Month: September 2017

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    Pumpkin Spice Latte… deodorant. 2017 is so weird. (@i386 I’m actually tempted to buy for you.) 🎃☠️

    RT @SydTechLeaders: We’re back! Next meetup has just been announced. We’re talking to tech leaders who made leap to running businesses. htt…

    RT @Kasparov63: Nice, but I have some bad news about using this to defend against the robots…

    The schedules are now out for @yow_conf’s upcoming YOW! Data and Connected conferences! 🗓

    Hey Melbs! @yow_conf is holding a tech workshop for KIDS with @SaraJChipps from @jewelbots! 💎🤖❤️ Learn more here:

    @gilmae I thought you’d like that.

    @SaraJChipps @yow_conf @jewelbots Can you bring a Jewelbot for me? I want to do the workshop too! 😂

    @johnallsopp For some reason I read it as Bell Jar, and I thought you were being very dark in an obscure way. 😂

    @Squire_Matt @yow_conf On it. Cheers!

    @charis Yay! You’ll be fantastic. 🙂

    RT @TheTinaVasquez: BLOOP.

    @swjest @yow_conf I’m not on the Program Committee, but it looks to be a 3-person tag-team presentation.

    @swjest @yow_conf The website doesn’t show that well. It’s a new system; I’ve just raised a bug to the team. So thanks for that!

    @dp_lewis @200ok The JIRA equivalent of “did you rule out lupus?” 😂

    Robots in disguise! Do you see it? (Shadow knitting is basically lenticular.) 🤖❤️

    Damn – it’s not a video on Twitter. Click through to Insta for the full effect.

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    @porges YES! It was @chainedchaos31. Damn – didn’t realise she’d moved overseas. Thanks for the assist! 🙂

    RT @web_goddess: @porges YES! It was @chainedchaos31. Damn – didn’t realise she’d moved overseas. Thanks for the assist! 🙂

    Great post from one of our Girl Geek Sydney members! Well done @phoebegoh. 🙂 @GGDSydney

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: Which Roald Dahl character are you? I got The BFG! 🙂 #RoaldDahl via @OxfordWords

    Dammit. Who’s the recommended replacement for @stickermule these days?

    @dietrich @stickermule @stickerhd @stickergiant @stickerrobot How about for Australia?

    @chainedchaos31 @porges 👋 Somebody was asking me for recommendations of local women in games for a tech event, and I was gonna say you. But you’re gone!

    *gulp* Working on my talk now…

    @chainedchaos31 @porges No, no, not me! Was just recommending someone to speak at a tech event. If you know any local women in games, please let me know!

    @mmastertheone That’s bigger than my first apartment in Sydney.

    RT @MichelePlayfair: Microsoft seems to be upping the ante on Awesome lately.

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    RT @TraceySpicer: Seriously, it’s time to go back to the barricades about this shit.

    Mac and cheese with collard greens! My first time cooking them. Turns out 500ml of cream makes anything taste amaz…

    Huh. Open source platform for made-to-measure sewing patterns. Very cool!

    @charis Busy girl!!

    Great to see 4th annual @GGDSydney #shehacks listed as @sparkfestivalau event! 👏

    @charis I’m at the salon now. It’s my only chance to rest away from a computer. 😂

    Learning about flood mapping in Jakarta using social media from Dr. Matthew Berryman. Interesting! #alexasydney @SMART_facility

    Web Accessible Brunsviga 13RK. Sends request to human operator, who uploads video to YouTube. Love it! #alexasydney

    Hearing about @acloudguru from @petehanssens. He just mentioned he’s coming along to @yow_conf #YOWData in a fortnight! #alexasydney

    DRINK! (First time @petehanssens mentioned Alexa and the Echo just chimed in.) 😂 #alexasydney

    There are some challenges in building podcast skill for Alexa. For one, Alexa requires https so some podcasts must be proxied. #alexasydney

    Alexa speaks slowly. When designing skills, keep responses short, don’t add too many steps, and don’t answer questions with questions.

    @richbuggy @petehanssens They’re giving one away tonight, so can’t be far off…

    @richbuggy @petehanssens Tell @JedWatson he needs to have more door prizes at his meetup so I go to that one instead. 😉

    Wow. I read this in a trashy magazine at the salon today, and it turned out to be TRUE! Score one for the gossip rags.

    @shenmaxiu @midsomerplots LOL. I have actually seen that before. Nicely done! 👏

    @sdwagar 😂 I used to have a much treasured t-shirt with Bat Boy on it. ❤️🦇👶🏻

    RT @yow_conf: Don’t forget to join our HK yownight w/@daveathomas tomorrow “The Joy of Vector Programming”

    RT @MelissaKaulfuss: I’m on a bit of a self improvement kick, mostly around retraining my brain. Anyways, this article is full of gold http…

    Genius way of making friends at an international tech event! Nice one @zarahjutz

    @saberkite He’s holding out on you. I gave him like 4 extra hugs.

    @gilmae American craft beer hipster trends trickling down to Oz. The Snook reckons “barrel-aged sours” are the next thing coming.

    @FakeSamRitchie @mattdelves I think the @canva talk is about iOS too…

    @gilmae You’re not wrong. Hoppiness went off the charts, like daring to make the bitterest beer possible. 🤢

    I know I heard a tech talk from an Aussie woman game developer a few years back, but I can’t remember who. Help jog my memory, please!

