Month: April 2017

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    @drdralal Not a full course, but I did a half day of welding at @workshop_aus last year. Really good!

    @starbuxman @yow_conf Regretting not flying in a day earlier!

    Don’t forget Melbourne – even if you’re not at #yowwest or #lambdajam, you can still see @bodil Thursday!

    A new record TTBDTM: 20 seconds. (Time in Taxi Before Donald Trump is Mentioned.) ‘ken oath, mate.

    RT @pyconau: This is the LAST WEEK before the #pyconau Call for Proposals closes!

    @DDsD I deleted Uber. I’d rather have to hear about DT than support them at present.

    @robdmoore @bodil I’m still honestly not sure which parts (if any) are fiction. 😂

    RT @web_goddess: Don’t forget Melbourne – even if you’re not at #yowwest or #lambdajam, you can still see @bodil Thursday!…

    Here we come Perth! #yowwest (@ Gate 45 (T2) in Mascot, NSW, NSW)

    @thepaulrayner Did your ears prick up? We were *just* talking about you and wondering when you’ll be back for another @yow_conf event!

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    Frontend meetup happening next week has 6 dudes speaking. 😐 Any Sydney women available for last min lightning talk? DM for details.

    Because yeah, I’m not going to promote events that don’t seem to have made any good faith effort at diversity. 🙁

    @randomknits My prediction is you sign on for a PhD.

    Men of the world – when your partner asks for a hairstyle assessment, “wide” and “triangle” are not words that should come out of your mouth

    @USPSHelp Well, it was night in Australia where I live, but I appreciate the sentiment. 🙂

    @randomknits Dr. Randomknits has a nice ring to it!

    Found @bekathwia’s blog post about Emission Spectra Scarves but PDFs all 404. to the rescue!

    I reckon tungsten is my favourite.

    @bekathwia The Python pattern generator appears lost to the ages though. 🙁 Would love to help get that back up running if I can!

    @evanderkoogh “Wow, you’ve really got some volume happening there, but I’m not sure that shape suits your face.” See? Not so hard! 😜

    @jesstelford You can cross mine off your list! @JedWatson got back to me. All good. 🙂

    I should be in full-on #yowwest prep mode. Anybody else procrastinating on packing?

    Wow, @canva’s own @poppiepack got linked on Metafilter and it wasn’t even me! 👏

    AskMeFi: suggestions for Arrested Development themed party foods. My suggestion was “Banger in the Mouth”. 😂

    He didn’t go for the tape square, but fresh laundry? EVERY DAMN TIME. 😹

    Somebody ❤️’s me.

  • Emission Spectra Scarves

    In some versions of my “Knit One, Compute One” talk, I mention the Emission Spectra scarves that Becky Stern made back in 2010. Becky’s blog post links to PDF patterns for some common elements as well as an online pattern generator, but unfortunately these are all gone now. (Link rot, how I hate you.) However, to the rescue! Their 2015 snapshot of the post has captured the PDFs so you can still access them. Tungsten is definitely my favourite!

    Tungsten Emission Spectrum Scarf

    More photos available at Becky Stern’s Flickr photoset

  • Knit One, Compute One

    Folks, I have now given versions of this talk twenty-one times. I reckon it’s about time to retire it, yes? Thankfully, the folks at Zendesk’s Software Art Thou meetup produced a wonderful video of the version I did last month in Melbourne, which is pretty much the “canonical” long version:

    If you prefer the 5-minute taster, then the one I did at TEDx Melbourne last year is still the gold standard:

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    Inspired by @zpbappi’s #SyPy talk last night to train neural network to knit a sweater with an MNIST dataset motif.

    Super cool. Can’t wait for our trip to see the eclipse!

    @mage0r @zpbappi @chixors ARGH, I keep meaning to meet up with @chixors when I’m in Melbs. I’ll be their next Thursday night for this:

    Sydney: don’t miss your chance to see @mseckington and @bodil on May 9. They don’t get to Oz very often! #SyPy

    @delitescere @Doctor_Astro @PlanetDr Do they need any chaperones?? 😛

    @delitescere @Doctor_Astro @PlanetDr I am super qualified!

    @iamnotyourbroom The hilarious thing is today’s wasn’t even prompted by own mentions! @jedws

    Experienced JS devs – @NodeGirlsSydney needs mentors for the NodeBots session. Earn some good karma and volunteer!

    @BezPublic @melissaekline That’s the short version. Here’s the long one. 🙂

    @nconnaughton Visiting fam in Indiana, then Chicago, then hiking in Yellowstone, then eclipse in middle-of-nowhere Wyoming. 🙂

    RT @yow_conf: #yowwest is just days away! We cannot wait to see you all in Perth, so don’t forget your tickets

    @charis Nah, sending Dave on his own this time I think. Look for me in June or July. (Hmmmm. @webconf_asia…)

    @msharp @LookaheadSearch Ooh, is the crowd assembling? I’m still on the couch!

