Month: June 2017

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    @MJBiercuk @NicoleWill100 @bigyahu @FutureDirectors The problem I have with that course is expense for someone just starting out. I’m watching for scholarships!

    @glasnt @ambiata 😳

    RT @andykelk: @web_goddess @FutureDirectors @bigyahu Anyone interested in that side of things should also check out

    @azadehkhojandi @GGDSydney Awww, how is hack day going AND WHAT IS ON YOUR HEAD. 😲

    Training a neural network to name kittens. Yes, really. (I ❤️ Snox Boops!) via @mefiblue

    RT @DDDPerth: Good work peeps! Quite a few submissions already today. Getting pretty close to that magic 80.

    Today I got my Inbox down from 200+ emails to 9. Bring on the weekend. 💃

    @sir_tilbrook @LukeSleeman @yow_conf What? I didn’t vote for him. 😜

    Anxiety. (@ Glebe Vet)

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    Demo of Azure live translation service, which could be a game changer for those in the events business. #MSBuildTour

    RT @webdirections: Friday is also the last day of Super Early Bird for #summit (Syd 9-10/11), $200 off + ticket upgrade to Gold: https://t.…

    RT @bigyahu: Are you Australia’s best senior tech PR strategist? This has to be the best tech gig in the country, at @canva…

    @JennaPrice I had my first last week. Waiting for that letter…

    I like the concept, but as a Tetris aficionado, those gaps make my eyes twitch. 😣 #MSBuildTour

    “How many people have used containers? Okay, like 5%…” WAT. I am not used to being on the bleeding edge. 😮 #MSbuildtour #notmyusualcrowd

    @chr1sl0gan Are there going to be any women involved?

    Getting distracted from tech conference by reading latest developments in Binary Capital scandal. And then I look around and see no women. 😕

    Okay, that was a lie. I can see four women.

    @brettporter I honestly thought I heard the question wrong. If I’ve played with some tech, I tend to assume everyone has. Evidently not!

    @rosepowell …and was AMAZING at it. 😁

    @Gin_ev_ra Less than 5%. I can see 100+ men.

    DevRel sticker swap selfie. #MSBuildTour @forloop @cloudyopspoet @azadehkhojandi

    @Pete_Brown @gilmae Yeah, .Net dev friend explained to me during the break. I hadn’t realised it was a new thing for them!

    Every release should be heralded by an animated dinosaur ridden by a ninja cat. 💯 #MSbuildtour

    RT @ekp: Leading Silicon Valley engineer @triketora explains why every tech worker needs a humanities education htt…

    @Gin_ev_ra Actually I saw a lot more in the break. Perhaps I was just seated in a particularly bro-tastic section of audience.

    Building Xamarin app and starting with the quintessential example: building a To Do list. #MSbuildtour

    @CraigsOverItAll He does have updated robot grasping hands though! 😂

    Is there a canonical pronunciation of Azure? So far I’ve heard “azh-oor,” “az-yer,” and “asher,” all from MS folks! #MSBuildTour

    Enjoying the highlights of local companies! @thenickrandolph from Built to Roam showing off app they built for @boostjuiceoz. #MSBuildTour

    @LJKenward You look great!!

    Diversity and inclusion panel at lunch. This is good content – should be on main stage! #MSBuildTour @bigyahu @chr1sl0gan

    If you’re looking for diverse candidates, actually GO LOOK FOR THEM. Don’t rely on ppl to self-select and apply based on JD. #MSBuildTour

    It’s sometimes hard to make mental switch to “This person is different, and THAT’S GOOD!” – @bigyahu #MSBuildTour

    RT @NeedhiBhalla: “We need to value women as much as we value men in the technology industry”

    “The culture you start your company with, is the culture you’ll base everything on going forward.” Yep. That’s been my exp. #MSBuildTour

    Being structured in your interviewing process helps counter unconscious bias. I totally agree! @laneyvb #MSBuildTour

    Confessions from a recovering mansplainer with @bigyahu. @BlueChilliGroup implemented a talking stick for meetings! #MSBuildTour 😂

