Month: September 2017

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    @emd3737 Hear fucking hear, RT.

    RT @emd3737: Some women in tech say the @nytimes can fuck right off for publishing this garbage.

    “Oh hey, there’s an awesome new site I’d like to follow!” Add to RSS reader… *sad trombone* šŸ˜’ @ShondalandTV

    @twoscooters YouTube is your friend.

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    @thatpatrickguy @yow_conf Thanks for coming, Patrick! And to Meri too… šŸ™‚

    @gilmae Kids workshop today!

    RT @LareneLg: Don’t wait for permission to write history! šŸ™†šŸ» Feeling inspired after a great #YOWConnected. Cheers @yow_conf team, speakers,ā€¦

    Attending a workshop full of kids, and it appears that “Despacito” is on repeat. šŸ˜‚

    Pair programming with my new mentor Clara! @yow_conf @jewelbots #YOWConnected

    Iā€™m all about mentoring, but when I spend entire ride giving driver free career advice (including a CV review!), Iā€™d like a discount. šŸ˜‚

    Visited @minxdragonā€™s amazing Fringe Festival augmented reality art exhibit today. AR + classical figures = stunning

    @nxdnz @yow_conf @jewelbots I’m sitting in the airport lounge, still hacking away! šŸ™‚

    @LareneLg @yow_conf Thanks for speaking, Larene! I loved your talk. šŸ™‚

    RT @nxdnz: The @yow_conf roadshow brought @jewelbots to #REALABS today – so much maker-fu, wonderful to meet smart kids loving tech with @wā€¦

    @randomknits @jewelbots @SaraJChipps I’m making mine into a Pomodoro timer.

    @developerjack Iā€™m sorry we didnā€™t cross paths! Best I could do was a secondhand hello via @mnemote, but I donā€™t think even that worked šŸ˜‚

    @mnemote @developerjack Oh! I thought you said you didnā€™t make it to him. šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s true though – my brain is šŸ³

    Until next time, Melbs… (@ Melbourne Airport (MEL) – @melair in Tullamarine, VIC)

    @Malarkey Was in mid-air. Just landed back in Syd! You?

    Home. I think I’ll stay put a few weeks. šŸ˜Š (@ T3 Qantas Domestic Terminal in Mascot, NSW)

    RT @videosmithery: Wip

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    Matt from @ultrawebsites and @MelbMobile will be introducing the next session in the green room at #YOWconnected! @KloudSolutions

    Getting an overview of the evolution of Mixed Reality tech and standards from @nambor at @awe_media. #YOWConnected

    ā€œBeing too early is indistinguishable from being wrong.ā€ @namborā€™s heard that quote far too many times, and heā€™s sick of it. šŸ˜‚ #YOWconnected

    Demo of Milgramā€™s Mixed Reality continuum running in the web browser. *mindblown* @nambor #YOWConnected

    ā€œPinkeye is probably the biggest undiscussed issue in the VR industry.ā€ šŸ˜‚ @nambor on the importance of washable headsets. #YOWconnected

    A lot of effort is poured into head mounted displays, but you can target much larger audience with less effort using browser. #YOWConnected

    My old @canva colleagues @shipra_ships and @jeamesbone talking i18n at #YOWConnected. (Using @canva to present too!) #dogfooding

    Really good, practical info on i18n processes, acronyms, and tools from @shipra_ships. @canva #YOWConnected

    Now digging into code. @jeamesbone on how to best use NSLocalizedString for i18n in iOS apps. @canva #YOWConnected

    Translations can introduce layout issues, as @canva learned when they launched their app in Russian. #YOWConnected @jeamesbone

    RT @nambor: @web_goddess But @timoreilly is only right if you give up too soon! 8) #YOWConnected

    Learning about refactoring code to split UI and data model, and use Android Data Binding Library to massively simplify! @mklin #YOWConnected

    RT @itgirljs: Iā€™ve never had an error message speak to me so deeply šŸ’€

    Practical example for using 2-way binding to build a colour-picking spinner widget. @mklin #YOWConnected

    RT @inplaneterms: Anyone in Brisbane making robots need a designer? Ping me! Inspired by @sammy_lee12 talking about #arduino and #robots #yā€¦

    Awkward looks as phone timer goes off during @mklinā€™s talk. ā€œOh, good grief, THATā€™S MINE!ā€ he says, rushing to silence it. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ #YOWConnected

    @unixbigot @inplaneterms @sammy_lee12 šŸ‘‹ Can I come play too?!?!

    @ultrawebsites Thank you!!

