Month: March 2017

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    Again! At least it’s sunny. (@ Melbourne – @cityofmelbourne in VIC)

    Kicking off today’s @businesschicks lunch with Nicole Kidman. Never seen so many women in …

    Many thanks to the @seekjobs team for inviting me to this wonderful event!

    @slace Flew in today; flying home tonight!

    Dessert! It’s almost time for Nicole… @businesschicks

    1500 women… and the only men I’ve seen are waiters bringing chocolate cake and wine.

    This is the future that liberals want. 😂

    She’s here! Our Nicole! “I’m here because I’m Australian…” @businesschicks

    “My one regret – if you have curly hair, LEAVE IT ALONE. I wrecked my hair, and I don’t have the ringlets anymore.” 😂 – Nicole Kidman

    “If you promise something, be impeccable with your word.” Advice from a book Nicole rates (The Four Agreements) @businesschicks

    One thing coming across from Nicole’s talk – the importance of networks. That’s why we’re all here. @businesschicks

    RT @businesschicks: Nicole Kidman on trying to take the same approach now as she did when she was younger: “Give it a go, try it, why not?”…

    “Being thick-skinned is not necessarily a compliment. Being open and vulnerable – that’s the kind of person I want to be.“ @businesschicks

    I ❤ that Nicole admitted to wanting the Oscar. She dreamed about it, and she worked really hard to get it. Put your hand up. #businesschicks

    Antonia is getting a law degree next year. In her 40s, after 6 kids. “That’s way better than anything I’ve ever done!” ❤ #businesschicks

    RT @RedfernMichelle: “Be the girl who puts her hand on the air & says, yeah I’ll do it!” @NicoleKidman @JessRowe @businesschicks #Advancing…

    Chocolate Nivea.

    @slace I’ll be back Wednesday to host YOW! Night. You should come if you’re free!!

    Lunch was fun, but now I’m in a queue with 1499 women for the same goddamn bathroom.

    RT @yow_conf: #yownight with @fgeorge52 in Sydney at @CanvaTech tomorrow! See you there?

    @mmastertheone Unfortunately not – I’ll be in Sydney, but hosting YOW Night at Canva. I’m speaking at April GGD though!

    @mmastertheone Thank you!!

    How odd. I’m in a window seat with no window. 🤔

    Holy crap. @mootpointer, @auxesis, and @falican all knew the seat number instantly! At least it wasn’t just me.

    Got it in one! (I actually looked around to see if @mootpointer was secretly on the airplane.) 😆

    @gilmae Hm. @the_snook has been doing battle with our own dumb dishwasher. I hate to think of him having to debug the damn thing too.

    @stephenlead My lippie is too expensive to waste on your Looney Tunes capers!

    Interview I did with @fgeorge52 recently. Are you coming to see his YOW! Nights this week? Only a few tickets left!

    @randomknits EXCITEMENT. Can’t wait to hear a recap after it’s all done. 🙂

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    @developerjack I’d love some! Happy for you to choose – just tell me how much to chip in for a selection. 🙂

    @simonraikallen @developerjack Sorry I missed the Choosing – doing battle with the dust bunnies behind the bed. Happy with whatever!

    Ask MeFi: No one eats like Gaston – LOL. How many chickens would it take to feed Gaston? A lot.

    Why do I read things that I *know* are only going to make me want to BURN THE WORLD DOWN? 😡🔥🌎

    @evolvable Right, but the advice is essentially “hide who you are.” 🙁

    Pressure Cooker Asian Short Rib. Very, very good!

    @knitterjp Oof. Some interesting colours happening there!

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    Easter Show entry dropped off with 15min to spare! Now to await the verdict…

    @MikeRiethmuller @diversionary LOL. It’s his evil twin @the_snook. Merely there for moral support. 🙂

    @swapnilogale Here you go!

    Slides from my #softwareartthou talk the other night! Knit One, Compute One – #programming #knitting

    @jezfletcher Who’s to say I’m not one now? 🙂

    RT @IngaPflaumer: Released an Android version of “Knitted Adventure”. Check it out 8) #indiegame #gamedev #girlpowe…

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    @pwcc You’re always welcome in my communities. 🤗

    @nxdnz Given the coffee snobbery displayed by my own engineer husband, I believe it. 😂

    @dwinter I couldn’t tell – the whole effect was so lopsided I had to look away quickly so she wouldn’t see me staring!

    @jsscclr Those are REAL?! So pretty!

    RT @WWCSyd: IoT and Microservices with @fgeorge52 in SYDNEY! Tuesday March 28, registrations now open!

    @jsscclr And you just prompted me to do the same. Huh. Very cool!

    For anybody that missed it, @yow_conf is hosting a talk at @canva Tuesday night with programming legend @fgeorge52!

    @Ed_Fletcher Don’t retweet the Sydney one, Ed! We have one happening the next night in Melbourne! 😆

    Wait. Caramel flavoured? IS THAT TRUE? I DID NOT KNOW THIS. (And I’ve eaten… more than one.)

    Hey Perth – don’t worry, we’re not forgetting you either. April 5 at Bankwest!

    RT @ewebber: New blog post: What learning to knit has reminded me about learning

    @ewebber I did! Thank you for sharing. ❤

    RT @GGDSydney: Hi everyone! Registrations for our next event are now open: