Month: July 2017

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    Just had a fantastic group mentoring session over lunch with @divij_mehra, @binnywizard, and a couple other @CoderAcademy_au Syd students.

    @divij_mehra @binnywizard @CoderAcademy_au Most of them are on the job market now. If you’re looking for talented, smart, dedicated junior coders, you should snap them up ASAP.

    😡 This is why I changed Siri to be a male voice, and I deliberately think of him like my secretary.

    @laimelde OOH, thank goodness I wasn’t there! Would have had no clue.

    @nxdnz @REA_Group @uxresearchguy Ooh, nice! 👏

    RT @MarcSnetiker: *listens to Rent once*

    @randommood @caitie I have no idea what the context is here, and that makes it even funnier. 😂

    RT @phranqueigh: I feel like every time a Trump employee quits, Oompa Loompas should appear & sing a song to teach us about the perils of g…

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    @charis @hj_chen We were talking about you and the amazing job you did with @webconf_asia! 🙂

    Attended #sgmakerfaire Summit this morning and heard @dalepd speak about Maker Community. I’m still iffy on Maker vs Crafter semantics tho…

    RT @yow_conf: Callout to Sydney #BigData enthusiasts, if you’ve done something interesting, share it as a talk at #YOWData…

    @Fishburners @annie_parker Congratulations @annie_parker! I’ve long felt @Fishburners could use a little more Wonder Woman. 😉

    One last selfie in Chinatown before I fly home…

    RT @codepo8: Stop writing PHP like it’s 2009…

    @sir_tilbrook You have more @yow_conf gear than I do… 😂

    Lovely article from @alexismadrigal on machine learning and how checkers was solved

    Zero. Zero is the amount of sleep I got on that flight. 😩 (at @SydneyAirport in Mascot, NSW)

    Eight degrees. What the shit, Sydney.

    At least I’m not the tourist wearing shorts and thongs, I guess.

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    RT @UdellGames: Use whatever brace style you prefer.

    But not this.

    Don’t do this.

    Seek help instead of this.

    Its not often I get to visit a Google office that the Snook hasn’t been to yet! (The Sg office is *stunning*.)

    RT @yow_conf: #XamarinDevDays are happening in Melbourne on July 29th. 2 #YOWConnected tickets will be up for grabs, so join in! https://t.…

    @LapTop006 I’ll have to put that one on my list then 🙂

    Hotdesking at the amazing @WOTSOWorkSpace Singapore! Great space – much nicer than working out of hotel room. 🙂

    @Malarkey Only if you won’t make fun of me for swooning over Harry Styles.

    I’ve been playing with Google Home for the last month, and so far I’m really impressed. Voice UIs can be useful!

    RT @whalec: If you’ve got any Android projects on the go that you need engineering help with. Let me know. We’ve got some capacity at the m…

    Selfie with @zpurcey in the Google Singapore Makerspace. Thanks for the tour!! (waving at @spidie 👋)

    My first kaya toast. This, I like. 😊

    The *other* famous chicken rice. I think I like it better!

    Ha. I literally looked for a coconut emoji yesterday!

    Fun night out with some Singaporean legends: @hj_chen, Slawek, @_hhandoko, Tony, Andrew, and @PuneetDewan2! @TAPCraftBeer

    @the_patima @mobywhale @CoreyGinnivan @teeganlincoln @thedavidthomas1 What she said. Good on you for your transparency and courage of your convictions.

    Two weeks ago we dressed up as Glassholes, and today they announced official revival. COINCIDENCE? 🤔 #trendsetter

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    Crappy hotel hairdryers where you have to hold the button down are right up there with “no pockets” on my list of all time Pet Peeves.

    RT @kelseyhightower: If you are a developer looking to change the world, consider writing docs, with full code examples, not snippets, for…

    @Axman6 The thought definitely occurred to me. In related news, we’re both EVIL.

    RT @FullFrontalSamB: Congratulations on Doctor Who, ladies, but stay vigilant. We’ve got a lot more work to do.

    @darthted @yow_conf I saw a talk like that once… 😉

    My hotel is across the street from the Maxwell Food Centre. 😍🦆🐷🍜🍌 #alltheyummyemoji

    Really excited for tonight’s #yownight with @charlesofarrell at @thoughtworks SG! Who else is going to be there? @yowconf

    I remember in Jan. at LinuxConf when @hannahcancode learned she won a @CoderAcademy_au scholarship. What an amazing 6 months!

    RT @johnallsopp: Since there’s no active web performance meetup in Sydney @_zouhir and I decided to start one! Inaugural event soon


    @mlambie Wait, wait. Your Twitter bio says knitting. HOW DID WE NOT TALK ABOUT THIS?!

    RT @Saelig: Simple trick to help read faded component part numbers – cover them with cellophane tape (EDN) #electr…

    Almost time to kick off tonight’s #yownight with @charlesofarrell! @yow_conf

    RT @StevenChenXyz: #YOWNIGHT this tweet is not tested by property based testing.

    RT @stephane_m: Ready for #YOWNIGHT with @web_goddess and @charlesofarrell !

    @stephane_m @charlesofarrell Where are you!! Haha, I somehow missed you in the crowd. 😂

    A lovely shout out to QuickCheck and @rjmh from @charlesofarrell at #yownight!

    @JennaGuillaume You can legit say that about every episode. I hope you have a macro for that. 😂

    Thank you to the awesome @engineersftw team recording tonight’s #yownight!

    “I wanted to find an example of this kind of bug, so I searched GitHub for ‘not idempotent’ and found 4000.” 😂 @charlesofarrell #yownight

    RT @fatguppy: Property Based #Testing
    Finding More #Bugs with Less Effort @thoughtworks @yow_conf @charlesofarrell #Singapore #YowNight #De…

    RT @stephane_m: QA Engineer should always go for orange juice … #yownight

    RT @HistoryNeedsYou: And Jane Austen scores a double century! #janeausten200

    The great novelist passed away OTD 1817. Please raise your te…

    @charlesofarrell Have a good flight! @marlousteh will take good care of you. (She’s way more organised than me.) 😂

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    @MichelePlayfair ❤️❤️❤️

    @sufw @yow_conf Excellent! Are you coming to the YOW Night tomorrow? Would love to say hi in person! 🙂

    I still haven’t read the last installment of #17776Football. I’m both savouring it, and dreading that it will end.

    I’m at social coding at @Wwcodesingapore, and I’m still essentially pair programming with @the_snook back home. 😂

    I am now officially running some A/B tests on 😂 #takingyourhobbytooseriously