    Interesting. @BlueChilliGroup will be publishing diversity numbers tomorrow, @bigyahu says. (And I just saw the avatar. 👏❤️) #MSBuildTour

    The coffee cups have art on them. This pleases me. #MSBuildTour

    RT @cameronesposito: Just to recap: I am any Ken u need

    Solving the important problems – like building a serverless cat rating application! 👏 😻 @laneyvb #MSBuildTour

    That no cat! That’s a pupper! 😂 #MSBuildTour @laneyvb

    I spy some @yow_conf stickers there! 🤘👏

    @gilmae @laneyvb Computer says no, sadly. Rejected as doggo.

    @azadehkhojandi @yow_conf @forloop Thanks Az… 😉

    So serverless Logic Apps are… basically just supercharged IFTTT recipes? 🤔 #MSBuildTour

    “So it’s a command line tool… that was used to package itself… to install itself.” #appinception #MSBuildTour 😱

    Just registered for @futuredirectors “Kickstart your Board Career“. Thanks @bigyahu for recommending!

    RT @tonilehelena: There’s a 20-hour Harry Potter movie marathon coming to Sydney in September lol see you there ⚡️

    Game development using Surface Dial as input device. (Now where have I seen that before? 🤔) #MSBuildTour

    In case you’re wondering if parkour is still a Thing, the dude leaping around the Goods Line right now says YES.

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    Lovely blog post about @KnitGuildNSW Knitting Camp that mentions my coding workshop! ❤️👩‍💻

    The #PrideMonth flag is flying at @ravelry. This matters, and I’m happy to see it. ❤️ 🏳️‍🌈

    I’ve never heard this metaphor forever, but I love it. Forget unicorns. #zebrafan

    #sydjs-s kicking off at @canva with @twalve and @themaninblue!

    First up – Brendan 2.0 talking about how @canva does frontend engineering at scale. #sydjs-s

    The day I attend a meetup at @canva and my phone doesn’t automatically connect to the employee wifi is going to be a very sad day.

    Next up: @WearyMonkey talking about MobX at @canva. In his socks. 😂 #sydjs-s

    @mattdelves I’ll tell you when he’s done. So far he’s talking about issues with Redux.

    MobX is implementation of Observer pattern; allows for mutable state. “Simple, scalable state management.” #sydjs-s

    RT @LJKenward: *Jumps up and down excitedly* I work with her I work with her! Woo go @MichelePlayfair !

    Excited for Sharon’s talk about culture & collaboration! (Which she wrote on the side while launching Canva for Print. No biggie.) #sydjs-s

    Interesting! @crankymate has the @canva Eng team doing a class on giving constructive feedback to teammates. So useful! #sydjs-s

    Developer, food reviewer, and Renaissance man @boundvariable closes the night talking about system failures and recovery. #sydjs-s

    “If systems don’t work, you… probably don’t want to have more of them.” 😂 @boundvariable #sydjs-s

    He’s using real user bug reports. I’m having flashbacks. 😵 @HANSwerThePhone @saberkite

    @FakeSamRitchie I just started singing what I thought was the Macgyver theme and was promptly corrected by my husband that, no, that’s The A-Team.

    New meetup in Sydney? ACE! Well done @charrett. 👏

    @jocranford @delitescere Post-technical is *awesome*. Don’t listen to those CLINGING TO THE PAST. (Yeah, I said it!)

    RT @HamiltonMusical: Watch the official video for Immigrants (We Get The Job Done) by @KNAAN feat. @Residente, @rizmc, & @SnowThaProduct. h…

    @gcouprie I have one on my bookshelf, but it’s dead. 😭

    @gcouprie You reckon? I’d LOVE to fix it! Currently we call that shelf the Museum of Obsolete Technology. (There’s a 1st Gen iPod too.)

    @WearyMonkey @sza80p @canva As a knitter, I’m in favour of fraternal twin socks. Way less boring. 🙂

    I like @GoCatchApp and want them to succeed, but they need to sign up more drivers. I stare at this far too long, and I live in inner Syd.

