Month: March 2017

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    @evanderkoogh @benjiportwin Technically I don’t work at @canva anymore ERWIN, but I’m still happy to intro people. šŸ˜œ

    RT @yow_conf: #ylj extended CFP closes at midnight today!

    Recreating Asteroids with Lasers // @the_snook and I enjoyed this immensely!

    .@evanderkoogh Not really answering the question, but this is the type of thing I’m interested in getting involved with! šŸ‘‹

    Down to the wire, as usual. #sydneyroyaleastershow

    @evanderkoogh Agree with @mattallen – depends on the startup and the challenges youā€™re facing. Find people with skills you donā€™t have!

    LOVE!! I wonder what they charge to post to Australiaā€¦ (via @fbz)

    @fbz @videosmithery Iā€™m giving my knitting-as-programming talk in Melbourne this week – will definitely add these in!

    @liedra Old vintage one from the 30ā€²s I found on @Bex_the_Femmeā€™s site a long time ago!

    @benjiportwin Let me introduce you to @themaninblue. You wanna know about @canva’s culture – start with him! šŸ™‚

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    It’s my #Twitterversary! I have been on Twitter for 10 years (since 18 Mar 2007).
    And you?

    @BriWrites LOL. Recovery time is very quick; you wouldn’t get to see much of the tournament. šŸ˜‰

    RT @darthted: Every winning team from #finderhack had devs that were not in Sydney, is doing distributed teams corrā€¦

    @aquintex Interesting. I didn’t know it was going to tweet that. I just used the site a week ago to see when I’d joined Twitter.

    Team Jughead.

    @tinypang I just learned that Jughead played Rossā€™s son Ben on Friends. WTF Iā€™M A GROSS OLD WOMAN.

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    RT @Zendesk: In our next Software Art Thou, the @web_goddess reveals the connection between knitting and coding. Join us 3/23. https://t.coā€¦

    RT @yow_conf: #ylj17 wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of our sponsors. A gold-sized thanks to @simpmach for sponsoring this yeaā€¦

    RT @canva: If you’re in Syndey, don’t miss our first Growth Talks event with some of the sharpest minds in the industry! šŸ“… šŸ˜ : https://t.cā€¦

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    @evanderkoogh Googleā€™s Progressive Web App roadshow event at Darling Harbour. You around?!

    Snuck down to Lindt CafĆ© for a coffee and got to try new (Aussie only!) Mango & Cream Lindā€¦

    @evanderkoogh I couldā€™ve sworn they were doing it in VIC too. Trying to Google for you but wifi is crapā€¦

    @chrispytweets VERY sweet. Wouldnā€™t want to eat more than one.

    Googlers bagging out Google+ is always good for a laugh. šŸ˜‚ #pwaroadshow

    @evanderkoogh Damn. If you want to peek at the code theyā€™ll be using for workshops, itā€™s linked here:

    User-initiated contextual prompts for notifications work SO. MUCH. BETTER. than intrusive pop-ups. #pwaroadshow

    @mark_sabbatical White choc on outside. Very very sweet.

    Appropo of nothing, but people who say I still have a strong US accent? You are wrong wrong wrong.

    @ScottRhodie Or a big opportunity for @tzukuri! @VisaAU

    Hey @sydjs #SydJS folks – if you got a killer FP talk idea last night, you still have time to submit!

    Whoa, @ravelry UI change! And now I get to realise precisely how much muscle memory I have for their site navigation…

    This is so very relevant-to-my-interests. KNITTED INDIEGAME from @IngaPflaumer of @WWCSyd! Thanks for the tip, @nemshilov.

    RT @Erdbeervogel: Thanks ladies! Great night! Love the topic & your very open and honest sharing! W/ @MichelePlayfair @LJKenward https://t.ā€¦

    RT @bingowings14: Shazam but for telling you the name of someone who’s only just been introduced to you 5 minutes ago but you weren’t listeā€¦

    RT @emshort: It seems sometimes like 75% of mentoring is telling people that their current challenge is normal and not a sign of personal fā€¦

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    Birthday lunch at Zushi with the girls! @gfaces @kamyan3 @lisaaharrison1

    @gilmae LOL. I was like, why is he linking to a very old blog post? Yep. Iā€™m old. šŸ¤£ Thanks!

    @frankarr šŸ˜†

    @HANSwerThePhone Thank you Hansel! Say hi to Jollibee for me. šŸ˜‚

    @randomknits Thank you!!

    I feel like the joint birthday party we threw in November was a total scam. Iā€™m basically getting two birthdays out of it! #genius

    @lisaaharrison1 Made by the amazing @stuffevabakes!

    @justasitsounds @hannahcancode Thank you!

    @MahdiShariff @lucykbain I have paid for it and use it. Iā€™ve been happy so far. Support is very helpful and responsive!

    @KiahHickson Thank you!

    Birthday dinner – steak with bagna cauda sauce, pumpkin, beans, and a beautiful Shiraz Nebā€¦



    @hima_tk @charis @twelveeyes @StrannikAD Thank you all!! šŸ™‚

    Maybe some of those newly inspired @sydjs #sydjs attendees! Just about one hour left to go!

    Cake coma. šŸ˜“

    @jannism Let me tell you about the Kiwi colleague I had who called me “Kruss”. šŸ™

    RT @TheDaiLlew: If she isn’t President of Earth by the time I’m 80, I’ll be bitterly disappointed.

    @developerjack Oh hey, I’m going to be there too! Huh. I should probably get moving. (See you there.)

    Was surprised by the chuckles at @cwilsoā€™s ā€œRead my lips. No new apps!ā€ Must be more expats at #pwaroadshow than I thought!

    Using SSL is key for publishers so coffee shops donā€™t replace your siteā€™s ads to pay for wifi. Huh. Hadnā€™t thought of that. #pwaroadshow

    Users expect apps to just work. Nobody expects the Sad Dinosaur. #pwaroadshow

    Not even 10:30am, and #pwaroadshow is diving into code. *cracks knuckles* Learning how to install & register Service Workers!

    @corduroy Iā€™m sure itā€™s dwarfed by the number of people with Ad Blockers.

    RT @SwiftOnSecurity: Regex is such a mindfuck. You’re using latin notation to tell a computer complex rules about how your want it to matchā€¦

    New ā€œApplicationsā€ tab in Chrome devtools. Useful for debugging and poking around with Service a Workers. #pwaroadshow

    ā€œWho here is already using HTTPS? Oh, nearly all of you.ā€ Yep. You said our search engine ranking would drop if we didnā€™t. šŸ˜‚ #pwaroadshow

    HTTPS performance hit often offset by gains using HTTP/2. Wait, I know this! It involves jelly snakes, right @developerjack? #pwaroadshow