Month: March 2017

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    Really honoured to be on this list! Thanks @rosepowell 🙂

    @daphnechong What are you, some kind of socialist?!

    @freakboy3742 Oh wow! I’ve only just hit Gold. Platinum is a level to which I shudder to aspire…

    @madradish Fair enough. I did it a few years back and it was hugely valuable, even though I was already experienced. Trainer is very good.

    @madradish I think next year we need to not call it a comp. Call it a Speaker Development Program. That’s really the idea – widen the pool.

    I want to go to there.

    Emcee @yarrcat is kicking things off for tonight’s #GGDSyd. THANK YOU @CampaignMonitor! (Love that view, even on a bad day.)

    Question for #GGDSyd: where did @georgiecel’s shoes come from? LOVE. ❤👞

    The amazing @georgiecel, fresh from her triumphant @localhostAU appearance in WA, is talking to us about blogging. #GGDSyd

    Note to self: find this gif and look at it every day. @georgiecel #GGDSyd

    Actual legit question: listicles suck, but as a reader, I love curation of a theme by an expert. How do you find that balance? #GGDSyd

    “Was anybody here blogging in 2000? I know Kris was…” Ouch. 🤓 #villageelder #GGDSyd

    @pwcc LOL. Nah, it was meant with love. 🙂

    People with disabilities are not “edge cases.” #GGDSyd 😡

    @hannahcancode A few of your fellow students are here! Anna and Elise. 😁

    @georgiecel You. Are. Killing. Me.

    Fantastic recent @daringfireball article about how blind people use iPhones. #GGDSyd

    So wait. Is he the CREEPY GUY? #GGDSyd

    @simonraikallen @developerjack We once flew Seattle ➡️ Honolulu ➡️ Sydney. Good excuse for a couple days in Waikiki!!

    RT @aussielunix: Trained slackbot to reply “get off my grass” whenever nodejs is mentioned. My beard gets a tiny bit greyer every time.

    @hima_tk @lisaaharrison1 I really need to go to a @GGDmelb! I’ll be in Melb March 23 to speak at @Zendesk’s Software Art Thou

    @LJKenward @GGDmelb You will be amazing!

    @Malarkey 🤣

    I am a very lucky girl. (The countdown is on.)

    @bezthomas Thank you!

    “And we use our talents, I guess, in whatever way they can be used, and it makes us happy.” What a lovely sentiment! @GaelFC

    @tomandlorenzo @FeudFX OH! The bit from “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf.” Like Martha, I can never remember the name of the movie.

    @Malarkey At the Post Office, like once every five years.

    I see there are some FP talks at #sydjs @sydjs tonight. Hope you guys submit! @damncabbage @justosophy

    This Photographer Is Re-Visualizing Girlhood // I love this so much. That girl in the back!

    @stufromoz @thisismywww Thank you!

    @gilmae Somebody already sent it to me. And yep, ticked off for today! 🙂

    @lisaaharrison1 Thanks! 💃 See you at the restaurant at noon!

    @clepetit Ooh, how long in SYD?

    RT @FR314: Meanwhile, I’m building a resource to help women, up-and-coming speakers, and minorities   with the needed info and equipment.

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    @gilmae Behold the genius of @andreispsyched, Canva’s secret weapon.

    @Malarkey Clancy the Lion is apparently their mascot. Sadly no apes.

    @sir_tilbrook Oh dear god FIFTH person to send to me in the past week… 😂

    RT @yow_conf: We still have 1 more volunteer spot for our upcoming #yownight in Perth with @fgeorge52 on Apr 5. Any takers?

    Not gonna lie – I thought of this today when speaking to a group of uni student women.

    @developerjack Maybe somebody else is using your login. 🤣

    @Mandy_Kerr Ugh. If I lived in Perth I would be doing EVERYTHING FENDERS ALL THE TIME. #sojealous

    @Mandy_Kerr We actually start our Knitters Guild meetings with yoga stretches. So important for people who spend time hunched over!

    COME ON FOLKS. Last call for YOW! West conference submissions!

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    Hey @suncorpbank – looks like Internet banking is down. I’m trying to log in and I keep getting error 400 Bad Request.

    @suncorpbank It works okay in Safari. Something has obviously gone wrong in Chrome. I’ll keep investigating!

    Giving a talk to women entrepreneurs at @unsw. Cutest speaker gift ever!

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    @tinypang 4th person to send to me. 😂

    RT @valerieloftus: walk into the club like

    @Malarkey Surry Hills! You’re practically a neighbour. 😀

    I decided to shoot a quick video to show how I’m doing this two-handed fairisle (flat) with wrapped floats!

    @Malarkey Chippendale. Just the other side of Central, really!

  • Two-Handed Fairisle (Flat)

    I’m stuck in the house sick with a cold, so I decided to shoot a quick video of the technique I’m using for my current knitting project.

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    Melbs! One last chance to see my famous “Knit One, Compute One” talk. 😉 @gusseting @OphelieLechat @toolmantim

    @OphelieLechat @gusseting @toolmantim Please share with your knitting buddies. I just posted it on Rav too. Let’s pack the room w/ KNITTERS!

    @jonoabroad @yow_conf Tell them to submit a talk! CFP is open for a few more days, and we can always use more. 😀

    .@GOTOchgo Yayyy @daphnechong!

    @lisaaharrison1 @annakelk @seekjobs Did you go down it? I did!! 😀


    @lisaaharrison1 @hima_tk #connector 😉

    @azadehkhojandi I spent it fighting WordPress. *sigh*

    @elisechant @gusseting @OphelieLechat I’m torn. I do like cookies a LOT!

    My body has decided to celebrate the end of my 30′s by getting very sick. Ugh. 😫

    @chrisjrn Really interested in trying this out! Thanks again for sharing.

    RT @danachis: The S in IoT stands for security.

    Tim Kadlec

    @chrisjrn Thanks! @afilina @ylarrivee – would love to hear more when you both have time. I’ll message you separately…

    @maziltov CONGRATS! Well done. That’s where @mokagio works, right? They seem to have a really good team!

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    Dammit. Integration tests failed. Time to frog. (Can you spot the error?)

    Oh, fun. Looks like @troyhunt managed to get that huge list of spammed email accounts uploaded after all. 😕

    Just doing some two-handed Fairisle in PURL on the train. You know, as you do. 🤓

    @creativemercury @thisismywww I skipped 2 rows, so top quadrant of second diamond was smaller than others. Here’s it fixed

    @benjamin_payne Heh. I wondered if anyone would ask. Through extremely lo-fi method of jamming phone under my chin! 😂

    @benjamin_payne It was a video though – somehow the tweet looks like a still image. 🤷‍♀️

    RT @sarahmei: My conclusion from trying this as an adult: anyone who says women aren’t naturally good at algorithms has clearly never done…

    RT @GGDSydney: Dear community, registrations for our next event are now open!

    @lucykbain Wait, I use a Todoist and I haven’t sent that! How does that happen?!

    YES! It’s totally a thing. Some of us have been beating the knitting-as-gateway-to-STEM drum for a while now. ☺

    Tonight’s project: light up LED flower brooch for #superherodaughterday17 next weekend! @k…

    @joshprice Morris & Sons in CBD have done kids classes during school holidays in past! I’d start with them. (I used to teach them!)

    @joshprice There are also LOTS of videos on YouTube.


    @gilmae Interestingly, last couple of times I’ve done the talk, no one was able to identify it.

    @ericscheid @gilmae No, it’s not a history talk and it’s not focused on women. It’s purely knitting-as-code.

    @njames LOL. Being a KNITTING SUPERHERO would be amaaaaazing. 🤣