Month: September 2017

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    RT @yow_conf: How brilliant to see someone with a #YLJ at #yowsg! @CarloHamalainen

    @LapTop006 @freakboy3742 This is a common misconception. It’s actually “pumpkin pie spice” aka cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and it’s DELICIOUS. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @LapTop006 @freakboy3742 #piesplainer

    @LapTop006 @freakboy3742 One time I mixed up pumpkin pie spice and @i386 and I took it to @samplecoffeebar to try to convince them to make us a pumpkin spice latte.

    @LapTop006 @freakboy3742 @i386 @samplecoffeebar That’s when I discovered that SUGAR makes up the other 99% of the flavour.

    RT @MrPommyGit: Great to see Women who code at #YOWSG @Wwcodesingapore

    RT @bodil: This is perhaps the primary reason we don’t get to call ourselves engineers yet.

    Coffee snobs – whereโ€™s the best place in Pyrmont to buy beans? I just paid $15 at Antidote – there has to be another option? ๐Ÿ˜ณ

    @rachaelcarson Yeah, if I remember in time, I stop there on my way to Pyrmont. But if I forget, it’s like a wasteland. ๐Ÿ™

    @desplesda @parisba Damn you guys and your confusing, knitting-related libraries and hashtags!

    @geeksrgood Whole beans – 250g

    @RMcKergow Yeah, Sample deliver too. We just have a very weird coffee consumption rate. We go through 250g about every 6 days.


    @evanderkoogh Absolutely. As my volume of email has gone up, I’ve had trouble keeping up and it leads to massive guilt. It’s nice when people poke me.

    RT @caitie: Blogged: Resources for Getting Started with Distributed Systems

    @caitie Adulting all over the place! Congrats. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @tinypang Got, that fucking show. We started new season last night. Two eps in and it’s already GUTTING ME.

    @tinypang I saw a description of the show the other day as “Nihilism and animal puns.” Yep.

    @tinypang And I am way overinvested in Princess Caroline’s happiness.

    @TheRealBnut @tinypang Pretty sure I “liked” that tweet too. ๐Ÿ™‚

    RT @LukeSleeman: Its looks like we are going to have a truly fantastic lineup this year!

    One week to go before YOW! Data – thereโ€™s still time to get a ticket! The Program has been published so you can persuade your boss. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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    Baking Day started with a blueberry Dutch baby! #bakingday

    Better! (Just ignore the puddle of cheese in the middle…) #bakingday

    @leftclickben @DDDPerth At least mine will be end of the day. No one will be listening at that point! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Really proud of the @yow_conf team, especially my colleague @marlousteh! And so glad that @starbuxman is on the mend. Scary stuff.

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    @dp_lewis ๐Ÿ‘ Next stop – French braid!

    @supercres First three seasons really grew on me. Some scenes were devastating. “Am I a good person? I need you to tell me that I’m a good person.” ๐Ÿ˜ญ

    @supercres And now I just accept that I am an unabashed 100% fan of Mr. Peanutbutter.

    @supercres I haven’t started Season 4 yet. Glad to see it’s living up to expectations.

    @mmastertheone He’s so cute! Even just sitting there. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    RT @yow_conf: Our very own @web_goddess will be speaking at DevFest Melbourne 2017 on Oct 21

    Polishing my @DDDPerth talk intro over and over. It occurs to me that I put like 20x more effort into intros than conclusions. Anyone else?

    We’ve had veggies delivered from @OooobySyd for several yrs – organic, local, & good quality. Highly recommended! 7N6X32 code gets you $20.

    @starbuxman @yow_conf Hope you’re feeling okay today! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

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    @gilmae Sadly, there is big temptation to monetise community ideas and work. I want women-run businesses to succeed… but this is disappointing.

    @gilmae Trying to take the high road (despite subtweets). Best response is just to do my best to keep free, community-run events thriving, right?

    @unixbigot @yow_conf Of course – @yow_conf swag is geek high fashion! ๐Ÿค“

    Absolutely brilliant, and I will use in my next talk.

    Good grief, that is BUSTER BLUTH telling Dawson heโ€™s responsible for euthanising Mr. Brooks. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    @NicoleWill100 @annie_parker @steveathon @trello @canva just got some too! (Thanks @TheRealBnut for saving me some…) ๐Ÿ˜

    RT @yow_conf: This is what it’s all about for us at YOW!
    Sharing the knowledge wherever and whenever, cuz learning is forever. #yowhk httpsโ€ฆ

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    RT @lynnlangit: looking fwd to sharing the keynote w @allPowerde @yow_conf
    later this month in Oz

    @damncabbage @tobyhede “Thatโ€™s a motherfucking leather shrug.” How did I not know about this site? It’s clearly been MISSING FROM MY LIFE. ๐Ÿ˜

    RT @th0maswe1ss: Very excited to attend the very first YOW! conference in Hong Kong #YOWHK

    @charis @marlousteh @hello_daryl @stevenmak ๐Ÿ‘‹ Awww, all the awesome folks! Now you’re making me regret I’m not there.

    RT @nxdnz: Speaking @yow_conf is an honour, but your stage will be set by people like @linqpad – who publishes by the kilogram, not the pagโ€ฆ

    RT @glenmaddern: Well letโ€™s fucking win it then ๐ŸŒˆ

    The Cuban Rissole Crisis. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘ That is some expert-level menu punning!

    @FakeSamRitchie LOL. Would you believe I didn’t even notice that word? I was too busy laughing at “torpedo roll”.

    RT @nxdnz: @yow_conf I have a TaaS (Teenager as a Service) who polls the fridge for content every 10 mins, which informs the API (Actionablโ€ฆ

    @StokesXandra Fair point.

    RT @nevona: someone has been replacing the NYC MTA ads with their own way more subversive (and subtle) versions

    RT @nxdnz: Architecture & patterns guru Gregor Hohpe seen through the beautiful architectural patterns of @yow_conf in Hong Kong. Great cloโ€ฆ

    RT @nambor: Can’t wait to get down to Melbourne to present at @yow_conf #YOWConnected too. So much exciting stuff going on! #Immersive httpโ€ฆ

    @developerjack @caseywest What? In Sydney? YAY!

    Getting more women into tech is not a zero-sum game. We can have more than one group working towards goal without having to “own” the space.

    @charis @ghohpe Wait – did @ghohpe shave off his mustache?! #worldrocked @yow_conf

    You can now curate and share your own list of sessions for upcoming @yow_conf events! I wrote a blog post about it:

    @yow_conf …with cameos in the screenshots by @unixbigot and @sausheong. ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Fashion It So

    How did I not know that there is a blog dedicated to theย fashion of Star Trek: The Next Generation? This is GENIUS.