    DAMMIT! Missed out on the Nintendo Switch to @StewGleadow, who wasnā€™t even in the room! šŸ˜” #YOWconnected

    @the_nathanjones @StewGleadow HE DIDNā€™T REALISE HE WAS IN THE COMPETITION. šŸ˜‚

    He didnā€™t even realise heā€™d entered a contest. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø @StewGleadow #YOWConnected

    Our good friend @mark_sabbatical introducing todayā€™s keynote speaker – @SaraJChipps from @jewelbots!! #YOWConnected

    So excited to hear from @SaraJChipps! She started coding at 11, and her company @jewelbots aims to get girls into STEM. #YOWConnected

    Products for preteen boys dominated by tech-related brands (LEGO, Nintendo, etc) but for girls thereā€™s a big gap. #YOWConnected @SaraJChipps

    RT @unixbigot: Tweenage girls run the world, says @SaraJChipps. They select our future media and tech stars. But education builds them outā€¦

    Demoing @jewelbots with @mnemote and @LukeSleeman! #YOWconnected

    OMG little 3rd grader Clara Lau is presenting why she loves @jewelbots AND I AM DYING. ā€œCoding is fun!ā€ šŸ˜­ #YOWConnected

    Seriously, I might cry.

    ā€œNow, you need to instantiate some classesā€¦ā€ – Clara, who, I repeat, is in year 3 šŸ˜­ā¤ļøšŸ˜­ā¤ļøšŸ˜­ #YOWConnected

    @stibbons Sheā€™s now wrapping it in a for loop.

    Suddenly questioning not having kids. I ā¤ļø this girl.

    @JenSMcNeil Sheā€™s apparently been coding in C++ for some time. This room is spellbound.

    RT @inplaneterms: Best Keynote Ever: Clara Lau, 8 years old, C++ coder on the celebration of children #STEM #jewelbots āœŠļøWell played #YOWCoā€¦

    RT @shipra_ships: A young Year 3 girl giving programming demo at YOW! Connected – this is so freaking awesome! #YOWconnected #girlsinstem #ā€¦

    My new goal in life is to be as good a presenter and coder as Clara. #YOWConnected

    Now back to talking about hardware. Hearing about challenges with materials, selecting chip, integrations, etc. @SaraJChipps #YOWconnected

    @mark_sabbatical @SaraJChipps @jewelbots @noopkat Yes, thank you @noopkat! Wish you were hereā€¦ šŸ˜»

    @TheRealBnut It was! Itā€™ll go up on YouTube eventually. It was so good.

    LOL. Sorry everyone; @LukeSleeman tweeted me but I missed it. šŸ˜‚ #YOWconnected

    I think having a middle-aged woman fangirl all over her freaked her out. šŸ˜‚

    Learning about SEO and Universal Links in apps from @ChaiseHock. Google Maps and @REA_Group do it particularly well! #YowConnected

    @TheRealBnut I heard a rumour @koukyā€™s having a kid. I expect to see her/him presenting a live Swift demo in < 5 years. šŸ™‚

    Ahhh, Deep Links and Universal Links are *not* the same. I did not know that. #YOWconnected @ChaiseHock

    Interesting. @ChaiseHock showed us how to peek at publicly available apple-app-site-association files, like Googleā€™s. #YOWConnected

    @kouky @TheRealBnut CONGRATULATIONS!!! šŸ‘šŸ˜

    Final session in Red room at #YOWConnected kicking off! @whereismytaco from @devops_melb is trackhostingā€¦

    There are 700 ppl at @seekjobs in Melbourneā€¦ and only six showers. And summer is coming. šŸ˜± #YowConnected @Hatchman76

    ā€œThe Level 5 Problemā€ – 85% of the ppl on floor are guys, all sharing same facilities. Leads to, uh, issues. šŸ˜‚šŸ’© #YOWConnected @Hatchman76

    Everybody loves data, but how many companies know how long it takes employees to šŸ’©? ā€œWe do!ā€ – @Hatchman76 @seekjobs šŸ˜‚ #YOWConnected

    @inplaneterms @Hatchman76 @seekjobs Itā€™s less creepy in context. šŸ˜‚

    @evanderkoogh @unixbigot @SaraJChipps You get the YOW emails. READ THEM, DUDE!

    Code, architecture diagrams, and an actual DIORAMA. See? Itā€™s not just scatalogical puns. This is a serious tech talk. #YOWConnected

    Data visualisation from the Comfort SEEK app. Useful for building facilities folks and office planners. #YOWConnected

    @yow_conf @Hatchman76 @seekjobs It appears to be anonymised and aggregated. šŸ˜‚

    Great illustration of @whalecā€™s point about deliberately crappy POCā€™s. Comfort SEEK app is now being wired up properly! #YOWConnected

    BUNTING. @knightstickc kicking off the final session at #YOWConnected!

