Month: June 2017
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RT @yow_conf: Happy Friday!
Today’s the last day to submit to our #WIT speaker development program.…
Lesson of the week: nobody reads more than the first 2 sentences of an email. 😒
@darthted I feel like I heard a @SydTechLeaders debate about that once… 😛
@johnallsopp Me: “Hey, you should submit a talk for this conf!” Them: “YES, THANK YOU FOR INVITING ME, I WILL HAPPILY SPEAK AT YOUR THING.” 😩
RT @DCC_JOBS: Today is the last day 2 lodge your application for @yow_conf #womenintech comp! @witqld @FITT_AU @VICT…
@drylight @yow_conf Working hard on lining some up ASAP. Got any good speakers you want to recommend? 🙂
@rosepowell @DanSiepen I’m torn. Usually when things women do unpaid become prized, suddenly they become purview of skilled men who make lots of $$ (ie chefs). 😐
@rosepowell @DanSiepen And women have historically borne the burden of emotional labour. It’s been 50%+ of every job I’ve ever had.
RT @DDDPerth: Still on the fence? Let us persuade you with “Why you should present at DDD Perth” by @aidanjmorgan
Let’s be honest. Spotify has come to know me scarily well. #hipster #90stragic #showtunes #nerd
@nehadk @DaniKBevins @bhakthi Ugh. I’ve seen it many times on the Ravelry forums. I wince every time.
“The myth of the ‘cool tech girl’” by @skstock // I spent 10 years trying be that girl. Ugh. Time wasted.
@randomknits CONGRATULATIONS!!!! 💃🥂
@davidwieland @yow_conf Honestly, it’s happened to me like six times today. Is it a full moon or something?!
@lyynx @yow_conf @davidwieland Ugh. You think? CIVILISATION IS DOOMED.
@boundvariable 🤔
My neighbour gave us a gigantic bag of (ripe) limes. Any ideas how to use them up?
@charis But they’re LIMES! 😂
@gilmae @annakelk Pies only use like 4 limes! I’ve got 30ish. 😂
@AndrewADavidson 😂
@jezfletcher @hannahcancode Curd uses up less than you’d think!
@darthted I double-checked. 😂
RT @yow_conf: We’re so excited about our #yow17 speaker lineup! 9 confirmed women speakers so far & you’ve GOT to check them out. https://t…
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@darthted Jacquard Looms! (Are you making a @gilmae joke? 😐)
@jesstelford @Domaincomau @reactjs SCHMICK! Hoping you’ll submit a talk about it for YOW Connected? 😉
Really excited that @smamol will be joining us at @yow_conf this December!
RT @HeartOfPluto_: @hackaday thought you might find this entertaining. A vintage domestic knitting machine turned into a printer! https://t…
Saying goodbye to my amazing colourist Santino, who’s moving to Europe. 😭 @noddysonkinghair
@Jo_Burston @gbeattie @blackbirdvc I don’t actually know. There were at least two ex-Canva folks in the audience waiting to see if they’d be mentioned, but they weren’t named.
Ooh, fun! Chippo might get an Escape Room. (As one might guess, the NIMBYs aren’t happy:
@tinypang Development Approval – the thing they have to submit to the council.
@mmastertheone Interesting. I believe @pyko has a blog where she helps review them somewhere…
@FullContact Hi – I’m trialling your app as a replacement for Cloze. I like it so far, but I’m getting 404s today when I edit contacts?
@FullContact It’s really quite unusable. 🙁 Any idea when this is going to be resolved?
@FullContact Screenshot of error:
@heydonworks Now *that* is an announcement worthy of me reinstalling the app. 🙂
Bookmarking as a source for potential future knitting/dataviz projects…
RT @WorkingFamilies: #TrumpcareInOneSentence
@mseckington @yow_conf Ooh, somehow I missed that. @lucykbain – this is the one I told you about!
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Just had coffee with an amazing Product Manager on the lookout for her next role. If you’re hiring – esp in the US – let me know! 😉
@azadehkhojandi @vaughanknight They’re all GitHub stickers! (I ❤️ that YES WE CODE one…)
@liedra Nah. Find Your Fade. I just don’t get it.
@candeira @davecheney @fox I don’t have any problem when it’s advertised as such. That seems fine.
@MsJonesInSydney @indeed I’ve been given two of these so far this year. Seems like a trend in swag! And yeah, sadly they’re kind of useful.
Really enjoying Lorde’s new album. “They’ll hang us in The Louvre – down the back, but who cares? It’s still The Louvre…”
RT @DaniKBevins: Unclear as to how this is a thing…
#SydJS kicking off and HEY, @thethinkmill is hiring! You should go work for them; they’re great.
@b11webdev @sydjs Did you get in??
@b11webdev @sydjs I waved at @twalve, but I’m not sure he’s bothered. 😂 Tweet when you get here!
Chuckling as @mjackson struggles with Australian download speeds as he demos @unpkg at #SydJS. We know, dude. We know.
A fun math-y talk from @alexandereardon with a great takeaway message. Try different things – you never know where they’ll take you! #SydJS
He’s 2 minutes in, and already @MarcinS is giving me massive late 90′s web nostalgia. Fly out nav! DHTML! #SydJS
He’s actually presenting his slides in Netscape Navigator 2.0 using FRAMESETS. 😲👏 This is amazing. @MarcinS #SydJS
@mobywhale @diversionary @sydjs I miss dithering.
@MarcinS My favourite part is the tiny running clock in the bottom frame. 💯
Great Mefi discussion about underrated kids’ books with serious ❤️ for “The Girl with the Silver Eyes”. @randomknits
@darthted Tweets throughout, please. Some of us have FOMO.
