Month: March 2017

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    Grabbing some lunch before heading to Melbs. (First visit to Virgin Lounge as a Gold FF!)

    @keranm I reckon you did!!

    @keranm Arriving or departing? I’m in the Virgin Lounge for a bit…

    @gilmae Especially with sugar on it.

    Uber for bikes: how ‘dockless’ cycles flooded China – and are heading overseas // Saw some of these in Singapore!

    @falican Fantastic! Can’t wait to meet her. 😁

    @pwcc @tareiking How lucky we are to be alive right now! 😉🎶

    Getting excited for tonight’s Software Art Thou talk at @zendesk! (@ Melbourne Airport (MEL))

    The crowd is gathering for #softwareartthou. 😳

    New lippie. Let’s do this! #softwareartthou

    I love this pic. Not sure what I was cracking up about. 😂 Thanks @LJKenward!!

    RT @MichelePlayfair: TIL about KnitML. Day made. Thank you @web_goddess @Zendesk #SoftwareArtThou

    RT @swapnilogale: Great talk by @web_goddess at the #SoftwareArtThou night at @Zendesk. Some supercool code knitting examples. Mind blown.

    @MelissaKaulfuss Wait, I didn’t realise you were there!! Did I say hi? I’m sorry if I missed you! I have such a hard time remembering names

    RT @OphelieLechat: “@ravelry is Github for knitters” — @web_goddess Yes! I’ve been saying it’s like Facebook for years, but this is a bet…

    @OphelieLechat @joannamuses Did you see when Mason-Dixon tried to crowdsource a pattern for The Perfect Sweater a while back?

    @Ed_Fletcher Been there, knitted it! 😂

    @ELiveELove Excellent! Now if the weather would just cooperate and get properly Autumnal… 😁

    RT @ELiveELove: @web_goddess thank you for that amazing #coding comparison tonight! Feeling inspired to get out my #knitting needles again…

    @MelissaKaulfuss Of ffs, OF COURSE! I’m so sorry. This job is turning me face-blind, I swear. 😕

    @bronwen Wow! Where is it?!

    @chyams @trevoryoung Some of these serendipitous connections are really starting to pay off for me. It’s a good strategy!

    @Gissy_Manda I don’t use Uber, but I always ride in the front in taxis or @GoCatchApp. Sitting in the back feels un-Australian. 😂

    Later, Melbourne! Thank you for the brief glimpse of sunshine. Now back to Sydney and ⛈.

    This goes for knitting projects too. I can usually work out WHAT I did, but not WHY. And the WHY is the most important part!

    OOOH, fancy private exit down to gates! (@ Virgin Australia Lounge in Melbourne Airport, VIC)

    That ‘Useless’ Liberal Arts Degree Has Become Tech’s Hottest Ticket // THEATER MAJORS, REPRESENT! 😂

    Lady, I have seen side ponytails in my life, but never before a side BUN. 🤔

    @The_McJones She appeared to be a Virgin flight attendant. Could this asymmetrical madness be official policy?!

    @unixbigot @mmastertheone But ONLY ONE!

    @rbtcollins Yup. So weird.

    Hilarious photo from last night’s #softwareartthou talk. What am I laughing at? I can’t ev…

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    @thedevinblue @themaninblue Curious. Something is happening.

    SQUIRREL! (Very tempted.)

    @stephenlead It looks like the hat I knitted!

    Finally watched Fargo Season 1 on the weekend. ❤️ ❄️

    The funny thing is, when I discover a good show I missed I get indignant rage towards @imdominating for not telling me about it MONTHS AGO!

    @imdominating I was very worried at first. I had issues with his US accent in Capt America Civil War. But I got over it quickly. 🙂

    Massive crowd as @themaninblue kicks off #frontendsyd at @canva!

    All proceeds from #frontendsyd going to the excellent @NodeGirlsSydney!

    The best @davidhearnden talks are the really, really academic ones. You’re all in for a treat. #frontendsyd

    “The best part is the really typographically pretty brackets.” @davidhearnden #frontendsyd

    True story: @davidhearnden once gave a brown bag talk at @canva on how we know reality is non-deterministic. #frontendsyd

    Dammit. @davidhearnden just tricked me into learning about monads. #frontendsyd

    Next up at #frontendsyd is @AllSchuckUp talking about why being a generalist is good. 😁

    “What is ‘full stack,’ anyway?” Pancakes. Pancakes all the way down. 🥞 #frontendsyd

    It’s all happening in Hippendale.

