Month: April 2017

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    @ssachdev @yow_conf Give it a few minutes and refresh. We’re migrating off a third-party system that’s being retired. I’ve refreshed cache…

    @ssachdev @yow_conf The sooner I get us off that old system, the better! #workingonit

    @ewebber But I LIKE killer robots too! πŸ˜›

    You should’ve seen the look on my face, @themaninblue. @canva 😍 πŸ™Œ

    @th0maswe1ss @themaninblue @canva That’s nice, but I was delighted at showing at all. Previously a lot of users made that mistake, and this will help a lot!

    @mmastertheone WOW, did you build all that? Impressive!

    @DarrenNolan_ I knew I’d gotten to a list somehow before… Just found it. Have to click on the name at the top.

    @DarrenNolan_ So if I click the little β€œPlaying from Daily Mix 4,” I get the second screen.

    @DarrenNolan_ I seriously was just, like, mashing it with my hand right now trying to redo what I had done before. πŸ˜‚

    @mmastertheone Yeah, I just like building. We have some nanobots sets just because they take up less space. The village is impressive though!

    @mmastertheone 4000+ pieces! 😳 There should be a way to lease Lego. Lego-as-a-Service.

    I bought myself the iMac in 2000, and @the_snook got me that exact Gameboy for our first Christmas.

    RT @FindingAda: Name a meeting room after Ada Lovelace or Mary Anning and explain who they were with one of our posters!…

    RT @yow_conf: Our #yowwest program is now out! Check it out!
    Of course, may be subject to change

    Had breakfast with my friend Bob, who declared my new haircut “so Molly Ringwald.” #nailedit πŸ˜‚

    @geekle OOH, I forgot, I had one of those too! (IIRC, I mostly just played Bejeweled on it.)

    @JulieSCWilson @redmantwelve Don’t tempt me. πŸ™‚

    @geekle Oh wait. Mine was a Handspring Visor, I think.

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    Confirmed my first talk on the Gold Coast coming up on April 19th! Thanks @gtechspace!

    Hey, is back! So far Sydney’s pretty sparse – just me, @halans, and @ErikMHummel in there.

    Salad with Sugar Snap Peas, Asparagus, Sprouts, and Poached Eggs. (Good, but used so. many. pots!)

    @ssachdev @yow_conf Hi Sandeep – it is indeed! Which conf in particular were you looking for?

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    Just booked a TIPI to stay in when we’re in Wyoming. I CAN’T WAIT.

    Having dinner with a berserker.


    @lucykbain Broadsheet email newsletter. πŸ˜‰ @Broadsheet_Syd