@andykelk Did they not have coffee? Those people look like they need coffee.
RT @yow_conf: Need to understand actual cost to use database types in your solution? Join @lynnlangit workshop in Sydney Sept 15 https://t.…
I know companies that spend, uh, a lot less time on that…. to their detriment.
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Just booked in for first ever mammogram, because I have far too many loved ones touched by cancer. @imdominating @TheWonkaTonka @_brigita_
Collected another NO for the speaking rejection pile. *fistpump* “You don’t get a win unless you play in the game…” 🎵
Nice crowd at @pivotallabs to hear Sam Wong from @blackbirdvc talk about diversity.
Wow. Companies with female founders or execs make up 15% of @blackbirdvc’s portfolio but 42% of the value. Diversity = 💰
@gilmae Wait. Are you at the same thing I am? 😂
Rather than “lower the bar,” re-evaluate selection criteria. @startmate’s criteria was based on history; not what works now. #sydtechtalks
RT @fbz: i put some of my one-off algorithmic knits up for sale today, for the first time since the kickstarter two years ago…
Changing diversity levels isn’t a one-off task. If you stop doing the work, it’s easy for numbers to backslide. #sydtechtalks
So much of the startup scene comes down to network effect. THESE people are successful; their networks are made up of ppl just like them.
Whole system of relying on referrals and networks ends up reinforcing monoculture. Self-perpetuating cycle…
@tjbyte I think you pretty much have to have one or the other. Changing the status quo requires effort, otherwise it wouldn’t be the status quo.
FRICKIN’ BRILLIANT. Just needs way to upload yourself and a “Dress Me” button. Bravo @hannahcancode! 👏
@justintruong Yeah, it’s actually kind of sad that we have to resort to the $ argument. How about just because women are 50% OF HUMANS, right?
RT @LorenaABarba: I just published “How I get gender balance in tech-conference committees”
RT @LE_DeLano: The Harry Potter books, according to Hermione
#pottermore #HarryPotter
Yes, this! Well put, @crankymate.
RT @jessbudd4: This Friday is the last day to apply for @yow_conf’s women-in-tech speaker development program. Get on this ladies! https://…
RT @kylietimpani: This is neat. Submit before this Friday for @yow_conf’s Women in Tech speaker development program!
RT @zarahjutz: At some point you have to write a CV or a resume (yes they’re different!). @hannahyanfield gives some tips to do it right. #…
@darthted YOW! Data and Connected have open CFPs right now… 🙂
@fox I’ve been shocked how many sponsors are blatant about wanting to buy speaking slots. That must be working for them elsewhere. 🙁
@gilmae We didn’t see puffins when we were there, but I’m pretty sure the restaurant we ate at had them on the menu.
@stringy Oh neat! I hadn’t seen that one specifically, but I recognised immediately that it had to be @videosmithery’s work. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
@videosmithery @stringy I showed your Horse in Motion at knitting camp on the weekend, Sam, and there were literally GASPS. Such a fan of your work!
TFW you look at the latest MUST KNIT project that everybody’s casting on, and think “Really?”
@liedra There are a couple shawls now that are super popular, and they just don’t appeal to me at all. I’m baffled.
@davidbainaa The comments in reply have left me seriously depressed though. Man, a lot of dudes suck.
@gilmae Nope. (Wait a minute. Which of us is which? 🤔)
Transform the SF Clipper Card Into a Wearable
Tired of bulking up your wallet with several different credit cards, id cards, and transit cards? We found out a way to extract the key functional components from the Clipper Card, and mold it into a variety of wearable devices, including a small rubber plate, a waterproof aspirin band, and a breadboard bracelet.
Source: Transform the SF Clipper Card Into a Wearable: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
Ooh, that’s very cool! I wonder if it’d work with an Opal card??
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Another tech meetup registration form without the “Ms.” option. Screw it. PAGING DR. KRIS.
Whoa! FP-Syd are now on! Nice one, @jedws. 🙂
@ahuijsen Mrs and Miss convey whether I’m married or not. Mr. and Ms. don’t. It’s irrelevant for a work event!
@ahuijsen I wouldn’t get upset at a non-native English speaker, so I reckon you’re fine. 🙂 Thanks for asking.
RT @jdub: You’re my local member, @tanya_plibersek: Why should I vote for you if you end up doing stuff like this?
@lucykbain @yow_conf Yes, but I wouldn’t suggest more than 2!
Two things I learned at #knitcamp: speckled yarn is quite a Trendy Thing right now, and I don’t care for it much.
@chaitanyakuber True. At least this one wasn’t a required field.
RT @RickGiner: There’s a couple of CfPs open for @yow_conf – get your presentations submitted!…
@RickGiner @yow_conf Thanks for the massive Twitter spruik from your groups! 🙂
@RickGiner @yow_conf PS I’m enjoying that lovely bottle of wine from @theWebMeetup right now. 🙂
@randomknits At least you’ll understand my POWER POSE now. *deflects a barrage of machine gun fire while looking fierce*
@robertlayton I hope you’re submitting a talk for YOW Data!
Transform the SF Clipper Card Into a Wearable – Oh wow. I wonder if it would work with an Opal card?? @TheOpalUser
@gilmae @TheOpalUser The Snook says it’s forbidden by T&Cs: “33.h not misuse, deface, alter, tamper with or deliberately damage or destroy the Opal Card;” ☹️
RT @evolvable: Does your business need an extra pair of hands?
You are invited to STEAL OUR STAFF, and score a @Tyro for the day!