Month: April 2017

  • Marimekko’s pattern of progressive design – Curbed

    Things I learned from this profile of Marimekko:

    • Marimekko is Finnish for “Mary’s Dress.”
    • The company is 94% female!
    • Their factory in Helsinki has a shop next door that sells discounted seconds with printing errors. 😳
    • As part of the company’s turnaround in the 90’s, the new CEO gave individual designers profit responsibility on their designs. Giving decision-making authority to the people doing the work seems to pay off whether in tech or in textiles!
    • “Early on, when Isola was making many of the company’s famous patterns by transferring her paintings to fabric, she would test them out in black and white before thinking about colors.” Good tip to keep in mind for my next sewing/knitting projects.

    “When you see a colorway, you just know whether it’s Marimekko or not.” – Yep. I was lucky enough to score a pair of Marimekko Converse when I was in the US a few years back. They always draw compliments!

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    Heh. I should get a commission on @videosmithery’s scarves! 🤣 They’re here, @jodionis:

    The Problem with Working From Home. 😼

    @MelissaKaulfuss You’re forgetting all of us who aren’t developers anymore for that very reason–OH LOOK, A SHINY THING!

    @xyz_paul @darylginn That cat is being useful. My cats just stick their butt in my face.

    Big crowd as @twalve kicks off the inaugural SydJS(J)! #sydjs ThNks for hosting @coderfactory!

    Our first speaker @Noviny has a background in philosophy. I love this meetup already. #SydJS

    Jargon is alienating for new coders. When you’re giving an explanation, watch for confused looks & keep definitions short. #sydjs @Noviny

    Anna from Atlassian telling us about her experience and how she “gits” things done. #SydJS

    @slace @twalve Two more, actually. Multiplying like 🐇

    Best practices for using git, if you’re new to it! Well done, Anna. #SydJS

    Intro to functional programming from @alex_karolis. YES! #SydJS

    @collypops @twalve @coderfactory This is the first one! On the final speaker now.

    @collypops Not sure. I’m not feeling great so I’ll probably head home. How long are you in Sydney??

    @collypops I’m gonna be there next week! Beer on Friday the 21st? I’ll email you details!

    @DanSiepen OHMYGOD I HONESTLY DIDNT EVEN HEAR IT! I’m the worst. I will make amends. #grovelling #apologetic

    @caleighmary @GGDSydney There are many different versions on Slideshare! 😂 A full YouTube video should be coming in the next few weeks…

    @hannahcancode @lightningdb There’s a few of us around. 😉

    @joshduck Hey! I’m coming to Brisbane next week to give a talk. Going to be around? I’m hosting beers on Friday night… 🙂

    @gilmae You mean the lasagna, right?

    @mattallen You’re not “tooting” instead, are you?

    @mattallen It’s what the Mastodon people call tweeting.


    @mattallen See, because you’re not ON Twitter, you don’t know about the new ALTERNATIVES to Twitter.

    @joannaferrari48 ❤❤❤

    This is my boss at @yow_conf! I’m fortunate to get to work for such a legend.

    @randomknits HA! Genius.

    Learning some fundamentals is useful though. I enjoyed Petzold’s “Code,” which is basically this comic in reverse.

    @neil_killick Ooh, I’ve done the last four stops myself on a trip a few years back. Very memorable!

    Marimekko’s pattern of progressive design – Curbed I ❤️ Marimekko!

    If you want to keep the local music scene alive, start shows earlier // YES, THIS x 100.

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    Worth reading, esp. if you’re smarting at not getting selected for one of @yow_conf’s events. So many reasons, some out of your control!

    Holy crap. Just counted and realised tonight will be the 21st version I’ve delivered of this talk over the last 3 years. 😳 #GGDSyd

    I reckon I might even be ahead of @glasnt’s emoji talk? 🤔

    @glasnt Yeah, all permutations.

    And it all started at @webdirections WDYK in April 2014!

    @virtualwolf Yeah. I honestly thought it was like half that.

    @brown_note I’m approaching the Platonic Ideal, mate.

    Big crowd at @GGDSydney tonight, including several dudes! Like @msharp and @busbub! #GGDSyd

    @s_tabassum On the way!!

    True confession time as @cathyblabla relates her worries and anxieties upon getting pregnant as a woman in tech. #GGDSyd

    “Don’t follow any advice you’re not comfortable with… including mine.” Good life advice from @cathyblabla. #GGDSyd

    @katsbud @GGDSydney YES! Now I’m picturing many #ggdsyd women wearing @videosmithery’s scarves.

    Public service announcement – if you’re not on the #GGDSyd Slack channel, come see me and I’ll invite you!

    😂 @bottomley_g has the room rolling as she walks us through some of the SCARY FACTS about women in tech. #GGDSyd

    As @bottomley_g says, I’ve got the Sisterhood behind me. (Literally.) #GGDSyd

    @darthted @dp_lewis Nah, it was @busbub! Slightly different.

    @katsbud @GGDSydney @videosmithery Nah, but you can knit your own!

    @katsbud @GGDSydney @bottomley_g I feel like we should do that at every meeting! Like taking the Girl Scout Pledge. 😻

    @mmastertheone You’re still not in?!

    @mmastertheone sent!!