    @delitescere @jocranford We’ll be the ones ORGANISING it! 😂

    @azadehkhojandi Serves me right for getting here late. They only had giant sizes left. 😭

    You don’t see that every day. #msbuildtour

    “I have here an iPhone. It’s not MY iPhone; I have a Windows phone in my pocket; but there’s an iPhone onstage.” 😂 Xamarin demo #msbuildtour

    Shout out to the @StanAustralia team for their work on Windows 10 support. Nice one @haruki_t, @robertoamici83, etc! #msbuildtour

    @GeoffreyHuntley @safetyculture Oh good grief – didn’t make to connection! In my defence, it’s early and I need caffeine. 😂 Well done @brettporter and team too!

    Finally! Although I gave up and moved to @Citymapper ages ago.

    LOL. Super powered Office365 contacts bot that also does sentiment analysis. That could be…dangerous. 😂 #msbuildtour

    @LachlanHines I was impressed he demoed it on iPhone. They’re sure keen to keep
    showing that off.

    AI and Cognitive services. Relevant to my interests. I’m starting to come around on voice as input device. #MSBuildTour

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    I clearly didn’t leave my coconut yogurt in the sous vide long enough. #firstworldproblems

    RT @justinchronicle: A friend of mine, @arle13
    presented at @yow_conf about collab. devs and designers.

    Definitely worth watching.


    RT @ComposeMelb: Compose :: Melbourne CFP is still open, but only for a few more days; we’d love to see your talk! Details here: https://t.…

    @ericscheid @gilmae @the_snook But do they have gamified green squares? Because that’s really what prompted all this. 😂

    @ericscheid @gilmae @the_snook I’ll have a think about it. I need to figure out if there’s anything in it that’s a security risk to expose.

    Little pink and brown jellybean toes… 😻

    Massive crowd at Amazon for tonight’s Sydney Machine Learning meetup! #sydml

    Audible chuckle as the robot arm moved the spoon of mash towards the poor grad student… 😂 #sydneymachinelearning

    Huh. According to AWS speaker, they now have more than 1000 employees working in ANZ region. I did not know that. #sydneymachinelearning

    @tomjadams It’s like this stealth infiltration! Where are they hiding them all??

    @JennaGuillaume As always, I am HERE for what you’re tweeting. 😆❤️

    @JennaGuillaume I started recording Dawson’s Creek off TV because I discovered it includes the original music! DVDs and streaming don’t.

    @JennaGuillaume And the Creek had *excellent* late 90′s music throughout the best seasons.

    Learning about using weighting to account for biased training data. #sydneymachinelearning

    @JennaGuillaume This is happening every Tuesday? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS. Make some room for me on that bandwagon next week, please and thank you. 😁

    I honestly wasn’t expecting it to be that bad. That is *ridiculous*.

    @samnewman @darthted I am a bad person for hoping she gets mugged.

    @dcotterill @samnewman Oh wow, I didn’t bother with video. I’ve developed selective website video blindness.

    “Now everyone has the same ping-pong, vending machines, and micro-kitchens. What’s going to set you apart is how you treat your employees” 🙌

    Super fun IoT+gardening project by @deliberatecoder. Suddenly inspired to play with my Arduino hardware again!

    @Reidyd @wilshipley Yeah. We’ve had Perl for years. 🙂

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    @KathyReid @pelagikat YASSS. I was chatting to @Roceal last weekend about reviving it, maybe porting to Python. We can’t let it die!

    RT @yow_conf: That’s right, #YOWBubs returns to #yow17! If you have a child (or more) under 4, bring them along. More details to come

    RT @yow_conf: We are absolutely FLOORED! 59 entries to our #WIT speaker development program!!! ❤️💋❤️💋❤️💋

    @delitescere @yow_conf @REA_Group @nxdnz +1

    @fox Do you need any help with @JSConfAU in the coming months? Met a great Sydney events manager looking for short term work today…

    @MichelePlayfair Yeah, exactly. It’s almost like THEY INTENDED THAT. 😕

    @lanewaypresents @mitskileaks So excited for this! I’m going to Melbourne for work that week – have to figure out how to fit this in.

