Month: June 2017 (page 5 of 7)

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Waving at @gertie18 and @randomknits from the Knitters Guild NSW meeting!

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Recently Favorited Tweets

  • lphainey: I have eaten
    the majority
    that was
    In parliament

    and which
    you were
    for brexit

    Forgive me
    It was delicious
    so sweet
    and so Corbyn

Baby Groot socks are… somewhat disturbing. (Thanks!)

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Sydney Harbour was definitely not its usual sparkling self this morning. 🌨

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  • rjonesy: 🚨 iOS 11 *FORCES* option for GPS access “Only While Using the App” even when apps don’t offer it!

    Suck it Uber.

Recently Favorited Tweets

  • ScribblingOn: Please don't hire interns/junior devs if you can't support them properly with adequate mentorship and guidance.

Pizza Express in HK Airport. Because, sadly, life isn’t an endless parade of Michelin-starred ramen…

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