    Married geek life. 🤓

    Conference organisers: you should be asking @cathyblabla and @bottomley_g to speak. They’re both AMAZING. #GGDSyd

    @mark_sabbatical @azadehkhojandi Yep, point was taken. 😉

    RT @busbub: @ girl geeks Sydney tonight w @rosiepower_ ^_^ finally seeing @web_goddess’s talk on knitting and code 💯💯…

    And I am stoked that my awesome @welovecolors tights were captured for posterity! 😂

    RT @azadehkhojandi: @web_goddess #ggdsyd knitting is binary

    Knitting was always cool! QR codes… not so much. 😂

    RT @s_tabassum: Mind blowing ‘knit one’ talk by @web_goddess. Got to know that knit is binary, about knitML library and more #GGDSyd https:…

    @mmastertheone 💃

    @TheRealBnut The Slack is women-only, I’m afraid. (I think? Can I get a verdict, @GGDSydney?)

    @mark_sabbatical @LucindaBurtt My knitted one scans! Took me many prototypes. 😁

    Eating pie from new @moominofficial bowl!! Thank you @mmastertheone!! ☺️

    @mark_sabbatical @LucindaBurtt Ohmygawdddd would you just come see the talk already? It’s all in there. 😂

    @mark_sabbatical @LucindaBurtt Because everything in the world is on the 3rd Thursday of the month! (June?!)

    @mark_sabbatical @karlbowden Could maybe do May, depending if @syddevops doesn’t take up my offer…

    @ADuckIsMyFiend OOOH, YES! Do a crochet version of the talk, pls. I’m hopeless at crochet. 😂

    @bottomley_g @Andrea_s_ho @keranm @hannahcancode You didn’t need them at all – perfectly compelling without!!

    @ADuckIsMyFiend 😻 I’m doing amigurumi at @KnitGuildNSW Camp in June!!

    GORGEOUS! And I ❤ that it’s not white.

    @amykate_94 Oh good grief – how can you even see your stitches with that stuff?! 😳 I only used it once, and that’s enough!

    In the spirit of @glasnt’s post and “collecting Nos” and all – woke up to find out I didn’t get in to CodeMotion Amsterdam. That’s okay.

    RT @imdominating: “Not just breast cancer, y’all,” she says with her armpit sans lymph nodes

    @darthted @glasnt I really wasn’t bothered. Maybe the key is to submit to a lot, so you don’t have your hopes up too high for any given one?

    @darthted @glasnt Actually, in that case I think I didn’t consider myself to have much of a shot at all.

    @jodionis @GGDSydney Thanks Jo! 🙂

    Bookmarking @coreelecau’s Arduino Workshop for Beginners to watch later! #makers #arduino

  • Daring Fireball: The Swiss Watch Industry Should Double Down on Mechanical Watches

    Instead of getting into the computer business, traditional watch companies should focus on what they’ve always done: designing and making great mechanical watches — creating a breath of analog fresh air in an ever-more digitized world.

    Source: Daring Fireball: The Swiss Watch Industry Should Double Down on Mechanical Watches

    I totally agree! Rather than get a smartwatch, I celebrated my 40th birthday by buying myself an honest-to-goodness grown-up mechanical Swiss watch from Longines. It’s a beautiful work of art and engineering, and it’ll last me decades.

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    @Xavier_Ho @markdalgleish @melbjs Woohoo! Now I only wish I could be there to see it. 🙂

    @AICDirectors Any plans for diversity scholarships in 2017? I’d be very keen if you are!

    @AICDirectors Excellent! Thanks for the reply. Will keep an eye out.

    Still some tickets available for Girl Geeks tomorrow night! Talks from me, @cathyblabla, and @bottomley_g…

    RT @spidie: First #goldcoast #yownight is happening at @gctechspace with @web_goddess on 19th April @yow_conf #mudg…

    I should also note that men are absolutely welcome at @GGDSydney events. We just ask that you get a woman to bring you as her guest. 🙂

    @spidie @gctechspace @yow_conf I’m super excited about this! I just hope it’s possible to get around the GC by taxi since I’m flying up. 😂

    @spidie @gctechspace @yow_conf TBH I’ve been avoiding using them for a while now. Maybe time to install Lyft, I guess…

    YAYYYY!!! She did such a good job – tell her she should be proud, @simonraikallen. 😍

    Monday night dinner. Nailed it!

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    RT @Doctor_Astro: #Muaddib uses the spice to manipulate space and time on #Caturday afternoon

    RT @operaqueenie: 5 red flags every woman should look for when considering a job at start-up

    2nd prize in CLASS D CELEBRITY LOOK-ALIKE PUMPKIN. (Seriously. So good.) 😂

    Competitive woodchopping. GO TEAM USA! 🇺🇸

    “And introducing @kamyan3 as The Carrot.”

    Refuelling, courtesy of the CWA.

    Annual selfie with Show knitting! At least mine was displayed well.

    RT @WIM_Aus: A fascinating study on quotas and the “myth” of meritocracy: #Equality

    @developerjack Our Strata Committee passed a new bylaw against it (if the owner isn’t also there). We had randos coming in & out before.

    RT @mpesce: The Utter Uselessness of Job Interviews – The New York Times

    RT @melbjs: We’ve had a speaking slot open up for Wednesday night. Got something you’d like to share? Let us know!