    Now I know all about Yackandandah! #yackfacts #YOWConnected @knightstickc

    More #yackfacts! The town holds the record for the longest bunting in the world. šŸ”»šŸ”»šŸ”»šŸ”» #YOWConnected

    1st yr – learned Swift & built iOS app. Initially got rejected due to unmoderated Insta feed but they managed to fix in time! #YowConnected

    2nd yr – learned Android and built app. Success! Until testing on actual devices caused crashes. Fixedā€¦ then suspended! #YOWconnected

    LOLOL. @LukeSleeman to the rescue! One more last hurdle. Do you see it? šŸ˜‚ #YOWConnected

    Starting a side project will help you learn new things and practice skills, no matter how experienced you are. @knightstickc #YOWConnected

    BEST FRIENDS FOREVER. šŸ˜ @mnemote @LukeSleeman @jewelbots #YOWConnected

    @knightstickc Iā€™m honestly disappointed your hashtag didnā€™t trend. #yackfacts #YowConnected

    TFW you realise youā€™ve worn a lanyard 5 out of the last 7 days. šŸ˜³

    @servantofchaos If so, count me in. #grammarsnob

    RT @shenahcarhoon: it was a balmy night briefly tonight so

    @desplesda @The_McJones @kbuttfield @parisba @TheMartianLife Holy shit. Glad youā€™re okay! We were all thinking of you guys at Connected.

    @knightstickc OHDEARGOD. On my iPhone, it only showed the ones from the last year… which were my 3. It did not show the older ones. #eyebleach

    RT @knightstickc: Having now done both, speaking at a developers conference, and playing a metal show are not as different as you think #YOā€¦

    @declan_hart Glad you could join us!!

    @FakeSamRitchie Thanks for coming Sam!

    @nambor @yow_conf Glad you could make it!

    Sydney is sold out! Donā€™t miss your chance to hear @sveta_isakova, Brisbane. šŸ‘

    SQUEEEE @jewelbots workshop is kicking off and I have my very own! Thanks @SaraJChipps.

    @gilmae You’re doing it again! That’s so lovely. Thank you. (I’m in Melbourne so I’m missing this one again. šŸ˜­ )

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    Hey, I found my initials!! Thanks @kotlin and @HaysDigiTechAU. šŸ˜ #YOWconnected

    The first break was full of important schedule decisions. Red or green? šŸ¤” #YOWconnected

    RT @sammy_lee12: @web_goddess @sveta_isakova #sketchnotes are on Twitter before the speaker even finishes, how is that for live notes? #yowā€¦

    Designing with accessibility in mind is better for everybody – the ā€œkerb cut effectā€. @LareneLg talking a11y + React Native at #YOWconnected

    So clever! // TODO: tweet link, and then @LareneLg did it live! Will steal that for future talks. #YOWconnected

    @richbuggy @sveta_isakova She was talking FP more than serverless. šŸ˜‰

    Having just one accessibility person on your team is a recipe for sadness. #YOWconnected @LareneLg

    @The_McJones Weā€™re missing you! Somebody actually asked me last night where the Tasmanians were.

    Live React Native coding is happening! Along with a11y testing using VoiceOver and Accessibility Inspector. #YOWconnected @LareneLg

    For Android, you can use Accessibility Scanner to screenshot and auto-annotate a11y issues. Neat! (Sorry, no iOS equiv yet.) #YOWconnected

    Some React Native libraries donā€™t expose a11y properties in UI components. If you find them – fix and submit PR! @LareneLg #YOWconnected

    More accessibility resource goodness from @LareneLg! #YOWconnected

    @battlepanda_au Not at this time of year!

    Hilarity ensues as @larenelg gets everyone to turn on voice navigation on their phones. šŸ˜‚ #YOWconnected

    @yow_conf Pretty sure @mklin was unable to turn his off. šŸ˜‚

    The crowd at @mootpointerā€™s talk is (surprisingly!) skewed more towards machine learning than dog fans. Unpossible. šŸ˜³šŸ¶ #YOWconnected

    RT @sammy_lee12: @DevDiner I enjoyed your overview of leaping into voice interfaces and AI #YOWCONNECTED #sketchnote

    How @mootpointerā€™s good dog detector was inspired by the šŸ¶ at WWDC. šŸ˜‚ #YOWconnected

    RT @StewGleadow: @FakeSamRitchie talking about using the elm architecture in swift at #yowconnected. So far it’s punderfulā€¦

    Live coding is happening by @mootpointer, but once again I am distracted by the excellent sketch noting by @sammy_lee12ā€¦ #YOWconnected

    @mootpointer Pretty sure I spotted cameos by @phillfarrugia and @mattdelves in there, maybe?

