Month: July 2017

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    @gilmae It’s *terrible*. And the fact that so many people recommended it to me as something I’d enjoy… makes me feel bad.

    @gilmae My objection to the trailer was that it looked shitty in an entirely different, not true-to-the-book way.

    @gilmae It looks like it takes everything annoying about the book and makes it EVEN WORSE.

    @knitterjp @unixbigot I am definitely going to be using it in a future talk about computational creativity. 🙂

    RT @yow_conf: Only FOUR days till #YOWData CFP closes! Send yr data collection, analysis or design of data-driven app submission

    Heading home. Again. (@ T3 (Domestic – Virgin Australia & Regional Express) Terminal in Tullamarine, VIC)

    @LukeSleeman @mattdelves Sorry to hear it. You’re awesome and deserve to be happy!

    RT @dimeford: You: so what’s Hell like in your religion?


    RT @johnallsopp: Hey men. Read this. Then despair. Then feel ashamed. Then let’s do better eh?

    For some reason, I’m more nervous about this talk than I’ve been about any in a long while. I don’t wanna let you down, Perth! 😳

    @aoife_circuit @thoughtworks @yow_conf Thanks Aiofe! It was lovely to meet you. 🙂

    RT @sallyjayjohnson: Trans friends: you are not a disruption or a burden.

    #SpeakerConfessions I was so nervous before @ignitesydney that I took a beta blocker to calm down. 💊 My only drugged talk.

    @andee_marks @ignitesydney Oh yeah, for meetups and such, I find there’s a sweet spot of confidence after one beer. 😁

    Still some spots available for tonight’s #iotsydney meetup!

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    RT @lucykbain: One more spot available for Saturday’s Classy Coding with @WWCodeSydney!

    @KirrilyDavis @RMcKergow @elabor8 Just boarded flight. Lands at 12:30, so prob there around 1:30-2ish? Just need somewhere to work for a couple hours 🙂

    @jfenton @elabor8 That’s officially the most welcoming building in Melbourne. 😂 Thanks…

    @KirrilyDavis @RMcKergow @elabor8 Be there very soon! 😁

    @RMcKergow @KirrilyDavis @elabor8 Already here! Steph sorted me out. 🙂

    RT @eryno: Best way to get more women at your conference?

    Get women in your social circles well before you “need” them.

    Just about to head out to this. If you’re there, say hi!

    I’ll be at this one too, Sydney! 🙂

    Kicking off tonight’s #devopsmelbourne. Lots of people here on a cold, rainy night!

    “IoT devices are like vampires. Once you bring them into your house, you have no power over them.” 😂 @unixbigot at #devopsmelbourne

    Every time I see @unixbigot talk about IoT security it’s different… mostly because there’s new security threat every month. #devopsmelbourne

    An IoT researcher found an unpatched IoT camera placed online was hacked in, on average, 70 seconds. 😱 #devopsmelbourne

    “When everything is a computer, either everyone is a sysadmin, or no one.” Wisdom from @unixbigot #devopsmelbourne

    Every negative point is followed by “…it’s almost as if we need devops!” 😂 #devopsmelbourne

    Nice shout out to @unclebobmartin’s @yow_conf 2016 talk “The Scribe’s Oath.” #devopsmelbourne

    It’s like a very, very nerdy version of Fight Club.

    We’re watching Electric Dreams, and this dude in like 1982 just “networked” all his appliances and then got locked in his flat! @unixbigot

    @whereismytaco @unixbigot @yow_conf Thanks for having us! Such a great group. 😁

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    @FakeSamRitchie That was the year I learned to make animated gifs. 🙂 Lots more screengrabs over the years here!

    @lathiat @FakeSamRitchie TRENT, THIS IS THE GREATEST WEBSITE EVER. “^-KewLGuY-^ will later be adding a flash
    interface to the site.” ❤️ Pls leave it online forever!

    @lathiat @FakeSamRitchie UTE APPRECIATION?! 😍 These are the best niche sites ever. See, this is what we’ve lost. This is the Internet I miss and cherish.

