Month: July 2017

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    Fess up @i386.

    RT @johnbarton: @99designs Basically, if you’re not hiring juniors you’re dumb.

    @mark_sabbatical Pretty sure we had this one:

    @JessicaCGlenn @mark_sabbatical ☺️ Hello!

    I seem to have an influx of new Instagram followers from Russia. No idea why. They don’t appear to me spam accounts (yet). Anybody else?

    TFW an app is trying to be helpful, but actually brings up painful memories and sadness. 😕

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    RT @sallyannw: Can’t wait for our next #femalefounder meetup in BNE with @AdeleMBlair, founder of the @TheConciergeC. Register at https://t…

    Attended a @FutureDirectors info session this morning and I’m more fired up than ever about the value I could bring to a tech startup board!

    @crankymate @parkcal90 There was while there when it launched when I reckon @canva took real productivity hit. (Spawn point in alley was accessible from office!) 😂

    @crankymate @parkcal90 But I went cold turkey after a week or two, thankfully.

    RT @anildash: May all your dresses have pockets.

    RT @KathyReid: Do you work in #mobile, #IoT or the space in between? Want to speak at @yow_conf #Melbourne in Sep? #CfP open…

    @yow_conf @nambor YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK, @nambor!

    @FakeSamRitchie @LukeSleeman *cracks knuckles* Gimme a few minutes…

    Scientifically accurate knitted moths. 😮🦋 SWOON. (via @drwitty_knitter on FB)

    As a knitter I want a damn apology too!

    RT @scalzi: In which @barrydeutsch nails this one pretty damn accurately.

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    @caseywest Man, I didn’t feel homesick until I saw that tweet!

    @yow_conf Most times, but today I seem to have ended up in the Sewer of Eyerolling. 🙂

    @twasink 😂

    Oh godddddd. <tinyvoice>Don’t make him angry!</tinyvoice> 🚂

    @MikeRiethmuller @davidbanham That got screenshotted and called out on the Girl Geek Sydney Twitter today too.

    @MikeRiethmuller @davidbanham Wait, Slack, not Twitter. Same difference. 🙂

    Learning about Mixed Reality from @nambor at Immersive Sydney meetup. Cool stuff!

    Whoa. @nambor showed an example of Apple’s ARKit, and the whole crowd literally went “whoa….” #immersive

    @mark_sabbatical @nambor Accenture Interactive Studios in Pyrmont. I think they’re moving to Barangaroo soon though…

    @mark_sabbatical @nambor Has he presented at Connected? Or do I need to reel him in tonight?

    @mark_sabbatical @nambor I was going for a “white whale” metaphor rather than rodeo. 😂

    “Augmented space” – idea of public spaces having multiple layers. Now our bubbles can communicate with wider world. @parkcal90 #immersive

    How Pokemon Go has affected AR takeup by general public. I think @parkcal90 needs to update his screenshot! 😂 #immersive

    @The_McJones @parisba I have actually pondered how it would be done. Please put me down as a Beta tester. 😉

    Wow. It’s not every meetup where you see a working exoskeleton demo! @visospace #immersive

    We’re not quite at Luke’s-bionic-hand level, but it’s still state-of-the-art. They’re able to target each joint individually! #immersive

    Huh. I can’t bend *my* hand like that. Maybe I need an exoskeleton. 😂 #Immersive

    TIL about “muscle wire” – shape-memory alloy. That’s so cool! #immersive @visospace

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    RT @ThatAndromeda: Me just now: “you might say that computable knitting results in… …lacy evaluation.”

    I’ll show myself out.

    And if you’d like to join Sara onstage, the CFP is still open!

    @StringStory You should meet @charis – just ran the first there!

    My shortlist was 20+! Pantslessness, Atari 2600s, SO MUCH GOODNESS. Go vote!

    @sudhanshutheone Yes! How did you know??

    @ahuijsen Of course!