    Iā€™d be tempted to build a Good Cat detector, but A) they never look at my camera, and B) theyā€™re evil (but lovable).

    Trolling the audience with Natural Language Processing: ā€œSydney is better than Melbourneā€¦ sentenceā€¦ FACT.ā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ”„ @mootpointer #YOWconnected

    Never seen a tech speaker use a MUFFIN as a prop in their Conf talk! šŸ˜‚ @mootpointer #YOWconnected

    @battlepanda_au @StewGleadow @FakeSamRitchie Thatā€™s his second talk. This one is pants-required. šŸ˜‰

    @halans WHAAAAAT so cool! Thanks

    This is definitely relevant to my interests. Bookmarking for future readingā€¦

    RT @sammy_lee12: @mootpointer I enjoyed sketching your talk on using ML to help answer the question “who’s a good doggy šŸ•?” #yowconnected hā€¦

    Itā€™s not recommended you try to train your ML model on the device. It doesnā€™t have enough computing power; push that to cloud. #YOWconnected

    A final admonition from @mootpointer to Do No Evil. Donā€™t build ML systems that encode biases or could be easily misused. #YOWconnected

    RT @SydTechLeaders: Meet up is on tonight, 3 fantastic speakers. Please update your RSVP if you cannot come, open up a slot for someone onā€¦

    @KittyHybrid @mootpointer It was great! Except for his anti-šŸ± bias. šŸ˜‘

    @matth332 @LareneLg They do have smiley faces on them now too to help! šŸ˜‰

    Itā€™s all about hardware and how you can design your own in the #YOWconnected green room with @JamesDestined!

    Early prototypes of the Arduino Thinkershield designed by @JamesDestined at the @maasmuseum. Soldering was an issueā€¦ #YOWConnected

    RT @unixbigot: ā€œI have found that Pinkifying workshops is not a way to get girls to come to [programming] workshopsā€ – @JamesDestined #YOWā€¦

    Thinkershield is being used for everyone from students in disadvantaged schools all the way up to Sydney uni & UNSW! #YOWconnected

    We all like @JamesDestinedā€™s dream board, but unfortunately teachers found it too scary. User testing is important! #YOWConnected

    Next session in the green room is @mnemote talking about using Micropython and SoCs to create IoT. ā¤ļø his punchcard shirt! #YOWconnected

    Cheap components mean you can use them for crap, potentially destructive, FUN projects! #YOWconnected @mnemote

    Micropython means you can just type in commands and get stuff to happen. Nostalgia for the glory days of early programming! #YOWConnected

    Obligatory xkcd as @mnemote explains about the @internetofshit! #YOWConnected

    Catching up with my new friends at @MessageMedia1! #YOWConnected

    Next session in #YOWConnected red room being introduced by @hima_tk!

    ā€œWhen every Thing is connected, Everything is connected.ā€ @unixbigot gives good soundbite in his Devops for Dishwashers talk. #YOWConnected

    RT @Donna_Ignia: CSIRO are looking for tech mentors! Happy to provide more info! OR @web_gā€¦

    Biggest IoT tip from @unixbigot – Go serverless. ā€œIt doesnā€™t mean there are no servers; it means theyā€™re not your problem.ā€œ #YOWConnected

    RT @sammy_lee12: @tarciosaraiva @dius_au I enjoyed putting together some #sketchnotes for making petrol stations talk using #iot #yowconnecā€¦

    @bmousti Donā€™t worry. We talked about you. šŸ˜‚

    Always lovely to hear from @inplaneterms from @Ephox, who is talking design to a room full of devs! #YOWConnected

    Hey, Juicero! I talked about that bit of Silicon Valley nonsense in my @dddperth talk last week. #YOWconnected

    Book recommendation from @inplaneterms: ā€œPredictably Irrationalā€ by Dan Ariely. #YOWconnected

    @unixbigot Oh no! You were fine. Everything seemed part of your talk; no obvious hallucinations.