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    Trying to use @AmericanExpress Rewards Points for @Ticketmaster_AU purchase and just getting error. Frustrating. Bad customer experience.

    I know what I’m doing on my next birthday. 🙂

    @anthonypjshaw @AmericanExpress @Ticketmaster_AU It was my first ever attempt at using it. I wasn’t impressed.

    Bitching about realities of running a craft retail shop on Ravelry. Second only to bookstores in terms of retirement goals for masocists. 🙃

    My @KnitYak package is on its way! Thanks @fbz – I can’t wait to get it. 😁

    @Malarkey Where’s she gone? Home for a visit?

    RT @RoaldDahlFans: It’s not often I get to read a story by Dahl that I’ve never read before! Blogged: “The Amazing Eyes of Kuda Bux” https:…

    Finally watching the end of Electric Dreams… and Miriam Margolyes is in this??

    PS Moles is kind of a dick.

    Poor Edgar committed suicide, and evil Moles gets the girl? Such bullshit. #electricdreams

    I’m delighted to see though that Winston T. Dog played himself. #electricdreams

    @HANSwerThePhone Not big enough? 😂

    RT @yow_conf: Calling #BigData, Analytics & #MachineLearning enthusiasts! Our #yowdata conference is for you.

  • “The Amazing Eyes of Kuda Bux” – Roald Dahl Fans

    It’s not often I get to read a story by Roald Dahl that I’ve never read before! Recently I had that wonderful thrill though when I finally managed to track down a copy of Dahl’s 1952 essay “The Amazing Eyes of Kuda Bux” in an old magazine on eBay. Head over to Roald Dahl Fans to read the rest…

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    RT @z_rose: The older I get and the more I know the angrier I get about little acts of gender bias I used to shrug at. It’s not conducive t…

    @jessfraz We have a shelf of similar items in our living room. We refer to it as The Museum of Obsolete Technology.

    @jessfraz Right now I’m staring at a 1st Gen iPod, original GameBoy, and mint condition Zip Drive. All dead but not forgotten.

    Finally seeing The Big Sick. Been looking forward to this! (@ Dendy Cinemas – @dendysydney in Newtown, NSW)

    AWESOME. I’ll be in Perth for @DDDPerth, so count me in @LJKenward!

    Just saw The Big Sick, and it was exactly as charming and funny as I’d hoped. Just what I needed! Well done @kumailn. 👏

    @gilmae ?

    @gilmae Oh wait. Just saw it. Congrats @randomknits!!

    @carbocommander 😂🍀🏈

    Looking at upcoming tech meetups, and damn, Sydney is so fragmented. There are fully SEVENTEEN meetups happening on the 12th. 😕

    @afcowie I guarantee you there’s a recruiter registering that group on @Meetup right now. 🙂

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    LOL I went to ESPN to see predictions for ND v. Temple and scrolled to the comments… 😂 @carbocommander

    @jnowland @LinkedIn Oh, I changed it to “no.” I should’ve taken the screenshot afterwards. 🙂

    It’s like a Cosby sweater gone haywire. 😍 Very very tempted…

    @GLITCHAUS What’s the sizing like? How large is Large?

    @GRobilliard @lachlanhardy @danmedcraft @stevelikesyou I was at a tech event last night talking to someone griping about recruiters. “Except for Lookahead,” he added grudgingly. “They’re good.” 😘

    @saramic Most imp. question – is it hand knit? Check seams inside. Some machine knits will be cut and sewn together, so you won’t get long strands.

    @saramic Once you unpick seams, you should be able to unravel from the top downwards (unless it was knitted top-down, in which case reverse).

    @saramic Then get or fashion a niddy noddy so you can wind hanks: Give the hanks a soak in the tub to relax the kinks.

    @saramic Then wind into new balls and knit away! 🙂

    @saramic Here’s a tutorial as well!

    RT @mariskreizman: The only all-female reboot I need is the one of this presidency.

    RT @IngaPflaumer: It’s official. I am a finalist of “The YOW! Women in Tech Competition”! It’s so amazing!!! thanks, @yow_conf https://t.c…

    Congrats to 2017 @yow_conf Women speakers finalists! @IngaPflaumer @KiahHickson @stringy @devdevcharlie & more!

    @starbuxman @yow_conf @Doctor_Astro @lynnlangit @ghohpe @mjpt777 Awww, you’re killing me! 😭

    RT @wordpressdotcom: For our Australian visitors: we’re proud to support equality for all.

    #VoteYes for #MarriageEquality…

    @stringy @yow_conf @IngaPflaumer @KiahHickson @devdevcharlie I’m really excited for all of you! You’re gonna get so much out of Damian’s training day. 🙂

    @saramic @ravelry Wait – tardis mouse? Haha, you might be looking at someone else’s projects.

    @carbocommander Have you figured out how you’re going to watch it? I’ll probably have to find some dodgy Russian stream as usual…

    @darthted @gilmae

    RT @JordanRinke: We need less hackathons, more apprenticeships. Less bootcamps, more classes. Less rockstars, more mentors. Develop people…

    @carbocommander Oh god I just realised it’s on at 5:30am Sunday here. Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. I look forward to waking up to the score. 🙂

    @gilmae @darthted But his pedantry is why I liked him. I gotta respect somebody with a code. #prescriptivist4lyfe

    @inplaneterms @BernHyland @witqld @prototypo What is this? Whatever it is – congrats Bernadette! 👏