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    RT @techsydneyau: Next Mon: come hear Eventbrite’s CEO Julia Hartz open up about building the world’s largest event tech platform – https:/…

    @LeenaVanD I got Gold Frequent Flyer status this year. So now I’m a fancy person who sits in a lounge instead of waiting at the gate.

    @LeenaVanD Well, TBH I’m still boggled by seeing children in there. I didn’t take my first trip on an airplane until I was 16.

    @LeenaVanD I’ve still never flown in anything but Economy. I think *that* would be the real mindfuck.

    iTWire – Expand Your Mind at YOW! West May 2 – 3 in Perth and Lambda Jam in Sydney May 8 – 9–-9.html via @BowThemes

    RT @yow_conf: In Sydney a student who loves IT & want to be an active member of the community? Volunteer at #yowdata Sep 18-19…

    @demanrisu @LeenaVanD Yeah, I reckon that would ruin me.

    @Xavier_Ho We’re subsidising travel for domestic speakers for @yow_conf at our smaller events this year! But yeah, in the past I’ve had to self-fund. 😒

    @Xavier_Ho And always use incognito window to check prices. They bump it up on repeat visits from same browser. 😡

    @developerjack Yeah. It’s the only thing that makes having to file with IRS bearable. I always pay more here, so no tax due there thankfully.

    Julian kicking things off at #SyPy tonight. @glasnt is up first!

    Even when @glasnt isn’t officially talking about emoji, she still works in emoji. 🐍 #SyPy

    @DamonOehlman Flagging to make sure you saw it. 😉

    @cathyblabla @200ok @msharp I got the Logitech 400 too. About $70 I think? Mine has a sticker so I don’t confuse it with all the other folks’.

    Imagining a Tech Talk Pun-Off Death Match between @glasnt and @FakeSamRitchie. Not sure where I’d put my $ to be honest…

    RT @MelanieHannah: your company shouldn’t have more ping pong tables than women in leadership unless you’re a ping pong table manufacturing…

    @glasnt @DrRhysPockett Canonical short one was from TEDx: Full 45min tech version:

    Including product placement by Crown Lager. #sorrynotsorry 😂

    RT @seansonbronson: hell yeah it’s @web_goddess’ knitting as code presentation at #sypy tonight

    @seansonbronson Frankly, the fact that you saw it a 2nd time and still enjoyed it is the best compliment! 😁

    @seansonbronson PS your Twitter name is THE BEST

    RT @tylerfbradley: ⚪️ single

    ⚪️ taken

    🔘 in a relationship with this picture of jeff goldblum working a food truck

    @MichelePlayfair Oh god yes.

    @anthonypjshaw Absolutely!

    RT @rachelandrew: Local meetups struggling to get speakers. Yet people asking me how to get into public speaking. This is how. Speak at you…

    @gilmae In his dank cave of an office, @the_snook has two dozen CD-Rs with very early Dr Who eps sourced off Usenet. 🤓

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: “I apologise to mugwumps everywhere.” Dahl is in the news as Boris Johnson bewilders UK with an obscure insult! https://…

    @mootpointer @mattdelves I usually go with a haircut, maybe a new colour.

    RT @containercamp: We’re delighted to announce @EWB_Australia, @GGDSydney AND @WWCSyd as community partners of Container Camp AU https://t…

    I need a name for the Law that whenever programming and sewing/knitting comes up, a “helpful” dude mentions Jacquard looms.

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    RT @yow_conf: What can we learn from Marvel superheroes on being better developers. Join us in Sydney May 9 #yownight…

    @gilmae Only @mseckington knows for sure… 😀

    @evanderkoogh +10 for alliteration.

    Playlist of songs with catchiest choruses: great for productivity; not great when you realise you’re CHAIR DANCING TO JUSTIN BIEBER.

    I’m not really a Car Girl, but even I stopped in my tracks when I saw this beauty today. 😍

    @malcolmsheridan Haha, nah, around the corner from my house in Chippendale. Sun is shining right now!

    @slace You know it.

    @jedws @travisvz @christineliuart Cheers. Here’s a more recent version:

    Erik and @jedws kicking off #FPSyd and Erik is SWEARING that he’s going to get it on @Meetup next month. (Sure, mate. 😜)

    I only found out about Goldblum’s sausages a hour ago, which explains why I’m A) not in jail and B) still married.

    I can vouch for that – very friendly group and well worth visiting/speaking!

    @keranm What app is that?

    @keranm Oh cool! I should take another look at that. Used to use Fitbit until my tracker died.

    RT @LareneLg: Amazing turnout at @WWCodeBrisbane learning Functional programming with @mdjnewman @eraserqueen @thoughtworks #brisbane 🌃💻😄 h…

    @BrigidWD @JennyValentish GASP. In Sydney?!

    Goddddd Elisabeth Moss is WRECKING ME. 😭

    Handmaid’s Tale Ep 1 killed me, even though I’ve read the book. That last line. I gasped, and then I cried. She has a name. 😭