    RT @knightstickc: “Truth, love and value is the API between developers and designers” @inplaneterms #YOWconnected

    RT @hima_tk: People don’t buy technology. They buy the way technology makes them feel. @inplaneterms recommends Ted talk by @simonsinek @yoā€¦

    @handcoding @dugboticus Oh neat! Hmmm, I use @tweetbot and I donā€™t see that setting. I wonder if they supportā€¦

    How to close the gap between dev and design: Eat together, sit together, and sprint together. ā¤ļø @inplaneterms #YOWConnected

    Final talk: @aaronmorton telling us about IoT & Cassandra. (And he managed to take the piss out of me before starting!) šŸ˜‚ šŸ‡¦šŸ‡ŗ

    @unixbigot @aaronmorton SHMEMANTICS.

    RT @inplaneterms: How cool are these sketchnotes by @sammy_lee12 šŸ™ @yow_conf #yowconnected

    @MichelePlayfair šŸ˜‚ She was just starting her talk so I wanted to snap it quickly. Bad timing I guess.

    @polleyg @darren_cibis @benteese @ChaiseHock @shinebytes We will miss you!

    @polleyg @sammy_lee12 I would definitely second that nomination!!

    RT @IndecisiveMatt: Timbertown in Wauchope is supporting marriage equality and they’ve painted their sign to match!ā€¦

    @ricardoy1 ā¤ļø

    Great energy as @whalec kicks off Day 2 at #YOWConnected! Designing for an unknown futureā€¦

    ā€œWe canā€™t know the future. Weā€™ve all seen Back to the Future 2, and we know where that leads: Biff Tannen! Heā€™s a dick!ā€ šŸ˜‚ #YOWconnected

    ā€œThe future isnā€™t Mobile. The NOW is Mobile.ā€ Chuckles as @whalec relates incredulous tales of CMOs who Just. Donā€™t. Get. It. #YOWConnected

    4 yrs ago, relationship in ā€œHerā€ was considered sci-fi. In 2017, ā€œitā€™s pretty frigging close.ā€ Hardware exists now. #YOWConnected @whalec

    ā€œAre we still doing platform wars? Really?!ā€ @whalec calling out platform purists. To build the future, you must be flexible. #YOWconnected

    RT @unixbigot: Cam @whalec boils down the purpose of keynotes; inspiring us to spend the rest of the day celebrating enthusiasm for new ideā€¦

    !! @whalec exhorting iOS devs to go home tonight and check out Android, and vice versa. Look outside your tech bubble! šŸ‘šŸ“± #YOWConnected

    How do you understand the future? BY CREATING IT. šŸ™Œ Really loving @whalecā€™s inspiring call-to-arms this morning. #YOWConnected

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    Gearing up for 3rd conference in a week. Not even sure what day it is anymore… (@ Melbourne Airport (MEL))

    @evanderkoogh Melbourne for Connected!

    Actual proof that @evanderkoogh and I were in the same place at the same time. Briefly. And it was windy. šŸŒ¬šŸ˜šŸ˜

    @melissa_loh Haha, I did the same with mine!

    @evanderkoogh Though clearly Mother Nature objected to the disruption of the universe.

    @knightstickc Bunting?!

    Really flattered and honoured by this review of my talk at @DDDPerth! Thanks so much @dashperth. šŸ˜Š

    @the_nathanjones @battlepanda_au My hair was very šŸ”„ in those photos. I shall be talking to my stylist.

    @battlepanda_au @the_nathanjones Also now that I lookā€¦ šŸ‘ it finally looks like him! Heā€™ll probably shave his head now and ruin it.

    I just gave them $100. Cory Bernardi sucks, and these kids are awesome. šŸ‘—ā¤ļø

    @mootpointer Why didn’t you come to the speaker drinks! We were having burgers.

    @mootpointer Crap. Iā€™m so sorry. Thereā€™s a dinner Friday night too. I will follow up.

    @yow_conf @daveathomas @smithcdau And me!! (If my breakfast arrives in timeā€¦)

    @yow_conf @daveathomas @smithcdau Iā€™m just in the cafe at the hotel! It will take me 30s to get there. šŸ˜‚

    View of the big crowd from the front at #YOWconnected as @smithcdau runs through todayā€™s speakers!

    ā€œAt @jetbrains, we think the tooling is as important as the language.ā€ Keynote speaker @sveta_isakova telling us about Kotlin #YOWconnected

    Watching with awe as @sammy_lee12 sketchnotes @sveta_isakovaā€™s keynote in real timeā€¦ #YOWconnected

    Wow. Java -> Kotlin is definitely more concise! šŸ˜³ #YOWconnected @sveta_isakova

    @GeoffreyHuntley @sammy_lee12 @sveta_isakova Itā€™s growing, and more colours are happening. This is amazing.