    Enjoy #frontendsyd at @canva? Come back on Tuesday to learn about microservices and IoT from @fgeorge52! @yow_conf

    @Charlie__Gerard For a sec I was like, “Wait, I didn’t know this was happening!” And then I remembered you moved away. 😢

    @codepo8 It keeps taunting me on Netflix, but I’m not sure I want to go there. Was it worth it? Hamill’s in it, right?

    @nikhilbarthwal You should get on the @yow_conf mailing list so you don’t miss out in the future! We even extended the LJ callout. 🙁

    RT @WomeninProduct1: If u look down and everyone in yr team is wearing the same shoes ur in the wrong team @Misscommunikat #prodmgmt #Diver…

    @_tonymay @WomeninProduct1 @Misscommunikat Never looked around your team and realised that 90+% are 25yo white dudes in hoodies?

    @_tonymay @WomeninProduct1 @Misscommunikat More diverse teams lead to more diverse solutions. Shoe choices are just shorthand. 🙂

    RT @yow_conf: CFP for data driven technology and applications YOW! Data Conference – Sydney, 17-18 Sept now open!

  • Bourdain on Money

    Anthony Bourdain Does Not Want to Owe Anybody Even a Single Dollar | Wealthsimple

    Nice overview of Bourdain’s approach to money. I like that he never really talks about retiring. I get the impression that he’s doing what he loves and it funds his lifestyle, and that’s good enough for him. That appeals to me.

    I also found it interesting that writing books is the least lucrative of his activities. Turns out that corporate and promotional events is really where it’s at. Hmmm…

    And lastly:

    A friend said, “You live outside the country more than half of the year. Create a bogus residence in the Caymans and pay no U.S. taxes.” I’d feel like a shit doing that. I’m an American. I don’t want to be that guy. I don’t want to have those kinds of conversations.

    Good on ya, Anthony. 👏


    Squirrel Stuffed Toy PDF – Grainline Studio – Super cute little pattern. Very tempted. I think I’ve even got the materials to make it!

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    Pulled Pork Slow Cooker Chili with Corn Bread Dumplings. Just the thing on a stormy night!

    @boyter Pro tip: I got the chilis from the spice shop in the Strand Arcade!

    A Visual Diary of Cinema’s Most Colorful Films – This kind of thing always makes me think of @canva’s @poppiepack!

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    Wow, that’s very cool!

    @diversionary Given the mess I always make whenever I try to cut corn off a cob, that first one’s going on my Christmas list.

    @diversionary @stephenlead I think it falls into what Alton Brown calls “unitaskers.” He rails against them, but some are legit worth having

    @diversionary Charging tickets really improves rate of no-shows. It’s a win-win!

    @lants Wool, but only the raw material as spinning and dyeing mainly happens elsewhere.

    @lants Also my Mom informed me that Australian patchwork quilt designers are, like, world renowned.

    @diversionary Money is hard for volunteer groups. @GGDSydney has been looking at getting NFP status so we can have bank acct, etc

    @diversionary Quite possibly. That’s why I suggested Nodegirls to Canva – I knew @ButenkoMe was at least set up for donations.

    Finished the last of my Fudgy Chocolate Pretzel birthday cake today. With ice cream. For lunch. #grownasswoman

    @rosepowell Haha, thanks. Last week! And a big one – ends in a zero. 😜

    @codepo8 Screw stickers. I’ll start putting rainbows on my slides!

    RT @wethsilkosz: my friend couldn’t pick out a prom dress, so I picked one for her, and I need 37k retweets, so help me out…

    @codepo8 And MLP? Tripping all sorts of filters with that one. 👏

    @kannydennedy The Canva Eng Blog lives! #sohappy 👍 😊

    RT @CanvaTech: Ahead of our first Frontend Engineering event we chatted with Adam Schuck about his journey: Google->Twitter->Beyond https:/…

    Tonight I discovered my true calling: editing scripts about startups for technical verisimilitude. 😆 (Thanks @grumpysailorsyd.)

    RT @frostickle:

    Put in a website and I’ll MONETISE it for you… by replacing the images with random paintings by…

    Reading “Ironic Sexism: The Male Gaze of Hipster Places”. Oh *shock horror* it’s about a place in @surry_hills. 🙄

    @MichelePlayfair County Spelling Bee Champion 1991 my friend. 🏆

    @shawinnes Thanks! Been far too long since I was in Brisbane. I’m looking forward to it. 🙂

    RT @yow_conf: #yownight with @fgeorge52 in Brisbane tonight! Not too late to snag a ticket