    @sudhanshutheone Oh wait – were you there?!

    Thanks so much for inviting me, @OFX! I loved meeting your teams and hearing the problems they’re solving.

    RT @buzzconfio: One month left to submit a #presentation, #workshop, family activity or entertainment! #festival #conference #cfp https://t…

    @gusseting @AnnaGerber @campjsnews @LJKenward @fox @wealljs @OphelieLechat Huh? I use Github!

    @OphelieLechat @gusseting @AnnaGerber @campjsnews @LJKenward @fox @wealljs GH is a pretty low hurdle though. I honestly think if you haven’t used it or don’t know it, you probably wouldn’t enjoy CampJS anyway.

    @gcouprie Maybe look to incorporate walk breaks. That’ll help with your recovery:

    @OphelieLechat @gusseting @AnnaGerber @campjsnews @LJKenward @fox @wealljs But wait. Submission is by Google Form. GH is only used for organisers. So it’s not actually a barrier to attending or speaking anyway.

    Sometimes the well of outrage runs dry.

    @gusseting That’s fine; we can disagree on that point. I was objecting that you assumed me and @OphelieLechat didn’t already use it.

    RT @LJKenward: @campjsnews @buzzconfio And of course @yow_conf has open submissions currently for their #Connected and #Data conferences! 💕

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    RT @yow_conf: Consistent Storage or Scalable Storage: Why Not Both? @notsolonecoder discussed at #YOWWest https://t…

    @yow_conf @TarynMusgrave @GooglePlay Apple’s App Store/iCloud is the same. 🙁

    @aurynn I laser cut one once. I’ll give it to you next time we cross paths!

    RT @rachelnabors: @UXBooth Best thing you can do for your career is to be active outside your employer. Publish, speak, build. Repeat. Publ…

    RT @CaitlinPB: Great start to the week with the @BrisJS meetup, reaching 50 rsvps for my Brisbane Tech Newbies meetup in 2 weeks and lots o…

    RT @yow_conf: Do you need to Find More Bugs with Less Effort? Join our FREE #yownight with @charlesofarrell in #Singapore 18 July https://t…

    @fox @campjsnews Oh no, that’s depressing. They reached out to me during the CFP but I’m going to be away when it’s on, otherwise I’d have submitted.

    @johnallsopp @DDsD @FinancialReview Oh god yes, my #1 feature request as well. I’d buy a new iPhone for that!

    @TempleSportsGuy @carbocommander We may have to have some sort of family bet riding on this, @carbocommander. 😂

    @carbocommander Only if my prize comes from a galaxy far far away… 😛

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    “Who writes themselves into a script and calls themselves WADE?” Introducing the Snook to Dawson’s Creek Season 2. 😂

    @hannahcancode @pfctdayelise I’m already on the beta testers list, right?? 😂

    RT @JoAtWildfire: Perth women, if you work in the technology space, come along to the next Women in Technology WA #TechXchange 19th J…http…

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    @nxdnz @guitarcolonel That picture is just begging to become a meme, what with that big white square there and all… 😉

    Fun with My cats are very confused. 😹

    I met @sw last year and felt inspired then. Today she’s officially at the top of my list of Big Damn Heroes. 🙌 THANK YOU SUSAN.

    @randomknits @GeoffreyHuntley He’s fine. Just his normal vaccination. He’s just an anxious little weirdo. 🙂

    @craigles75 @GreenDay @screamingjets @Poison Unskinny Bop CASSINGLE. *dying*

    Granny Square horse sculpture is amaaaaazing. Seriously.

    Spent the last couple hours sorting and labelling *all* our IoT and Arduino gear. Deeply satisfying. Wanna peek?

    Now I just need to actually do something with it. Made a start on an IR-related project and wrote my first buffer overlow. #winning

    RT @ryconoclast: An engineering team’s success has more to do with these than with great code:

    – Good communication
    – Mentoring
    – Empathy