    Ooh, getting preview of new annotations coming in the next version of Kotlinā€¦ #YOWConnected @sveta_isakova

    Lambdas! You can use them in Kotlin for real programming, ā€œnot just academic.ā€ šŸ˜‚ #YOWconnected @sveta_isakova

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    The second #YOWData talk on Apache Beam. And hey, @BonaciDavor brought stickers!

    Current state of the Beam ecosystem from @BonaciDavor. #YOWData

    Next up: @joycexinyuewang from @Data61news explaining how to deal with covariate shift and selection bias in machine learning. #YOWData

    Great example of using active learning to correct covariate shift from @joycexinyuewang at #YOWData!

    Roman from @QuantiumAU walking us through a ā€œsimpleā€ conversion from batch processing to streaming. ā€œWe thought it would be fun!ā€ šŸ˜‚ #YOWData

    ā€œSo this was technically true, but practically useless. ā€¦ We werenā€™t having much fun with streaming at this point.ā€ šŸ˜‚ #YOWData

    @_ananth_ Are you here? Please come say hello!!

    RT @ADuckIsMyFiend: Back at #yowdata time to learn more about spark

    @_ananth_g Hey! Are you here? Youā€™re on third this session. šŸ™‚

    Learning about how Spark fits in to a machine learning lifecycle from @j_houg. #YOWData

    A real world example from @j_houg on using ML to predict customer churn. #YOWData (I like the šŸ  metaphor!)

    Between @j_hougā€™s pickle slides and our speakers from @TheLastPickle, seriously regretting that lunch didnā€™t include pickles. #YOWData

    Protip for big data speakers from @j_houg: make sure images are blue and use binary. šŸ˜‚ is a great source! #YOWData

    Fascinating case study from @a4dev about capturing metrics from an electrical network. #YOWData

    Sometimes a simple example turns out not so simple. A data analysis story in 4 parts from @a4devā€¦ #YOWData

    Learning about Apache Apex from @_ananth_g at #YOWDataā€¦

    RT @GDGMelbourne: Come and see Kris Howard @web_goddess from Yow! on “Leaving the Tech Industry Better than We Found It” #devfest17 https:/ā€¦

    Final #YOWData session being introduced by PC chair @delitescere. We want YOU to submit next year!

    Honest talk about the archetypes of data pipeline builders and how they can work together. šŸ˜‚ #YOWData @YRodenski

    RT @unixbigot: From @yrodenski at #YOWData ā€œI live in Melbourne, because I value coffee over weatherā€

    Live coding! @YRodenski is giving us a demo of using Apache Amaterasu to deploy a data pipeline. #YOWData

    The beard is back! @mck_sw is talking to us about Zipkin and the need for tracing across systems. #YOWData

    Itā€™s finally time! @ADuckIsMyFiend is taking us on a road trip to find the most popular street name in Australia. #YOWData šŸ›£šŸš˜

    @tcn33 @ADuckIsMyFiend Youā€™ll have to watch the video when it comes out! šŸ˜‰ Or come see it when she does it again at @linuxconfau

    RT @unixbigot: That was an electrifying closing presentations at #YOWData from @ADuckIsMyFiend. Well done!

    Two more YESses. Come on, Australia. #voteyes šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆā¤ļø

    Tired of your conference badge hanging too low? @unixbigot has invented a 3-D printed Lanyard Looper!

    @nomiddlename …aaaand suddenly I realised why you looked familiar to me. Should’ve worn the Joker makeup. šŸ™‚

    Sydney folks: Spots still available for #yownight with @sveta_isakova on 09/26! Do better with Kotlin. @SydKotlin

    @Lackadazy You could do it in a weekend! Hardest part would be finding the gradient-dyed wool.

    @Lackadazy Thatā€™s one way! (Iā€™ll also be fundraising for ovarian cancer research via Frocktober next month. Perhaps an arrangement can be worked outā€¦)

    Will I make it to the @VirginAustralia bag drop in time? Never left it this close before. Not good. šŸ˜Ø

    @MichelePlayfair LOVE IT.

    Thanks @MichelePlayfair for the tip! I love this. āš¾ļø knitting!!

    RT @alyankovic: Looks like I’m playing the Hollywood Bowl again this year. This time as an Oompa Loompa.

    WOOO! Won my game of airport chicken. šŸ’ƒšŸ›«

    RT @lottejackson: ā€œThree things you donā€™t need to become a speakerā€ by @fox

    @VirginAustralia I made it! Currently chilling in the lounge. #winning

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    @gilmae It was!

    My amazing friend @shvedma introducing the next speaker at #YOWData! Be sure to check out @GGDSydney.

