@unixbigot @knitterjp @MichelePlayfair @mark_sabbatical Right now I’m listening to Electric Dreams Movie Soundtrack on Spotify. 🙂 https://t.co/rS0FRfCM7C https://t.co/MYVIJLiaAb
RT @djbender: I’m a web developer specializing in Ruby on Rails, Javascript and a bunch of other things. I’m open to questions for those in…
RT @yow_conf: We KNOW this happens, but… please remember our #YOWDATA & #YOWCONNECTED CFP closes 30 July https://t.co/8XG9Lztaku
@yow_conf The videos mostly make me cringe. Every time I start a sentence with “…SO!” I die a little inside.
@temptoetiam @pigworker @yow_conf Clearly it sounds better in his head! 😂
The Snook doesn’t use emoji like other people use emoji. https://t.co/o0eyFgUQUr
@darthted 💯 👏 😂
@MrsBoogooloo @ignitesydney I think it did, but a placebo might’ve worked just as well. It was an incredibly light dose, so mostly just voodoo.
It’s the last days of the @buzzconfio Call for Presenters. Submit a tech presentation or workshop quick https://t.co/DTXd0pUPUP #technology
RT @pjf: Usually when I take a sip of water on stage, it’s not a dry throat; it’s because I’ve forgotten what I was about to say. #SpeakerC…
@yow_conf @marlousteh @smithcdau Wow – looks like Redmart’s gonna have some competition!
It’s a @webdirections @yow_conf crossover night of awesomeness! https://t.co/JpwwpKiJkR
Great session with mentor today about struggle to avoid getting bogged in operational tasks instead of strategy. So helpful to hash it out.
It helps to recognise common repeating patterns in my job history. Doing Things is fun! But you hit a ceiling in terms of impact on org.
PACKED #IoTSydney meetup ready to learn from @unixbigot! https://t.co/Lxuapyc8e3
Should’ve put the #yownight tag too. ☺️ https://t.co/T4osSSUQER
I bought my Dad an IoT lightbulb for Christmas a few years back. I hope the Russians aren’t turning his lamps off. #IoTSydney #YOWNight 😳💡 https://t.co/Vwr7XzTCfX
A casino got hacked via their wifi-enabled aquarium. “An actual FISHING ATTACK.” The room erupts… @unixbigot 🤣🐠 #IoTSydney #YOWNight
IoT developers – don’t include lots of stuff you don’t need! Does that toaster really NEED a Telnet server? @unixbigot #YOWNight #IoTSydney https://t.co/cTWUWdSW7S
Dear device manufacturers, “Provide updates or GTFO.” Well put. #IoTSydney #YOWNight @unixbigot https://t.co/cqcTF2hgsq
I don’t know why @unixbigot put a photo of the Ghostbusters on his last slide, but I ❤️ it. #YOWNight #IoTSydney https://t.co/RbEp3o4Cer
RT @unixbigot: Fabulous crowd at #IoTSydney to hear myself and @jim_mussared talk about IoT. https://t.co/KCptsqBw3R
Okay, @jim_mussared has made me seriously want a BBC micro:bit. #IoTSydney https://t.co/Z955E1ua38
He made a little ❤️! #IoTSydney https://t.co/xRMHhbUnMt
@unixbigot Contributed some myself. 😉
Nice shout out to @groklearning and all the good stuff they’re involved with – like https://t.co/5jH50EzSrN. Launched yesterday! #IoTSydney https://t.co/1dOK2PQwl7
Look out, @unixbigot. Unpatched Internet aquarium! 😂 https://t.co/eJP5vfLZwY
@robdmoore @darthted @stevelikesyou It’s all fairly specific to my current situation. But also things like delegation, setting boundaries, etc.
This. Built websites all through uni; was too scared to do the CS degree. https://t.co/BvoJtK0Nge
@azadehkhojandi @georgiecel @keandrews Talk to the speakers afterwards. That’s the best part! Don’t assume they don’t want to talk to you. 🙂
@unixbigot My brother-in-law @carbocommander worked on that film! He’s in the credits and everything! 🙂
Cute 3D-printed cat earrings from @ledgerstudio. Thanks Justin and Karynne! https://t.co/53TboJTSZG https://t.co/rack98l5vh
That’d be @JustinMclean and his talented illustrator partner! 😻
@azadehkhojandi @GGDSydney It was @JustinMclean who runs the #IoTSydney meetup!
@azadehkhojandi BTW – I met one of your colleagues at the meetup tonight. He said he’d been working with you on a hack lately!
@azadehkhojandi @dglover That’s the one! I spent some time convincing him to submit it for @yow_conf Connected. 😉
@theoal @TacticalGrace That was pretty much the subtitle of @unixbigot’s talk!
@notsolonecoder @jim_mussared Indeed! I namedropped you and @nickyringland right after he finished. 😂
@charis @webdirections @yow_conf @triblondon Yes! So really you had a hand in bringing this all together too. ☺️
RT @unixbigot: Thanks #IoTSydney, @JustinMclean @web_goddess and all at @yow_conf. I’ve had a blast ranting about Devops for IoT. DMs open…