    RT @FakeSamRitchie: @lathiat @web_goddess Here’s my shame from ’99:

    RT @lathiat: @web_goddess @FakeSamRitchie Through some miracle.. my first website untouched since 2000 is still online at it’s original URL…

    @FakeSamRitchie @lathiat I would so be there. There was a whole talk at SydJS recently *presented* in Navigator. It was beautiful.

    RT @unixbigot: Tonight is the Brisbane IoT Meetup. Two talks, plus the chance to win a free ticket for YOW! Connected conference. https://…

    @zarahjutz That song came up on Spotify the other day and we just started yelling LANAAAAA at each other.

    Ooh, @DDDPerth agenda is out! Congrats to @the_nathanjones, @the_patima, @FakeSamRitchie (THE PANTSLESS TALK) and others for getting picked!

    @DDDPerth @the_nathanjones @the_patima @FakeSamRitchie Well, okay. Pants-OPTIONAL.

    @the_nathanjones @DDDPerth @the_patima @FakeSamRitchie You made me choke on my bickie. 🤣

    @MelissaKaulfuss @jojoconstance I had the chance but was to afraid to do it. Regrets – I have them.

    Trying to watch #talkthethrones on @PeriscopeCo and it just buffers forever. So frustrating. @ringer please publish as a podcast!

    Melburnians – any recommendations for a drop-in coworking space in the CBD? Or anyone have a spare desk I can use for the day?

    @RMcKergow @elabor8 Ah, elabor8 would be *perfect*. I land at 12:30, so please let me know. 🙂

    RT @hogfish: @techgirl1908 In Sydney, this Thursday.

    @charrett @hogfish @just_lecking @techgirl1908 @naylor_j Do you know @sir_tilbrook? He films a lot of meetups in Sydney. He may be available!

    @andykelk Awww, thank you! I’ve got a lead on a CBD desk, but I may take you up on it if it doesn’t pan out.

    @mattdelves @Teamsquare Oh, thanks. @Teamsquare – do you have day rates?

    @hannahcancode What’s I’m Feeling Lucky radio??

    @KirrilyDavis @RMcKergow @elabor8 Heh, was going to email your boss to check it was ok. 😂

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    @lucykbain Yeah. It was very LOUD ACTION MOVIE. I was expecting a lot more funny 80’s references other than just CAR CHASE and SHOOT EM UP.

    RT @honkhong: @sehurlburt Hackathons have always bothered me a little bit for this reason. When inviting people to join tech, encouraging b…

    Baking day! Cheddar and Apple muffins. 🧀🍎

    Before the Monkey Bread can be eaten, it must be recorded for posterity.

    It was very, very good.

    @nxdnz @Lesleymelody Yes, indeed! I talk about it a little bit in my knitting & programming talk. 🙂

    @keranm My friend Lucy’s house! We had a baking day. 🙂

    @gerrycalderhead I’ve been in a carb coma all day!

    Ha! Just reading through some Roald Dahl academic papers, and I just found a citation by… ME! From 1997!

    @annie_parker Best of luck!

    Well, somebody messed that up.

    RT @chiuki: ‘Women are often seen as dependable, less often as visionary.”

    Why Women Aren’t C.E.O.s, According to Women Who Almost Were – “Barely Suppressed Fury” will be my band’s 1st album.

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    Beautiful day! Heading to city to teach a @KnitGuildNSW workshop on how to get the most out of @ravelry.

    RT @dhh: “The company isn’t a family” ,

    #ravelry workshop selfie!

    @gilmae You’re @NodeGirlsSydney mentoring again? 🙌 Nice! I booked this workshop ages ago so couldn’t do this one.

    @gilmae @NodeGirlsSydney Awww. I think it was my one from last time. 😂

    RT @NodeGirlsSydney: Group photo at lunch time! 100+ women gathered to code!

    I not only taught 15 @knitguildnsw women how to use @ravelry, I also worked in a security lesson on 2FA that would’ve made @troyhunt proud.

    Dear Mr Darcy – YAAAASSSSSSSS. via @YouTube

    @stephenlead The cycling commute looks to be a bitch though.

    Ready Player One: first trailer. We were unimpressed. This did not feel anything like the vibe of the book.

    @pwcc Wait, the imposter syndrome talk includes Hamilton references? You didn’t tell me that part!!