Month: April 2017

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    @LapTop006 @evilZardoz Excellent! I’ll have to get the burger next time. 🙂

    Whoa. For the first time in six months, I have no confirmed upcoming speaking gigs. Time to send some submissions, I guess!

    @unixbigot I did! I thought it was cool until I realised it’s the size of a small car, practically. 😂

    RT @NicSampson: A lot of people have been asking about my infamous playlist for having sex so here you go 😉

    @joshduck Wait, are you in Sydney?!

    @LapTop006 You must be a neighbour! I live down the hill in Chippendale. 👋

    Hoodie progress! The back is done, and I’m working towards neck split on front.

    @joshduck Oh cool! Got time to catch up? Marlous and I will be in Surry Hills tomorrow – could easily meet you for a coffee around Central!

    @MelissaKaulfuss Hm. If you wanted to increase your ROI and give it again… @DanSiepen? I’ll vouch for her. 🙂

    I should add – if any tech meetups/events are looking for a speaker, get in touch. 😉

    @pwcc Sadly no. Will be there the 4th to host YOW Night. How about in June?

    @caseywest @googlecloud Go you! Congrats. 😉

    @TheRealBnut Yeah, @desplesda and @The_McJones have already been whispering that too. 😁

    @TheRealBnut I reference that blog post in my talk, which you’ve never seen. 😜

    @TheRealBnut This is going to be the canonical one – previous versions were way shorter.

    RT @yow_conf: Live & breathe Big Data, Analytics & Machine Learning? Share your expertise & learnings at #yowdata

    @misswired I don’t understand. What’s he doing wrong?

    Perfect playlist for Wednesday – Billboard’s 100 Greatest Choruses of the 21st Century. Great for getting stuff don…

    @kouky 😱 That sucks!

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    FUUUUUUUUUU. So my repair didn’t go as well as I thought.

    Dear @cheekytransport – this was very misleading for a girl pushing a bike with a flat. ☹️ (They’re closed.)

    @lucykbain @ncss I had an iOS app that did that, I think. Official by Lego as I recall…

    @lucykbain @ncss Found it:

    RT @yow_conf: Only 1 week to go! #yowwest wouldn’t be possible without sponsors: @bankwest, @thoughtworks, @bitgenics…

    @stephenlead Ahhh, the rare and elusive Cycling Dad Joke. 😜

    @evanderkoogh Excellent clickbait-y tweet, btw. 💯

    RT @coreyspowell: Aurora chasers spotted a strange arc of light–a discovery so new that scientists are just calling it “Steve.” https://t.…

    @evanderkoogh I wish! Sadly, no.

    @evanderkoogh Absolutely at West!

    @randommood I couldn’t be prouder to know you. 🍉

    RT @caseywest: The Wizarding World of Cloud Computing

    Google Cloud: Ravenclaw
    Amazon AWS: Gryffindor
    Microsoft Azure: Hufflepuff
    Oracle Cl…

    @caseywest @developerjack Sent to a friend. He replied: “Yep. GCP is the most competent, but not talked about too much. and AWS get points for doing nothing” 😂

    My nickname at @canva was actually “Kayriss” to distinguish me from the various Chrisses. 😂

    @FakeSamRitchie @canva That is some next level, “I had to google that” geekery right there. 👏

    @saberkite @canva We both know the answer to that question is “Not enough.” 😜

    @parisba Hm. Tempted.

    @The_McJones @parisba I’m going to the US for eclipse in mid-August – so just depends whether I can come back and go straight to a conf talk.

    @TheRealBnut @The_McJones @parisba But then I wouldn’t get to have all the dudes tell me what a Jacquard loom is.

    @yow_conf Delete your account.

    @nemshilov You coming to YOW! West? We’re trying to reach you via email. 🙂

    @randomknits …so still 6x as much as you intended. Seems about right. 😀

    🤢 The cafe I had breakfast in had a “Red Velvet Latte” that apparently involved batter. BATTER.

    @gilmae A charcoal latte sounds like something you give someone who is POISONED, to CURE THEM.

    @indefensible Doodle… like, you know?

    @indefensible Yup – totally agree.

    TIL there’s a restaurant in Chippo specialising in DUCK. 🦆

    @gilmae Quit subtweeting me! 😒

    @gilmae LOL

    @joshduck I had the crispy duck pancakes tonight. Very nice!

    @johnallsopp Sounds like we should get together again soon for another vent session!

    RT @Zendesk: The @web_goddess reveals the connection between knitting and coding in our latest Software Art Tho talk.…

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    RT @SuperSpacedad: This really owns:

    @TheRealBnut Crochet, man. Way beyond my comprehension. 🙂

    RT @williamjordann: This is wild. Emily’s List heard from 900 potential female candidates in 2016.

    So far this year: 11,000


    Successfully removed my bike’s rear tire and put in a new tube. Only had to yelp for help from @the_snook once! #greasemonkey

    @themaninblue I’d be lying if I said the thought didn’t cross my mind.

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    RT @yow_conf: Upcoming Sydney #yownight May 9 with power duo @mseckington & @bodil. Get your tix here!

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    Little Brisbane brekkie…

    @candeira Ha! If it helps, I don’t take any of it for granted. I know how ridiculously lucky I am!

    2 meetings down, and I’ve snuck off to see some Art. (@ Queensland Art Gallery (QAG) – @qagoma)

    Excellent exhibit of three of my favourite artists. I ❤ QAGOMA

    A catch up with @DeveloperSteve always involves a sticker swap…

    RT @jesstelford: We’re exposing Domain’s data & microservices to the world _for free_! Check it out at

    Giant Bowl O’ Chai (with laptop for scale).

    RT @yow_conf: Expand your mind with many great speakers at #yowwest – 2 day, 2 track conference on 2-3 May in Perth.

    @simonraikallen So… word on the street in Brisbane is that you hired someone on Airtasker to knit those socks!! Care to comment? 🤣

    Such a privilege to get to meet and hang out with Brisbane’s tech community tonight! @yow_conf


    @rooosterboy @yow_conf Dammit. I *knew* somebody would complain about that. I had “some of” in there but deleted thinking I might go over character limit. 🤣

    RT @MelanieCanva: @web_goddess I love that concept! But it’s not mine:

    RT @annie_parker: Thanks @smh for covering the human impacts of #457visa changes for @startupsinger #startupaus

    Note to self: never book a flight this early again. (at @VirginAustralia Lounge in Brisbane Airport, QLD)

    Ooh, looks like my video from @Zendesk’s #softwareartthou is up!

    @glasnt Hm. Based on frequency of use for me, I’d probably go 💃

    @mattallen Was going to make an “Amazon has 🚀 now??” joke but then realised they probably do. 😂 Have fun!

    @mattallen At least they’re not airlifting you there via trans-Pacific drone!

    RT @Malarkey: The week of May 1st is a great one for Aussie web events. @yow_conf in Perth, @SydCSS and @webdirections in Sydney. I’ll be a…

    RT @SerriLaw: @busbub Bagels are so good they’re actually bae-gels.

    RT @freakboy3742: Kids – growing old sucks. Once upon a time, I lived on a diet of sand and battery acid. Now a late night milkshake ties m…