Month: August 2017

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    Lagunitas and Steven Universe. Doin’ all right…

    @i386 Yeah, but it’s sentimental. My sis used to live in Petaluma near the brewery and we visited a couple times.

    @KittyHybrid This is the first time I’ve ever seen it!

    RT @dominictarason: I said back at the peak of Gamergate that a lot of these clowns would fail a voight-kampff test.

    Never expected to be…

    RT @yow_conf: Thank you to our #YOWData GOLD sponsor @QuantiumAU for helping support our 2nd #bigdata conf coming up next month https://t.c…

    Morning walk around Venice: skaters, murals, and Snapchat’s offices…

    Beach + sky + sculpture + me. (Sneaky photo courtesy of the Snook…)

    RT @GLITCHAUS: Great presentation video by @web_goddess with examples of similarities between knitting and computing

    Holy crap. This is horrific. If you manage a tech team – or any team – DON’T BE LIKE THIS MANAGER.

    @lucykbain Part of me wants to believe it’s a fake, just because I can’t accept that someone was that awful.

    Please bring an extra suitcase full of @jewelbots. I’m so excited to play with some! 🙂

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    RT @rennavate: Them: “If you hate Twitter so much, why don’t you delete your account?”

    RT @msharp: Interested in Web perf (you should be)? This YOW meetup is for you. Two great speakers @jsscclr and @triblondon…

    One of the Women Who Code groups I’m in just sent email to apologise because men are using the group to find and message women. FFS MEN. 😡

    @sudhanshutheone doesn’t enforce that type of thing.

    @ZacDavies @johnallsopp It was a group.

    @ZacDavies @johnallsopp I don’t know that it was email. They emailed *me* to say that men were “messaging,” so could’ve been via in-app messaging.

    @sudhanshutheone No. But it has a button to message anyone.

    RT @ADuckIsMyFiend: @web_goddess A friend joined a programming meetup, got a message “what is a girl like you doing at a meetup like this?”

    RT @gortok: Fact: I assume every “can we talk” meeting is me getting fired if there isn’t an agenda.

    @stevelikesyou @200ok @diversionary I’m guilty of Broadsheet-bandwagoning. I just get bored easily.

    @evanderkoogh It’s not the sexiest talk title I’ve ever heard. 😂

    RT @thorstenball: Have to say, this amount of 🔥 kinda caught me off guard when I opened page 299.

    @FakeSamRitchie Your punning title is officially gone. (Sorry.)

  • Data Weave

    Very cool. I’ve been a fan of GLITCHAUS‘s work for years. (He’s been mentioned in a couple different versions of my “Knit One Compute One” talk.) I’ve just taken the opportunity to back this latest project, ordering a scarf woven with the binary from the ILOVEYOU virus.

    Me: “…considering it was a formative experience in our relationship ☺”

    Snookums: “You mean, you going to the pub while I helped fix it?”

    Me: “exactly”

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    Awesome – I’ve been a fan of @GLITCHAUS’s work for years! Just backed and ordered the ILOVEYOU scarf. 😍

    @GLITCHAUS I owe you as much – have used your stuff as an example in several tech talks in recent years! 🙂

    @GLITCHAUS Oh wow, glad you liked it! Can’t believe how many of my heroes it’s connected me with, like you, @fbz, and @videosmithery. ☺️

    Cheeseburger, cold brew, and people watching in Venice…

    RT @xor: This analogy is actually pretty clever