    Hearing @mck_sw talk about his experiences with big data and microservices working for largest Scandinavian classifieds co. #YOWData

    My old colleague Richard Morwood is going to tell us about using AWS for near real time video game analytics. #YOWData

    Richard gets a chuckle by pointing out the weirdness of the term ā€œserverless.ā€ šŸ˜‚ #YOWData

    @unixbigot As someone currently stuck on a too hard level in a game, I wish more game devs did this.

    Massive unsolicited spruik for AWS Athena from Richard, who is a big fan. Heā€™s giving us SO MUCH INFORMATION in a short talk! #YOWData

    Natalia from @Data61news giving an intro to graphs before jumping into graph analytics. #YOWData

    Iā€™ve been looking forward to hearing @sausheong speak for 6+ months! Heā€™s visiting us all the way from @SPGroupSG! #YOWData

    @phoebegoh Theyā€™re all being recorded! Will be on YouTube eventually.

    Learning about Lambda and Kappa architectures from @radek1st. Helpful comparison info! #YOWData

    Protip for tech speakers: be like @radek1st. Recording demo and narrating it is so much easier than live coding! #YOWData

    @battlepanda_au @radek1st Itā€™s been recorded! Will go up on YouTube at some point.

    Deep dive into writing better R code from Ondrej Ivanič at CBAā€¦ #YOWData

    Next up is @yow_conf veteran @unixbigot telling us about IoT and data at scale. (I liked the footnote in his intro.) šŸ˜‚ #YOWData

    ā€œShould we be paying our dishwashers a living wage?ā€ @unixbigot asking the hard questions at #YOWData.

    Bluetooth – donā€™t chew on biros. šŸ˜‚ @unixbigot #YOWData

    Honestly, if you want a great IoT speaker for your conference, you should invite @unixbigot. Funny, smart, and entertaining!

    Daniel from @EPICentreUNSW telling us about some of the cool visualisation toys he gets to play with at @UNSW. #YOWData

    ā€œVisualisationā€¦ transforms the symbolic into the geometric.ā€ Well put. #YOWData

    Danielā€™s talk is making me want to re-read Flatlandā€¦ #YOWData

    Fascinating and beautiful examples of a geometric approach to data visualisation. #YOWData

    Heh. @ramanbobā€™s vintage @yow_conf 2012 t-shirt nearly distracted me from spotting @JeffreyTheobald in his team photo. šŸ˜‚ #YOWData

    @lyynx @msandfor Whaaaa. @antonemdin – I am disappoint. I am a PATRON and recognised your art immediately! šŸ˜‚

    Zendesk Data Product team worked to break down silos and have single product teams. Ratio changes whether in prod or research. #YOWData

    @minxdragon The photo makes it look like youā€™re on the cover of YOW! MAGAZINE. šŸ˜

    Last talk of the day is @aaronmorton from @TheLastPickle talking about IoT and Apache Cassandra. ā€œI might be a little biasedā€¦ā€ šŸ˜‚ #YOWData

    More tech talks should describe availability and consistency using šŸ¶ and šŸ±. #YOWData @aaronmorton

    Protip for tech speakers: use GIANT text for code like @aaronmorton. Everyone in audience can read it easily. šŸ‘ #YOWData

    Highlight of the day was definitely scoring a 3-D printed Lanyard Looper from the inventor himself, @unixbigot!

    RT @ADuckIsMyFiend: Going to be speaking about street names at #yowdata tomorrow. Also going to be talking about them at @linuxconfau nextā€¦

    @ADuckIsMyFiend @linuxconfau Got selected? YAYYY awesome!

    Upcoming @yow_conf events for the remainder of 2017! Donā€™t forget to submit for the CTO Summitsā€¦ #YOWData

    Really excited to have @jessetanderson here from the US to talk about Apache Beam! #YOWData

    RT @unixbigot: First up at #YOWData @jessetanderson hypnotizes the audience YOU WILL USE APACHE BEAM.

    Also note @HealthHackAu is coming up in Sydney in November! Iā€™ll be a judge. You should sign up to participate.

    There are far too many big data frameworks and technologies out there. Beam means you donā€™t have to rewrite code. #YOWData @jessetanderson

    How to amuse geeks – sneak in a Star Wars reference in your code examples. šŸ˜‚ #YOWData @jessetanderson

    From Star Wars to Star Trek referencesā€¦ itā€™s all happening at #YOWData! @nomiddlename talking about image recognition for non-expertsā€¦

    Learning how ad networks work. ā€œā€¦because the relentless acquisition of material goods keeps us from staring into the abyss.ā€ šŸ˜‚ #YOWData

  • Shared today on Twitter

    @chaitanyakuber Iā€™m gonna go with 8.

