wire up different services together. #yownight

    RT @yow_conf: Amazing food by @canva Chef Chris ready 4u for @fgeorge52 talk on IoT & Microservices in the home. Treat your belly & mind!…

    Is the Internet of Things pushing us towards Peak API? @fgeorge52 #yownight

    Fred is giving us a great intro to the Cynefin Framework as part of his talk! #yownight

    Demo of some of the code from @fgeorge52β€²s Microservices Workshop. Spots still available in Perth and Hong Kong! #yownight

    IFTTT – the Excel for Home IoT? (ie. the thing that turns normal people into programmers) πŸ€” @fgeorge52 #yownight

    RT @ThePracticalDev: Chapter 1: Databases with cool-sounding names

    Hey, @codepo8 is quoted in there! Dude, you’re everywhere. πŸ™‚

    @DamonOehlman Food popup coming to Surry Hills with duck burgers. You’re welcome. πŸ™‚ πŸ¦†πŸ”

    @slace πŸ˜• If it’s any consolation, there were far, far more submissions than there were slots. I wouldn’t want to be on the PC for it!

    @mark_sabbatical @StewGleadow @fgeorge52 @yow_conf We did record it, but we’ll probably save until after all the other cities are done…

    @StewGleadow You coming along, Stewart? I’ll be there!