    @gilmae I should set up a repo for the Roald Dahl site. Then I could get me some green squares too.

    @gilmae That’s what @the_snook says every time he seems doing changes to the live version.

    @gilmae @the_snook Granted, this particular codebase is only just over a year old (since WordPress migration).

    @gilmae @the_snook Also, it’d cost me $7 for a private repo so people don’t mock my PHP.

    @gilmae @the_snook I don’t care if they see it. I just don’t want them to comment about it. Contempt culture in tech and all…

    RT @SirEviscerate: I accidentally opened the Google+ app, and it screeched at me like I shined a flashlight at a long-forgotten albino crea…

  • Eat Your Books

    Unsolicited endorsement: Every Saturday I make a menu plan for the week*. As inputs, I go with our current fridge and freezer assets as well as whatever’s coming in the next Ooooby box. Then I use Paprika to find recipes that will use up the most perishable stuff first. Paprika’s great for organising your online recipes, and we keep our old iPad in the kitchen to cook from.

    That said, last week I was looking at our bookshelf full of dead tree cookbooks and lamenting the fact that we rarely cook from them. “If only there was a database that I could search as easily as I do Paprika,” I said to the Snook. “Oh wait!” he said. “I saw something for that recently.”

    Less than a day later we’d signed up for a year subscription to Eat Your Books and loaded our 40+ cookbooks into it. I was happy to see that just about all our books were already in there, and probably 85% of them were indexed. Once you’ve logged your books, you can search through the recipe indexes by ingredient, type of meal, etc. So handy! Already we’ve cooked from our books three times since: Neil Perry’s Persian-style lamb stew, Jamie Oliver’s Crispy Chicken, and Momofuku’s Brussels sprouts with fish sauce vinaigrette.

    Highly recommended if you’re in the same situation…

    * The Snook hates making meal decisions, so I make the list and assign him all the more labour-intensive dishes.

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    RT @yow_conf: We sold out in Melbourne by early Oct last year, so don’t wait long to get your earlybird #yow17 tickets…

    Spent a confused 5 minutes trying to figure out when I created a new “Family” calendar in Google. Oh. I didn’t. They did. 😐

    @evanderkoogh Oh good grief no! I’m accusing them of rolling out a feature I didn’t ask for; not divine medical intervention. 🙂

    Sunday afternoon refactoring… #gettingshitdone

    @KathyReid You inspired me to share my own photo! Not quite as many screens and things happening though. 🙂

    RT @KathyReid: Ladies! Who’s #gettingshitdone this afternoon? Join Kris and I and post a pic 😉

    @gilmae Just addressing some tech debt on the Roald Dahl site. Nothing a visitor would actually notice!

    @gilmae @randomknits What does the text do?

    @polleyg I’ve been using it since back when it was BBEdit. 🙂

    Tech debt repaid! Time to, I guess, actually stand up and clean my house.

    @randomknits I love it! Seems like a better fit than Lady Skater.

    My Safari-only experiment has ended, and I’m back to Chrome. Missed too many Hangouts messages due to this issue: ☹️

    Eat Your Books – an unsolicited endorsement. An online recipe index for your dead tree cookbooks! So BRILIANT!

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    @bron2042 I normally buy locally. The only time I import is when I needed special cotton blends I can’t get here.

    @bron2042 Knit Picks is pretty good.

    I can’t believe there are hackathons that charge coders $100 to attend. That’s just nuts.

    @bron2042 The Destash thread on the Ravelry Australian Knitters board has lots of lovely wool!

    Operation Lime is underway…

    2kg is a lot of limes. (“I’m Mastercheffing the shit out of this…” he says.) 🍈

    Margarita time!

    I’m very much enjoying this margarita… 😏

    Neil Perry’s Persian-Style Lamb Stew and purple carrots. So yummy on a chilly night! @chefneilperry

    @gilmae The lime was in the margarita… (she says tipsily)

    @BradSearleAU They are very very ripe!