    RT @yow_conf: The fun never stops on the YOW! train. The team are now heading to Sydney for #YOWData. Stay tuned for blow-by-blow updates tā€¦

    If you liked the people slides in my #dddperth talk, several of them came from @wocintechchat. Such a great idea! šŸ˜

    RT @BodegaBot: These two ex-Uber designers want to replace Thai restaurants with stealth aircraft

    RT @BodegaBot: These two ex-Facebook founders want to replace Falafel restaurants with home fuel cells

    RT @TheRealBnut: The plebiscite is ON! A lovely day to vote yes. #yes #VoteYes

    I talked about this yesterday a little at #dddperth yesterday. Polled the room on burnout, and nearly everyone raised their hands.

    Here’s the excellent šŸ˜“ talk by @JamieSkella at @theWebMeetup that I mentioned yesterday at #dddperth. via @YouTube

    @the_nathanjones I was getting riled up. šŸ˜¤

    See ya, Perth. Thanks to all my local friends for welcoming me as always, and to all the new folks I met at #dddpeā€¦

    RT @coopesdetat: Also good

    RT @battlepanda_au: Some of the champions of @DDDPerth #dddperth

    RT @yow_conf: Don’t forget our next Brisbane #yownight with @sveta_isakova on Kotlin on Sept 27

    “I’d like to invite you to a VIP event! Tickets are $60.” Wait, what?

    @hannahcancode My miniconf got approved!! šŸ˜³

    @chrisgander Totally made me cry.

    @hannahcancode Art + Tech! SO MANY IDEAS. We will talk. šŸ™‚

    @yow_conf Yay, is that @chaitanyakuber? šŸ‘‹

    @glasnt @hannahcancode Yes! I’d also like any advice you have on running a successful, awesome miniconf.

    @LapTop006 You really should!

    @TheRealBnut @hannahcancode Brilliant – thanks for the tip!

    Fun #YOWData speaker drinks tonight! Great chats with @minxdragon and @ADuckIsMyFiend.

    Love is… arriving home after 4 days away to “I made you chicken Wellington and there’s rosĆ© chilling in the fridge.” šŸ˜

    @cprieto Your talk gave me flashbacks to when my Aunt sold off her vintage 2600 and collection of games in a GARAGE SALE before I could stop her. šŸ˜­

    RT @msandfor: “The Campsite Rule” by @msandfor on @LinkedIn Inspired by @Web_Goddess and @DDDPerth #DDDPerth

    @msandfor @DDDPerth You wrote a thing, inspired by my thing?! šŸ˜

    @lemon_lime Around the same time “basic” became an insult, I reckon.

    Slides from my #dddperth talk are now online! The Campsite Rule – Leaving the Tech Industry Better Than We Found It

    Though really, they’re not going to mean a great deal without the accompanying video…

    @battlepanda_au Nah, only 2-5, 8, and 22 were mine. The rest all @unsplash and @wocintechchat!

    I have a BA in Film, TV, and Theatre. Have been working in tech my whole career! #unqualifiedfortech

    Great thread. Especially like the suggestion that one way you can improve things is calling out toxic behaviour when you see it.

    RT @unixbigot: Good morning Sydney. Iā€™m excited for the #YOWData conference, and awed to be among so many brilliant minds. Yes, you.

    @maybekatz @natalieisonline @alicegoldfuss Same! I had no idea there were so many of us. šŸ™‚

    Morning keynote! Learning about big data and genomics from @lynnlangit and @allPowerde. (10% of ppl hate coriander? Poor things!) #YOWData

    RT @delitescere: Kicking off @yow_conf day 1 of #YOWData – a heavy-hitting and information-packed programme.

    Sad about missing #YOWData? You can still sign up for @jessetandersonā€™s Apache Beam workshop on Wednesday!

    Due to privacy conditions, @lynnlangit & @allPowerde canā€™t show cancer genomics data. So insteadā€¦ HIPSTERISM as fake disease. šŸ˜‚ #YOWData

    The hipster phenotype is characterised by unibrow, checked shirt, beard, and coffee consumption. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ #YOWData

    RT @minxdragon: Fake disease genotypes – hipsters! Of course Melbourne is the main vector #yowdata

    Somewhere my friend @diversionary just had a shiver go up his spine. šŸ˜‚ #YOWData

    Genetic editing offers the possibility of eradicating genetic diseases. Currently achieving a 70% success rate in some cases! šŸ˜³ #YOWData

    Loving @minxdragonā€™s amazing slides about the future of art created by computers – some of them a bit disturbing! #YOWData